Hitting an enemy with Presence reduces its Cooldown by 5s.
Level 5
Present Arms
Heal for 300 after using Presence.
Level 3
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 32% after getting an Elimination.
Level 4
Manifest Destiny
Increase the travel distance of Grace by 10 units.
Level 2
Noble Crest
Increase your maximum Health by 50.
Level 1
Increase the damage of Presence by up to 50% based on the range at which it hits and reduce its Cooldown by 4s.
Level 1
Swift Jade
Reduce the Cooldown of Grace by 2.5s for each enemy hit with Valor. Can only happen once every 3s.
Level 5
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 16% after getting an Elimination.
Level 2
Manifest Destiny
Increase the travel distance of Grace by 10 units.
Level 2
Divine Right
Gain 25% Movement Speed for 3s after using Grace.
Level 5
Generate 1 Ammo after using Grace.
Level 1
Grace now hits all enemies in front of you instead of only one, but its Cooldown is increased by 1s.
Level 1
Noble Crest
Increase your maximum Health by 250.
Level 5
Divine Right
Gain 25% Movement Speed for 3s after using Grace.
Level 5
Increase your maximum Ammo by 2.
Level 2
Manifest Destiny
Increase the travel distance of Grace by 10 units.
Level 2
Generate 2 Ammo after using Grace.
Level 2
Hitting an enemy with Heirloom Rifle increases your Heirloom Rifle damage against that enemy by 7% for 3s, stacking up to 5 times.
Level 1
Level 1
Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 10%.
Level 1
Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 6%.
Level 1
Increase the effectiveness of Shields you create by 10%. This does not affect most cards and passives.
Level 1
Reduce the duration and effectiveness of Crowd Control and Slows by 25%.
Level 1
Life Rip
Your weapon shots gain +10% Lifesteal.
Level 1
Lian is 1v1 duelist. Specialty is bursting down low HP squishies (i.e. flanks, damages and supports).
Ideally a backline main-lane DPS, but if the other DPS is backlining, Lian can off-lane with Alacrity.
You don't want to take close-range duels against enemy tanks. If there's 1 tip to take away from this guide, it's stay the f*** away from enemy tanks. Many Lians will probably go up a rank by doing that alone.
Resource management (i.e. keeping track of her health, ammo and cooldowns) is a big part of her kit. Before taking on an engagement, go to cover, reload ammo, get healed up, wait a few seconds for the cooldowns to come up, so you have an advantage in that duel.
Deals 400 damage (600 on a headshot). Deals full damage at up to 90 units distance and has falloff damage after that. Test this in the Shooting Range to get a feel for the effective range.
It is pinpoint accurate and requires precise aim, though it has mid-air inaccuracy (don't jump while shooting unless maybe at point-blank range).
Against most enemies, Lian wants to position as far back as she can while still being within the effective range. Positioning further back means CC abilities are harder to hit, you get more time to dodge projectiles, hitscan weapons with spreads deal less damage, you out-range enemies with shorter effective ranges and Lian's hitbox is harder to hit.
It can pierce through clusters of enemies. If you can hit 2 enemies, great. If you can only hit 1 enemy with it, that's totally fine too: nothing wrong with that. With all the cdr in her build, she can use Presence often. You don't need to hold onto forever waiting for a 3-man pierce.
There is a delay in cast time, so enemies have time to play around it.
An enemy that's peeking cover can dodge it. Enemies that are out in the open or are 2+ seconds away from cover are good targets.
Enemy champs can use defensive cooldowns (i.e. Moji barrier, Zhin billow, Andro reversal, etc.) so ideally this ability is used on an enemy that already used their defensive cooldown.
This dash ability provides Lian with both mobility and damage. It's good to have that 400 damage ready for a 1v1 duel, but overall the mobility and Lian's positioning is more important. You don't want to dash yourself into a dumb position and die (or have bad LoS) just for 400 damage.
Remember: If you use your dash offensively to get in, you don't have it to get out. In a VOD review, when you die, rewind 10 seconds and look at your previous dash usage (using the dash better sometimes is the difference between life and death)
Enemies place their crosshair by the corner they expect you to peek from. If you're going to peek a corner against an enemy, peek with dash to throw off their aim.
Open with this ability in duels. Because you can use it and get it back as an escape fast.
1600 damage. (2/3 the HP of most DPS and supports ; 1/4-1/3 of a tank).
Lian uses this spontaneously when she needs to. It can be used to punish a vulnerable enemy, or the 50% damage reduction can help her own survival.
With other champions, you may be used to planning it out and trying to combo it with other team mates Ults, but Lian's Ult usage is a bit more selfish. You kind of have to solo-Ult with it.
If you're using it to save your life, be realistic; make sure it's a situation you can survive:
It can save you in a 1v1, but not in a 1v3. If you're being focused, just die and save your Ult.
If it's a losing fight, and your team is dead, just die and save your Ult.
When her Ultimate was at 100% DR last year, you could use it at 1 HP and survive a million damage. But now, it's the opposite. You want to activate it when you have more HP. If you activate it at 1500 HP, you can take 3000 damage during it. If you activate it at 500 HP, 1000 damage kills you.