9 months ago
Patch 6.4
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Free Agent - NA

Tiberius (LEVEL 62)

Base kit + items / talents:

- Train your bounce's with chakrams in different maps

- Play tigron's fury mainly. The other 2 talents are not that good because the base sword is kinda laggy and if you are getting flanked, throwing it + recall is slower.

- Buy chronos mainly. Armor plating and Wrecker are situational if you need. Don't buy nimble, life rip or any other useless item.


Heavy blade

- Most obvious one but Tiberius's sword can go trough shields but not walls. And if you are playing tigron's fury you can actually explode your sword mid-air

- If you are playing tigron's fury you can stick you sword to walls as a trap and explode when you see fit.


- You can shoot while you are jumping w ability so don't miss out on some unexpected damage, since when you are jumping you are spinning in air, its harder to see what you are doing. Also same applies to Heavy blade which you can throw mid-air

Note - Also look at the direction you are jumping, THEN turn around to shoot. If you try to flick too quick you'll jump straight to death.

Combat trance

- I suggest running heal card on Combat trance at least on lvl 3. it's better than life rip card, because if your healer is busy, you can pop trance to heal a moderate amount.

- Also suggest running "Crowd-pleaser" card, because surprisingly often you might pop trance w just a few ammo left and not get the full benefit of it. I run it at lvl 3 so that even in 0 ammo if i pop trance i can shoot 3 chakrams out.

Note - "Crowd-pleaser" is optional, but it helps a lot if you are just getting the hang of Tiberius. Ofc if you are super good you might not need it.


- DON'T use your ultimate for damage every single time. It has so much utility and defense it's better used as an escape tool and defense against flanks. You can use it to secure some kills if you need to but don't attack with it since you will be left there to die.

- Also don't run the ultimate charge card UNLESS you want to ult aggressively to face. Ofc it's dangerous but I've seen few good tibes succeeding in it.

- You can cancel ult at any time to save %

Note - Ult also works as a pressure tool to make space, but keep in mind that the enemies might have counters. + remember to save 1 or 2 charges for escape.

Other tips

- if there is no enemies in sight, you can try to spam bounces in corners you think they come. Who knows maybe you'll knock a tank off their horse or do some nasty bounce damage.

Untitled Build Section
Build Section
Untitled Build
Flying Chakrams

Flying Chakrams


Increase your maximum Ammo by 1.

Level 1

Test of Strength

Test of Strength

Combat Trance

Heal for 180 every 1s while Combat Trance is active.

Level 4



Combat Trance

Generate 3 Ammo after activating Combat Trance.

Level 3

Imbued with Purpose

Imbued with Purpose

Heavy Blade

Reduce the Cooldown of Heavy Blade by 2.4s.

Level 4

Instrument of Fate

Instrument of Fate

Heavy Blade

Reduce the Cooldown of Combat Trance by 1.2000000000000002s for each enemy hit by Heavy Blade.

Level 3




Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 18%.

Level 3




Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 30%.

Level 3




Your weapon attacks deal 90% increased Damage to Shields.

Level 3