4 years ago
Patch 2.4
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Free Agent - EU

Deja Vu
Build Section

I like to take this on certain maps where Temporal Divide isn't as strong like Brightmarsh or Bazaar, though I do see a lot more value in Temporal Divide overall.

Note - Paladins.guru seems to have an issue for me where I can't select any of his armour/weapon loadout cards, so I will list them in text.

Old Wounds 5 - Increase your maximum health by 750.

Paradox 4 - Reduce the cool-down of second chance by 2 seconds.

Distant Memory 4 - Increase your Healing received from others by 20% while at or below 50% Health.

Continuum Shift 1 - Second Chance sends you 0.4 seconds further into the past.

Hell Hunter 1 - Generate 1 Ammo after hitting a fully-charged weapon shot.

Temporal Divide

My Favourite talent to take on Atlas, can change team fights so much even with the increased cool-down. Especially powerful on maps such as Frog Isle and Fish Market. Works well with Beyond the Veil.

Old Wounds 5 - Increase your maximum health by 750.

Distant Memory 4 - Increase your Healing received from others by 20% while at or below 50% Health.
Beyond the Veil 4 - Passing through Stasis Field increases your allies' or your own Movement Speed by 28% for 3 seconds.

Continuum Shift 1 - Second Chance sends you 0.4 seconds further into the past.

Hell Hunter 1 - Generate 1 Ammo after hitting a fully-charged weapon shot.

Item Pickups

Level 3




Increase the effectiveness of Shields you create by 30%. This does not affect most cards and passives.

Level 3




Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 18%.

Level 3




Receive 30% more Healing from other players.

Level 3

Master Riding

Master Riding


Increase your Mount Speed by 45%.

Level 3




Gain 21% Movement Speed.

Level 3


Cauterize - Self Explanatory, valued card in most champion play-styles and is everywhere

Haven/Blast shields - If you find yourself dueling a DPS champion a lot you may want to pick up this for extra survivability and not get caught out by burst damage without using your Second Chance.

Resilience - Especially strong on Atlas as CC and now recently cripples counter him a lot as he won't be able to use Second Chance or Stasis Field in an attempt to fight back.

Rejuvenate - Always helpful even with Distant Memories, really allows you to take more fights that you wouldn't win otherwise.

Master Riding - Powerful choice on all off-tanks as it allows them to rotate lanes and wrap around the enemies faster on mount and gives you more time to think about where you might flank from.

Nimble - Bit of a personal choice honestly, but I like it to chase targets and to really get off a rewind with Deja Vu you might have not got off otherwise.


This guide is only made because of Vex30 bullying me about accidentally uploading a random one which I couldn't seem to delete. Thats why its rushed >:/. Hope you still liked it :)