4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA

Best support and healer champions for beginner competitive gameplay (Bronze-Silver).


Seris Seris

Seris is easily the best healer champion in beginner games. Her area damage is extremely strong against grouped up enemies (and they usually are, being beginners). Her ult often gets her a 3-4 enemy wipeout, especially paired with another ult like Viktor's or Skye's, and allows her team to take advantage and capture the objective/payload. Her healing is nuts and gets multiple healing at a time, PLUS her normal attack is very easy to use and aim with, which is advantageous for debutants who don't really know how to aim xD


Ying Ying

Ying, second-best support in early trophies but also in pro gameplay, is advantaged by her passive illusion healing, which allows her to deal damage at the same time, and her awesome healing ultimate which can save the game if used at the right moment.


Io Io
Grohk Grohk

Io and Grohk, next on the list, both find a balance between decent damage and solid healing.

For Grohk, his powerful healing totem can do miracles if placed on the objective, thus healing all tanks/tanky damage present. His talent that allows him to heal with his normal attack basically allows him to be constantly healing allies. Plus, he has an easy getaway move that can be buffed by cards, allowing him to quickly leave, heal and come back. Ultimately, his special attack makes him place damage against enemies while simultaneously healing allies.

Io has a very solid single-target healing attack (arguably the best single heal move in the game) that allows her to restore an ally to practically full health in barely two seconds. Unfortunately, she is disadvantaged by her healing not being AoE, her lack of other healing moves and her being reduced to complete uselessness if faced with cauterize.


Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Furia Furia

Furia and Mal'Damba are both pretty decent healers, usable in a lot of cases if conditions are right.

Mal'Damba has a powerful area healing bomb that can also deal damage to enemies, which is very useful when the objective/payload has both allies and enemies on it. He also has a second healing move, useful to single targets, and can also deal some nice damage. Unfortunately, he has a very high skill cap (it takes some good aim to land his downward-curving shots and to master his stun spamming), which makes him go down in beginner levels. His ultimate is okay enough, but does not affect his healing in any way.

Furia is a powerful healer in higher trophies, but lacks the zone healing to thrive in lower level gameplay. Her single target healing move nevertheless makes her a good HP restorer for low-health champions like damage and flanks, and her Pyre Strike attack, combined with her Solar Blessing talent restores all of a tank's HP in less than a second. She also has the plus to be less affected by Cauterize than the other healers.

Unfortunately both of these champions' weak sustainability (dying too quickly in a battle) make them lack strength in low ranked meta.


Grover Grover

Grover isn't a very good healer, in low or high trophies



Pip Pip
Jenos Jenos




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