4 years ago
Patch 2.4
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Free Agent - NA

Hello, how's everyone doing. I have a very high casual elo and I'm a career master player. Be sure to test this Build in Casual before going ranked because most cards can be replaced. The main card is Nowhere to hide. Be sure to place your drones in the best spots and ideally where your team can make plays for max results

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Build Section

One Step Ahead (LEVEL 5) - Mobility and rotation is a must. You don't want to be ads 24/7 unless you know you will not be flanked. High level players will constantly try to dive you and kill you so you should look to rotate and play around team.

Nowhere to hide (LEVEL 4) - I'm a skye main; please never use this card against me. Skye is so unplayable into this card it's not even funny. I'm just saying this so you understand how much vision you get from this card. I am pretty sure resilience counters this card but from my experience, no one is aware of that. I play console so maybe this is why players don't know this. Even GM's don't buy resil to counter this card. I honestly believe people just underestimate the vision. They think they're dying for other reasons but on your end, when you reveal an enemy, you will see your flankers eyeing them down and looking to kill them. But the enemy is usually not aware of this so they don't go into resil. This is the BEST CARD I have ever used on Vivian and will be your win factor. I've won every game except one with this build but it was because that one team didn't care about being revealed and because it was not a team that could be easily pushed or dove. Even in that game, I had 40k damage more than the enemy top damage player and I was playing against 3 GMS. Reveal is SO STRONG in Paladins. You will get credit for elims like crazy. Giving your team 24/7 Wallhacks is so overpowered my goodness this card is too strong. If your team has a ton of CC then maybe you might not wanna use this build since the enemy will buy resil but so far it's been great for me.

Hidden Reserves (LEVEL 3) - This is a prefernce card. I like to ADS and it prevents me from reloading constantly which is a nuisance on Vivian. If you don't ADS much on Vivian then perhaps you may want to switch it for Unchecked Ambition or a card of your choice. If you buy deft hands on Vivian then you don't need these cards. You could even skip Cauterize (Unless you play against Furia since she's a burst pocket healer) but only if your aim is really good. I don't risk skipping cauterize though which is why I use this card. No point of using a team build if you're going to buy selfish items.

Joyless Eyes (LEVEL 2) - You can push this card up to 3 but I feel like on most maps level 2 is enough.

Controlling Nature (LEVEL 1) - I am pretty sure that you can only have 2 drones up at a time so there's no point in having this card at a high level but it's nice to use have it at level 1 as basically a passive

Max Vision
One Step Ahead

One Step Ahead


Increase your Movement Speed by 20%.

Level 5

Nowhere to Hide

Nowhere to Hide

Sensor Drone

Sensor Drone's Reveal persists for 2.8s after an enemy leaves its Reveal range.

Level 4

Hidden Reserves

Hidden Reserves

Precision Sights

Every weapon shot made while Precision Sights is active has an 24% chance to not consume Ammo.

Level 3

Joyless Eyes

Joyless Eyes

Sensor Drone

Increase the range at which Sensor Drone Reveals targets by 20%.

Level 2

Controlling Nature

Controlling Nature

Precision Sights

Reduce the Cooldown of Sensor Drone by 0.08s for every enemy hit while Precision Sights is active.

Level 1

The Best Vivian build no one knows about