3 years ago
Patch 3.3
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Free Agent - NA

I will explain and show you the proper way to get a good amount of healing with jenos, i saw a lot of people having issue healing 2 tanks with jenos and that is beacause their load outs do not have a good point distribuition in this 3 cards:

RETROGRADE(reduce the cooldown of the astral mark)

ASTRAL CYCLE(increase the duration)

LIGHTYEARS(increase the reach on the mark)

Build Section

This is the main load out that you want to have on short to medium maps, its base is around having the maximum duration on the mark(12 seconds approximately) and it is the best way to get more than 150k heals on a 12-15 minutes match.

besides this build, you need to pay attention to your teammates and be careful with the enemy flank, try to put the mark on the off tank or flank first then the 2nd put it on the dmg or your point tank, the dps dont need a large amount of healing, but if you saw them having trouble on a 1v1 and they get low after you put a mark on them try to put a 2nd and help your team with your void grip when you can, the last 2 cards are for sustain, relativity is the most important of the 2, because it heals you at the same time you are healing someone, and penumbra is just in case you cant run of a 1v1 against a flank or any other enemy this card and the healing bost of relativity can increase your chances of survive.

The 2nd build change a little bit, this time i put astral cycle at level 4 and lightyears too, that is because this build is more for long maps, the mark duration here is just 10 seconds, but the range is increased, i tried it on maps like timber mill, ice mines, and shattered dessert and its amazing how you can heal from a very far distance.

i tried to put lightyears at 5 and astral cycle at 3, but it is not worth it, you lose your mark on an ally to fast and the range dont change to much in comparasion with having lightyears at 4 so dont do that if you want a good healing stats.

A tip that i can give you is dont play jenos with an inara or yagorath, i know they are not that common in rankeds today, but if you need to go support with any of this 2, pick furia or damba, both yago and inara cant take to much advantage of the dmg burst that jenos provides, he is more for an aggresive composition for example with an ash or a zhin or maybe pocketing the dps with a field study torvald, so keept that in mind if you want to support your team in the best way possible, i hope this help yall to have good healing stast with the good jenos.



Astral Mark

Reduce the Cooldown of Astral Mark by 2s.

Level 5

Astral Cycle

Astral Cycle

Astral Mark

Increase the duration of Astral Mark by 2s.

Level 5



Astral Mark

Increase the range of Astral Mark by 12%.

Level 3



Astral Mark

Heal for 40 every 1s for 10s after applying Astral Mark.

Level 1




Gain 5% Lifesteal.

Level 1




Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 30%.

Level 3



Astral Mark

Reduce the Cooldown of Astral Mark by 2s.

Level 5

Astral Cycle

Astral Cycle

Astral Mark

Increase the duration of Astral Mark by 1.6s.

Level 4



Astral Mark

Increase the range of Astral Mark by 16%.

Level 4



Astral Mark

Applying Astral Mark heals you for 160 Health per second over 10 seconds.

Level 1

Heavenly Pull

Heavenly Pull

Void Grip

Increase the range at which you can use Void Grip by 10%.

Level 1




Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 30%.

Level 3