4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA

Champions Rated Based on Annoynace Factor (My Personal Opinion)


Evie Evie
Atlas Atlas
Willo Willo

Evie - Can allow one schizo lad on coke to run around and wreak havoc upon anyone who dares cross his path. Evie is the only thing that can possibly make me feel bad for console players, considering you have to track her erratic movement. F key, Q key + M1 + Wormhole creates possibly the most annoying champion in the game.

Atlas - Moving? the hell's that? Go back to spawn, troglodyte, you're out of time. By far one of the most annoying creatures to ever walk this realm, his CC isn't even classified as CC for christ's sake. The man can literally stare at you dead in the face and regen all of his health whilst reaping you of all yours. Nerf it.

Willow - Shoot the floor and top score. The most recent patch nerfing her damage falloff and flight distance still hasn't made her any less of a pain to deal with. There's good reason why PPL teams will insta-ban this devil.


Raum Raum
Io Io
Zhin Zhin
Strix Strix
Seris Seris

Raum - Blatantly OP marathon runner who seems to be immune to all forms of damage. Who said tanks couldn't beat snipers?

Io - Luna is an absolute menace to deal with, especially considering the damn thing can contest or assist capturing the objective. Luna also does really absurd damage and has stun capabilities. The most annoying Io builds are builds based around Luna or her F ability. Io herself also has absurd amounts of damage for being a champion built around a healslut playstyle. imagine having falloff, am i right.

Zhin - Deflect and Bellow can go suck one. Pick the talent that heals during Bellow. Make drogoz rethink his life choices.

Strix - Blatantly OP bodyshotting spawn of satan who can do 10 x more dmg than tyra's primary assault rifle with his secondary P I S T O L. He also has a free stealth tool to come with it.

Seris - Literally goes immune while stealthed, regens to full when soul crushing and makes you gaze into the abyss from time to time. Also ruins 1 v 1's a lot with her rage-inducing high burst healing. This champion, alongside Io, is a quick reminder that rushing caut 3 is still a viable strat.


Moji Moji
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Talus Talus
Jenos Jenos
Lian Lian

Moji - Her Q makes everyone rethink their life decisions when their .2 second reaction time cant even save them from this instant barrier of doom. She also loves snacks.

Damba - D E F T H A N D S P A M

Talus - This shota POS can literally pump insane amounts of lead into a frontline and somehow not get tinnitus after emptying the mag. He also can get out of jail free whenever he pleases. My recommendation is purchasing life rip, caut and haste for maximum pissoffery.

Jenos - Void grip + F. Literal hit and run class.

Lian - I also love not putting any effort into hitting people for free. #BurstMeta4Lyfe

seriously, nerf Lian's burst capabilities, sick of it.


Maeve Maeve
Inara Inara
Skye Skye
Tyra Tyra

Maeve - ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. Haste maeve's with movement speed builds are the absolute bane of any healer who thinks they're safe. as well as console players

Inara - Her no fun zone puts an end to the hopes and dreams of anyone with more momentum than your average Walmart shopper in a motorized scooter.

Skye - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... love me some debilitate...

Tyra - Spam mollies, no exception, just don't OD on em.


Cassie Cassie
Bomb King Bomb King
Lex Lex
Kinessa Kinessa
Terminus Terminus
Ash Ash

Cassie - Knockback and Burst Meta, disgusting.

Bomb King - Give your king a big pat on the back for being one of the most annoying CC classes out of any game I've ever played.

Lex - Pew Pew. You ever want to be a flank and DPS at the same time, AUTO AIM INCLUDED? Well, nows your chance to do exactly that.

bad ult and RNG wallhax included

Terminus - Ult takes a while but it pisses the living christ out of anyone within twenty meters of it. Almost nothing more annoying than taking down that 5k hp tank and witnessing him get a triple whilst fully rezzing himself back on the objective. His deflect recharges too damn fast as well. Only downside is his THICC hitbox.

Kinessa - Long range killer, just slightly less annoying than Strix. Only thing she does better than him is get out of jail free cards due to the teleports.

Ash - Such survivability should be illegal.


Vivian Vivian
Khan Khan
Makoa Makoa

Vivian- Hold Mouse 1 and get the continuous fire talent; that's it. Also screw over every Skye player in existence w/ drones.

Khan - Take people's lunch money with ease as you launch them behind you effortlessly, making them regret buying life rip instead of resilience.

M'koa - The chaddiest of chads. Wears a fedora, has a perfectly groomed neckbeard, can have insane mouse control with his hook and is ultra instinct during his ult. Nothing can stop this man.


Barik Barik
Androxus Androxus
Imani Imani

Barik - Auto aim deployables and the best point tank in the game, what could possibly go wrong? Your enemies' mental health after one match with you.

Androxus - Reflect can go blow one, nothing more to say here.

Imani - Her annoyance is purely based off of her CC and insane burst dmg, as well as her get out jail + regen free known as her F key.


Grohk Grohk
Viktor Viktor
Pip Pip
Ying Ying
Torvald Torvald

Grohk - It seems most of the time the only people you'll annoy with this absolute sexy beast is your teammates by not picking an actual healer. Side note, good Grohk players with proper builds including Maelstrom talent + Pulse Beam cards can easily put him at a solid S tier or higher. Has high potential for tilt.

Viktor - Screw cardio users. Burst fire numba wan. In all seriousness though, cardio is the most annoying thing about Viktor; the ability to just sit there on the point sponging up damage early game with your incredible survivability can allow you to rival FRONTLINES (only applies in the first half).

Pip - Grohk's description can apply here too.

Ying - I will admit I'm kinda biased considering I have the most hours on her out of all my champs played. But GODDAMN is every resonance F spamming Ying an absolute pain in the ass to come up against. Side note, Red Rover playing this class instantly puts this up to SS tier. put illusions in front of Drogoz ults for free rage quit i promise

Torvald - I miss his old OB days.. anywho, his nullify is really the only annoying part about him alongside his shields b4 everyone buys up wrecker 2+.


Grover Grover
Furia Furia
Dredge Dredge
Drogoz Drogoz
Buck Buck

Grover - Stuns and vine is about the only things that allow him to piss people off, the former can be negated by resilience and the vine isn't as good as other movement abilities. His ult can, however, ruin 1 v 1's with its immense immunity healing.


Dredge - Can be moved to A- to A+ tier if using Deft hands scuttle meta, broadside spamming, or harpoon spamming.

Drogoz - I'm biased because I play a lot of hitreg classes. Moves up a few tiers if harassing projectile classes like BK

Buck - Good buck players can, once again, move him up a few tiers, poor buck players will have a hard time making any impact for your team and little to none on theirs. He can, however, be decently annoying with any build based around the net shot. Keep in mind that it's hard-countered by resilience.


Ruckus Ruckus
Fernando Fernando
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Koga Koga

Ruckus - Again, the only annoyed ones are your teammates, if that's what you're going for... hot damn do i have a champion for you. The only step is picking him when 4/5 people have selected and you're in need of a frontline. Instead of going koa or barik, just pick a flank tank.

Fernando - His voicelines are more annoying than fighting against him. Despite his recent buff, he still gets nailed by wrecker.

Sha Lin - Only annoying if you havent bought up illuminate yet.

Koga - Not nearly as annoying as he used to be back when he was OP as balls. The fact that he makes footsteps equivalent to the sound of a garbage truck unloading is more annoying than going up against one.

Unranked Champions
15 Champions
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx