5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

Hey guys! Im a High Gold/Low Plat player and this is a personal tierlist to help out new players in that rank what to pick!



Barik Barik
Makoa Makoa
Jenos Jenos

Barik is a almost a god-tier tank if played well! Definetly pick him.

Makoa, since his release, has been a staple of the Tank meta and still is great, even after the Leviathan nerf.

Recently, the resurgence of Jenos has truly shown how good he is. Tanks need to play around him, not being as agressive because of his lower burst healing, put his damage bonus and consistent healing has shown how great he is.


Cassie Cassie
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Torvald Torvald

Cassie has always been a solid pick as a good dps. She even surpasses skye in tank melting with big game!

Mal'damba, just like cassie and makoa, has always been a good support since his release, with reliable healing and on-demand CC and a great ult!

Torvald has recently come back into the meta, with the burst meta slowly fading away. He can constantly output shielding and is a great champion to be paired with a main tank!


Evie Evie
Bomb King Bomb King
Inara Inara
Ash Ash
Khan Khan
Imani Imani
Atlas Atlas

Evie has been played more and more in the lower tiers. She's a high mobility and good damage flank but has the highest skillcap in the game. Train her alot in casual before bringing her in competitive!

Bomb king isn't the easiest to play but he can output lots of AOE damage and has some CC and mobility here and there, good pick all around.

We can say she is a Rock solid tank! Hah, sorry for the pun! Inara is extremely survivable and has plenty of CC, as a main tank she is great.

Ash has been nerfed and kinda fell off since then but she's still a highly survivable, high CC tank that can annoy the hell out of the ennemy team.

Khan has everything. Survivability, damage and CC. He is a great tank and worthy of a pick if other tanks arent up.

Imani is an all right damage dealer, but her true power comes from her insane ult. If she's up, get her.

Atlas is a higher skill gap but high CC champion capable of sending back people in time and putting them in bad positions, and at low health. He is great on a player that can truly master him.


Androxus Androxus
Grover Grover
Tyra Tyra
Seris Seris
Lian Lian
Zhin Zhin
Terminus Terminus
Furia Furia

Androxous has fallen off the meta a bit since his nerf but he's still a good contender for a mobile, high damage flank.

Grover, since his nerf, has also fallen off the meta a bit but still is a great AOE healer for grouped up teams.

For Tyra, an A+ may be exaggerated, but it's to emphasize that she just does more than Viktor and is an all right pick.

Seris can output lots of heals and in this lower bracket, she is much better as flanks dont punish as much healers.

Lian has been heavily nerfed but she can still do good damage.

With his nerf, Zhin has fallen off too but still is an all right flank with still plenty of damage and survivability.

When he isnt removed from the game because of his huge bugs, Terminus is an all right tank that can annoy the team with a great shield and good burst damage.

Furia, with her recent buff, has kind of come back to life. But she isnt good enough if not played with a coordinated team.


Pip Pip
Skye Skye
Ruckus Ruckus
Drogoz Drogoz
Viktor Viktor
Willo Willo
Strix Strix
Talus Talus
Vivian Vivian

Pip can totally be viable as a damage but just simply doesnt work as a healer. Pick him with catalyst.

Skye can help out melt tanks but she's bad at litteraly anything else. She's viable but there's better picks.

Ruckus has fallen off the meta a bit but he's still a good contender for an off tank putting up alot of damage on the point. He's generally picked when most "good tanks" (atlas makoa khan torvald inara barik) have already been picked/banned.

Drogoz is still all right even with his nerf but other damage dealers can be countered less.

Viktor is generally a troll pick since this patch but as a serious damage dealer he can still be playable, but i dont recommend picking him over a Tyra as he doesnt bring much else to the team than damage.

Willo is an all right pick doing some mediocre aoe damage, but her ability to keep tanks off the point makes her preety viable in this lower bracket.

Strix, a preety much straight upgrade to Kinessa, is a situational pick on maps with long sightlines.

Talus can really be a damage powerhouse but doesnt have enough mobility to get around the map and flank from behind. He's playable.

Vivian is seen from time to time as a insane damage output champion, but her total lack of mobility and her low contribution to the team make her a mediocre pick.


Kinessa Kinessa
Ying Ying
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Maeve Maeve
Lex Lex
Moji Moji
Koga Koga
Dredge Dredge

Kinessa, while being situational, is just not as good as strix, because she's much worse at close quarters combat. She's still a good pick on long sightline maps.

Ying, while outputting high amounts of heals, has nothing else for her such as CC or damage. Pick any other support (apart pip and ghrok!) and you'll be doing better.

Shalin doesnt have much going for him, mediocre damage and not much mobility, other damage champs just do more than him.

There simply are better picks than Maeve. Without her mobility from her nerf, she simply is a mediocre flank and there are better picks.

Lex has been seen a bit more since his small buff but still doesnt have the mobility he needs to be good enough. His damage output and his reveal are great though, and a good player can make good use out of him!

Moji: M for Mediocre. She has an insane damage output but doesnt have enough mobility and survivability. Other flanks can do more than her.

As the playerbase learned how to counter Koga, he fell of his grace and is a truly mediocre champion not worthy of a pick or ban.

Dredge just has spam, and nothing else. Just dont play him.


Grohk Grohk
Buck Buck

Ghrok simply has nothing going for him apart high hp/s with Spirit's domain but it's heavily countered by caut. He's mediocre as best as a damage.

B for Buck. If he wouldn't have been called Buck i would've put him in C tier. Just all out bad and barely playable.


Fernando Fernando

Fernando is just unplayable. He has nothing going on for him and all the other tanks surpass him.


And here ends my Tierlist. Thanks for reading!

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx