4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

Hey, this is a tierlist that i made with Platinum experience!
Note: Supports will be rated as supports/healers not just their healing numbers! Also: Healers are not bannable except for Jenos maybe, so if you see a support around S's just consider them good! And i will rate every support as support not dmg.

Damage first, Tanks, Healers, Flanks.

This is just my opinion :)


Strix Strix
Makoa Makoa
Io Io

SS - Bannable, needs nerf, god.

Strix = Too op, pistol has a lot of dmg.

Makoa = Awesome ultimate, seris ult combo gg.

IO = Good ult, Good heals, Good self sustain, Op dmg, Op deployable.


Atlas Atlas
Raum Raum
Willo Willo
Furia Furia
Maeve Maeve
Evie Evie

S+ - Bannable, very good.

Atlas = Was SS but got nerf, High dmg, often played and often banned.

Raum = Never dies, Annoying F but gets countered by stuns and cripple.

Willo = OP OP, deadzone on point ez win, but strix kills her easily.

Furia = OP heal, good dmg, stun and good f.

Maeve = Is very op specially if they play sky maeve xD.

Evie = they often are bad evies, but you know how evie is.


Cassie Cassie
Lian Lian
Khan Khan
Seris Seris
Zhin Zhin

S - Could be banned for counter picks, very good.

Cassie = High damage, op ult, counters maeve.

Lian = same as cassie
Khan = If ash ults you know what to do.

Seris = OK OK, i know she should not be here, but she is pretty good in platinum since they mostly only want heals so in a 10 minute game you can get 150k heals if you want. Good ult for combos, F is very good, dmg could be better.

Zhin = Smolder is cancer, so there you go. Personally this champ should be removed.


Tyra Tyra
Inara Inara
Barik Barik
Ying Ying
Moji Moji

S- - Good, rarely bannable, for counter picks.

Tyra = Burn monster = 200k dmg

Inara = Most often picked tank for points, pretty stable.

Barik = low health but pretty good overall.

Ying = Healing god, but players can't play with Ying. you need skills for her. One of the most op ults.

Moji = Moji is cancer but in high ranks they know how to deal with her not in this one.


Bomb King Bomb King
Viktor Viktor
Vivian Vivian
Ash Ash
Grover Grover

A+ - Same as A+ but swith something more.

Bk= He's good but people can't play with him
Viktor = Viktor is for noobs, sorry viktor mains but it's the truth. And if you go to ranked with viktor cardio and morale and get almost 200 k dmg, sorry but you're bad.

Vivian = usually good but usually bad,

Ash = Don't pick after Khan.

Grover = Good heals, dmg and ult! but players can't play with grover.


Drogoz Drogoz
Torvald Torvald
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Androxus Androxus

A - Good, Balanced.

Drogoz = players can't play with him and he get's countered easily, but overall insane dmg.

Torvald = He's ok nothing too special

Damba= Good in higher ranks.

Androxus = They can't use him, but ok flanker.


Kinessa Kinessa
Terminus Terminus
Jenos Jenos

A- Almost balanced - good.

Kinessa = Meh but good dmg
Terminus = good ult with seris

Jenos = Very good but low Healing output.


Dredge Dredge
Fernando Fernando
Pip Pip
Talus Talus

B- Meh, needs buff.

Dredge = Bad

Nando = Worse
Pip = can't hit the heals.

Talus = He's alright.


Imani Imani
Ruckus Ruckus
Skye Skye

C- Bad, don't pick unless you have no other choice.

Imani = slow af, good ult, but she's just not right.

Ruckus = No

Skye = Illuminate and gg.


Sha Lin Sha Lin
Grohk Grohk
Buck Buck
Lex Lex
Koga Koga


Sha lin: No pls, illuminate and he's useless.

Grohk: 0 heal, bad F. good ult and good dmg.

Buck: Oh pls just no

Lex: Useless Q.

Koga: Either you find a good one or a bad one, but overall pls don't play with this shit.

Unranked Champions
15 Champions
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx