5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA

This is a tier list for PC Diamond ish rank. Some picks that suck at a pro level will be higher here because of the moderately lesser awareness, skill, coordination, and the higher variability in skill. (For instance I love playing Dredge, but that doesnt work when the other team is all at my level or higher.) Also some console and low elo picks suck at even this level.


Makoa Makoa

Koa is still the king. Hes more vulnerable now but still great.


Ash Ash
Cassie Cassie
Lian Lian

Mobility, poke damage, backline bully, survivability, utility, displacement, amazing ult. Ash has it all. Lian and Cassie have great consistent damage to go with insane burst.


Khan Khan
Terminus Terminus
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba

Khan brings a lot to the table, and a good terminus can carry games. Damba is one of the best balanced characters in the game.


Inara Inara
Torvald Torvald
Grover Grover
Bomb King Bomb King
Imani Imani

Inara is the queen of point sustain. Torvald is this high because of the ability of a good pocketed dps to carry games. Grover has good healing, damage, and utility, but isnt good for split pushes. Bk is the only relevant blaster anymore against most comps. Imani forces enemy itemization, but is worse than cassie/lian, and only works if resil/bulldozer dont counter very much of the rest of your team.


Barik Barik
Seris Seris
Pip Pip
Grohk Grohk
Evie Evie
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Kinessa Kinessa
Zhin Zhin
Vivian Vivian

Barik does point stuff well, seris has decent healing but not much else, pip and grohk are situational damage picks. If you go heal pip or grohk they are lower on this list. A good evie works well, but high skill cap + lian and cassie countered. Sha is decent but not great. Nessa is map situational. Zhin is the only other viable flank atm. Vivian has damage.


Fernando Fernando
Ruckus Ruckus
Furia Furia
Ying Ying
Strix Strix
Koga Koga
Viktor Viktor
Tyra Tyra

Poor nando is suffering, ruckus tends to get countered but has good damage. Furia is very flankable with a high risk heal beam. Ying has decent healing but not much else. Strix is rarely good except against certain comps. If you shoot koga he dies fast. Viktor isnt that good at kill confimation. Tyra has a lot of useful abilities but dies easily.


Atlas Atlas
Jenos Jenos
Drogoz Drogoz
Androxus Androxus
Skye Skye

Most people still dont know how to play atlas and use setback and his ultimate to save enemies. Jenos cant sustain a team under focus fire, but can work if you have a good dps. Drogoz can fly but cant do a whole lot up there. Andro can melt, but reversal lag makes him miserable to play if not on lan. Skye is situational/koa counter.


Buck Buck
Maeve Maeve
Dredge Dredge

Buck cant do consistent enough damage, maeve has decent damage and mobility, but cant win most 1v1s. Dredge is easily countered by terminus, long range damage, koa, anything that can fly or jump, or any comp that can steamroll to a 4-0 before he gets Deft Hands 3. Hurl sucks. Abyss Spike is much worse than Hurl.


Talus Talus
Willo Willo
Moji Moji

Talus doesnt really have anything that others dont do better. Willo cant do damage, moji has good damage but glaring weaknesses in one of the worst base kit/loadout/talent combos in the game. Id say the worst.


Lex Lex

Lex just dies

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx