Increase your maximum Health by 250.
Level 5
Rising Stardom
Crouching Tigron
Gain a 375-Health Shield for 3s after activating Crouching Tigron.
Level 5
Crouching Tigron
Reset the Cooldown of Crouching Tigron after falling to or below 45% Health.
Level 3
Flying Chakrams
Increase your maximum Ammo by 1.
Level 1
Bragging Rights
Hitting enemies with Bladed Chakrams Heals you for 15.
Level 1
Heal for 140 after using Pounce.
Level 2
Reduce the Cooldown of Prowl by 0.4s each time you hit an enemy with a dagger.
Level 2
Reduce the Cooldown of Pounce by 2.5s.
Level 5
Reduce the damage you take by 12% while at or below 40% Health.
Level 3
Walk it Off
Heal for 120 every 1s while Prowl is active.
Level 3
Rogue's Gambit
Increase the damage done by Pounce by 15%, reduce its Cooldown by 2s, and reset Pounce's Cooldown after earning an Elimination.
Level 1
End of an Era
Increase the additional Damage Reduction benefit of Hardening by 100% but reduce its duration by {scale=10|10}%.
Level 5
Out of Time
Reduce the additional Damage Reduction given by Hardening by half. For 2s after using Hardening, gain its benefits.
Level 4
Raze and Burn
Piercing Quills
Heal for 50 after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.
Level 1
Dreadful Compact
Piercing Quills
Reduce the Cooldown of Hardening by 1.2s after hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills.
Level 4
Last Efforts
Piercing Quills
Hitting an enemy with Piercing Quills grants 20% Lifesteal for 0.6s.
Level 1
Unnatural Persistence
Heal for 25 every 0.25s while on an objective and for 1s after leaving the objective. This effect increases the longer you maintain it, up to 65 every 0.25s.
Level 1
Everywhere at Once
The Cooldown of Deadly Momentum is permanently set to 5s and cannot be modified, reduced, or increased through other means. Gain 1 stack of Piercing and Sharp Momentum for each enemy hit with Deadly Momentum.
Level 1
Deadly Flourish
Deadly Momentum
Increase the travel speed of Deadly Momentum by 40%.
Level 5
Shoot and Dash
Each stack of Piercing Momentum grants you a 160 Shield for 3s after it expires.
Level 4
Swift Strikes
Deadly Momentum
Increase the travel distance of Deadly Momentum by 10%.
Level 2
The Rose's Thorns
Each stack of Sharp Momentum Heals you for 60 after it expires.
Level 2
The Finer Things
Increase your Movement Speed by 24% for 1s after hitting an enemy with Love.
Level 2
Dragon Fangs
Dragon Stance
Dragon Stance consumes Health instead of Energy at a rate of 200 Health per second. Dragon Stance requires at least 300 Health to activate and automatically cancels at 15 Health.
Level 1
Swift Hands
Dragon Stance
Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 50%.
Level 5
Guild Tactics
Heal for 640 after hitting at least one enemy with Skewer.
Level 4
Harsh Training
Increase your maximum Health by 200.
Level 4
Criminal Record
Dragon Stance
Gain 3.5% Lifesteal while in Dragon Stance.
Level 1
Trained Killer
Dragon Stance
While in Dragon Stance, regenerate 6 Ammo every 1s.
Level 1
Dredge Anchor
Reduce the Cooldown of Dredge Anchor by 3s.
Level 5
Dredge Anchor
Regenerate 1 Ammo every 0.5s for 1s after activating Dredge Anchor.
Level 2
Increase your Movement Speed by 24% for 4s after getting an Elimination.
Level 3
Increase your Healing received from other players by 12% while at or below 50% Health.
Level 2
Spring Tide
Shell Spin
Heal for 750 for each enemy hit with Shell Spin.
Level 3
Gain 21% Movement Speed.
Level 3
Reduce the damage you take by 20% while at or below 40% Health.
Level 5
Reduce your damage taken by 5% while Prowl is active.
Level 1
Increase the Movement Speed bonus while using Prowl by 30%.
Level 3
Street Cred
Increase your maximum Health by 50.
Level 1
Sixth Sense
Reduce your damage taken by 20% for 2s after using Pounce.
Level 5
Spirit's Grace
Healing Totem
Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1s.
Level 5
Healing Totem
Increase the duration of Healing Totem by 1s.
Level 5
Healing Totem
Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 30%.
Level 2
Monolith Totem
Healing Totem
Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 150.
Level 1
Totemic Ward
Healing Totem
Gain a third charge of Healing Totem, increase their healing by 15%, and increase their radius of 20%. Remedy(+10% Healing and +5% Damage)
Level 1
Ghost Walk
Heal for 200 over the duration of Ghost Walk.
Level 2
Reduce all active Cooldowns by 50% after getting an Elimination.
Level 5
Through the Warp
Nether Step
Increase the distance of each Nether Step dash by 15%.
Level 3
Nether Step
Increase your Movement Speed by 30% for 3s after activating Nether Step.
Level 3
Generate 2 Ammo after hitting an enemy with Defiance.
Level 2
Sleight of Hand
Nether Step
Generate 2 Ammo after activating Nether Step.
Level 2
Dark Stalker
Nether Step
Nether Step now has 3 separate charges and is no longer linked.
Level 1
Increase your maximum Moonlight capacity by 32%.
Level 4
Sanctum of Faith
Regenerate 4% Moonlight every 1s while not using Moonlight.
Level 4
Swift Arrows
Increase allies' Movement Speed by 18% while they are being Healed by Moonlight.
Level 3
Spirit Arrows
Reduce the Cooldown of Luna's redeploy by 0.2s after healing with Moonlight.
Level 2
Restored Faith
Heal for 20 every time you Heal an ally with Moonlight.
Level 2
Goddess' Blessing
Allies being Healed by Moonlight take 15% reduced damage.
Level 5
Increase your maximum Health by 250.
Level 5
Umbral Gait
Your Movement Speed is increased by 32% while any enemy is marked with a Soul Orb stack.
Level 4
Shadow Travel
Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 40%.
Level 4
Spirit Leech
Restore Soul
Regenerate 2 Ammo every 0.5s while channeling Restore Soul.
Level 1
Blood Pact
Restore Soul
Heal for 70 every 1s while channeling Restore Soul.
Level 1
Soul Collector
Rend Soul
Each Soul Charge you detonate with Rend Soul increases your maximum Health and weapon damage by 2% until you die. Stacks up to 12 times.
Level 1
Explosive Flask
Enemies hit with Explosive Flask take 35% increased damage from your weapon shots for 4s. Surgery (+10% Damage Done)
Level 1
Shrewd Move
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 32% after getting an Elimination.
Level 4
Increase your Healing received by 6% while at or below 50% Health.
Level 1
Side Tanks
Explosive Flask
Reduce the Cooldown of Explosive Flask by 0.6s.
Level 1
Escape Artist
Increase the duration of Weightless by 1.6s.
Level 4
Increase your jump speed by an additonal 50% while using Weightless.
Level 5
Astral Mark
Reduce the Cooldown of Astral Mark by 2s.
Level 5
Astral Mark
Increase the range of Astral Mark by 20%.
Level 5
Astral Cycle
Astral Mark
Increase the duration of Astral Mark by 1.2000000000000002s.
Level 3
Astral Mark
Heal for 40 every 1s for 10s after applying Astral Mark.
Level 1
Heavenly Pull
Void Grip
Increase the range at which you can use Void Grip by 10%.
Level 1
Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 10%.
Level 1
Spirit Link
While Envelop is active and you are Linked to an enemy, prevent them from Healing.
Level 1
Midnight Stroll
Spirit Link
Reduce the damage done by any enemy you are linked to with Spirit Link by 20%.
Level 5
Aico Forces
Chain Heal
Reduce the damage you take by 5% for 2s for each ally hit with Chain Heal. This effect stacks.
Level 5
Threat and Subject
Increase your Movement Speed by 24% for 5s after earning a Killing Blow or Elimination.
Level 3
Magic in the Blood
Reduce the Cooldown of your next Chain Heal by 0.1s after hitting an enemy with Sigil. This effect stacks.
Level 1
Future Generations
Chain Heal
After taking -125 damage, your next use of Chain Heal does not cause it to go on Cooldown.
Level 1
Abyss Spike
Harpoon lodges into terrain and explodes when an enemy comes within 20 units, dealing 1000 damage in a 35-unit-radius area.
Level 1
Increase your maximum Health by 250.
Level 5
Dark Bargain
Heal for 250 every 1s while standing near a Shortcut.
Level 5
Crow's Nest
Hitting yourself with Broadside now applies a Knockback of 450.
Level 3
Hull Piercer
Reduce the Cooldown of Harpoon by 1.2s.
Level 1
Expansive Vault
Jump height is increased for your first jump within 1s after exiting a Shortcut.
Level 1
Dark Gifts
Abyssal Reconstruction
Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.
Level 1
Crushing Expectations
Mark of Fate
Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 3%.
Level 1
New Resolve
Mark of Fate
Grant a 40-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.
Level 1
The Price of Salvation
Abyssal Reconstruction
Heal for 80 over 1s after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.
Level 1
Priority Targets
Abyssal Reconstruction
Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction reduces the Cooldown of Projection by 0.5s. This effect can only occur once every 5s.
Level 1
The Price of Salvation
Abyssal Reconstruction
Heal for 80 over 1s after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.
Level 1
Healing Potion
Reduce the Cooldown of Healing Potion by 3s for each ally it hits.
Level 5
Medicinal Excellence
Healing Potion
Increase the radius of Healing Potion by 32%.
Level 4
Healing Potion
Heal yourself for 80% of Healing Potion's effect if you hit an ally but not yourself.
Level 4
Increase your Healing received by 6% while at or below 50% Health.
Level 1
Shrewd Move
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 8% after getting an Elimination.
Level 1
Deft Hands
Increase your Reload Speed by 60%.
Level 3
Damage dealt when hitting an enemy directly with Rocket Launcher or Salvo is increased by 25%.
Level 1
Increase the explosion radius of Salvo by 30%.
Level 2
Fire Spit
Reduce the Cooldown of Thrust by 3.5999999999999996s for each enemy hit with Fire Spit.
Level 3
Apex Predator
Increase your maximum Health by 150.
Level 3
Reduce the Cooldown of Thrust by 100% after dropping to or below 30% Health.
Level 3
Rain of Fire
Consume 60% less Booster fuel for 5s after using Thrust.
Level 4
Show Of Force
Rift Slash Cripples enemies it hits for 2s, and the resulting Abyssal Rift lasts 1s longer.
Level 1
Center Of Combat
Royal Presence
Increase the max health damage of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 8%.
Level 4
Abyssal Authority
Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by 60%.
Level 3
Forever Changed
Increase your maximum Health by 450.
Level 3
Devastating Blows
Increase the trigger distance of Realm Breaker's bonus damage by 15 units.
Level 3
The Little Things
Reduce the Cooldown of Rift Slash by 0.4s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.
Level 2
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