4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA


Mal'Damba Mal'Damba


I consider Mal'damba a late game support you need smart teammates to know to stand on the gourd and his stun can be hard to master and his Mending Spirits is easy to miss with so you want his card Eerie Presence and Swift Spirits for offensive reasons, you also want max Chronos so you can spam Mending spirits


Furia Furia
Io Io


A very straightforward Support great defensively and offensively her pyre beam is wonderful for stunning enemies and her Kindle Soul mixed with her Light of Dawn card can be very useful!


A very good support for Siege dropping luna on the capture point and healing your teammates with Moonlight

mixed with her card Moonlight Garden can be very useful!


Ying Ying
Grover Grover


In my opinion she doesn't have much for heal besides her Illusion and her Illusory Rift (Ultimate) I kind of wish she had a heal like Seris or Io but her Illusory Mirror deals so much damage, she makes a great damage or flank.


Very straightforward and underrated support his Blossom is a very nice heal and his Crippling Throw mixed with DEEP ROOTS is very good for siege or onslaught, his Vine is pretty bad for console users in my opinion


Seris Seris
Jenos Jenos


Ah seris one of the best supports for beginners the combination of her Soul Orb, Rend Soul and Convergence (Ultimate) is very well thought out, and that Restore Soul and how it travels through teammates is very useful.


One of the supports with the longest Cooldown on his heal (Astral Mark) I would highly recommend his card Retrograde and his talent LUMINARY because his Cooldown is so big you will be shooting a lot so you definitely want his card Solar Sails.


Pip Pip
Grohk Grohk


The most controversial support know for being used as a flank all the time because his Healing Potion can self heal, Your really gonna wanna use Weightless to its full extent and after getting hit Healing Potion yourself I wouldn't recommend him for Siege I'd use him for TDM


A very powerful support, I don't use hit that often so I don't have a lot to say about him but I recommend using his SPIRIT'S DOMAIN talent and use his cards Electrostatic and Monolith Totem






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