8 months ago
Patch 6.4
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Free Agent - EU

WHAT IS THIS BUILD. (ps: los= line of sight)

Did you you know that with Koga´s talent dragon fangs and the card something to prove you can travel as fast as a person with master riding 1?

Well that isn´t the only thing this build can do. This Koga build lets you dash(Skewer) for INFINITVE amount of times and you wont need to use agility or shadow step ever again as they are inferior. the only limitation is the time needed to activate dragon stance, so the card: "something to prove" is the the most important card in this build.

As this build uses the 3 talent and the Koga has a low health and lacks Sustain he needs the card: Guild tactics(but you need to remember its on a 5 sec cooldown and anti healing affects it) to burst heal himself when the los with you support isn´t possible. to be able to stay in fights for a longer period of time without needing to escape, you either need life steal or kill to heal. i recommend kill to heal if you rarely stay in dragon stance for a longer period of time, as the dash does not count as weapon damage kill to heal will be bad. If you like to stay in dragon stance for a longer period of time kill to heal is the way to go.

(don't use you ult offensively as it makes you untargetable and offers a option to move to a space where you have your healers los and it makes you completely immune to Dmg of any source )



Always stay on flank routes and focus isolated targets over grouped up ones as Koga is really strong with this build.

main way of attacking:

Activate dragon stance, shoot one shoot as fast as you can and follow up with dash to deal 1350 DMG in under 0,5 seconds, dashing through you enemies forces them to do an 180 to be able to shoot you, giving yourself time to activate dragon stance again to either repeat or dash away(the dash has a range of 70 units wich will be traveled in close to an instant making it a great escape tool even when cover is further away).

Playing in flank-flank duos or flank-offtank duos is a great tactic where you can let Koga engage with his 1350 dmg combo, (which applies cauterize and halves the effectiveness of armor plating and arcane warden as the damage is close to being equally distributed in weapon and skill DMG) and let them finish the low Hp enemy together easily.

Main Build
Build Section
Main Loadout
Dragon Fangs

Dragon Fangs

Dragon Stance

Dragon Stance consumes Health instead of Energy at a rate of 200 Health per second. Dragon Stance requires at least 300 Health to activate and automatically cancels at 15 Health.

Level 1

Swift Hands

Swift Hands

Dragon Stance

Reduce the time it takes to enter and exit Dragon Stance by 50%.

Level 5

Guild Tactics

Guild Tactics


Heal for 640 after hitting at least one enemy with Skewer.

Level 4

Harsh Training

Harsh Training


Increase your maximum Health by 200.

Level 4

Criminal Record

Criminal Record

Dragon Stance

Gain 3.5% Lifesteal while in Dragon Stance.

Level 1

Trained Killer

Trained Killer

Dragon Stance

While in Dragon Stance, regenerate 6 Ammo every 1s.

Level 1




Increase your base maximum Health by 5.5%.

Level 1

Kill to Heal

Kill to Heal


Getting a kill or elimination heals you for 200 Health, unaffected by Anti-Healing.

Level 1

Life Rip

Life Rip


Your weapon shots gain +10% Lifesteal.

Level 1




Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 6%.

Level 1


TALENT: Dragon fangs

CARDS: Swift Hands 5, Guild Tactics 4, Harsh Training 4. (remaining 2 cards don´t matter)

ITEMS: Veteran is needed, either kill to heal or life steal at least() i normally use kt.h. Last 2 to items depend on enemy composition. if they have cc, high weapon damage, high skill damage...

Champion Section
Strong Against


Koga is able to dash and deal DMG through shields, in other word shields aren´t very effective and even if you need to keep distance you can just dash to a position they can´t shield from so its their choice to decide if they should shield you dmg or that of you team.


Easy to push as most of them have low mobility or have no form of escaping from Kogas ridiculous mobility.


Based on personal experience, won´t go in further detail.

Weak Against

High Burst dmg and sustain and deadly cc (Buck, Torvald, IO).

Forms of controlling a are so you cant dash in without consequences (Dreage broadside, Tyra Molotov Lilith swarms , Inara with Treacherous Ground).

Easy to hit shots on mobile targets (Zhin, Saati with coin).

strong with


you can infinitively stay on dragon stance when you stay in the dogs healing area as well as dash behind the dog any time to gain a 4000+ HP Shield.


The clones are an effective way of healing Koga as the can be placed on flank routes wich are to dangerous for normal supports to access.


Can easily follow up on targets wich Koga uses his dash on, to finish them of unable to defend at all, Probably the strongest duo in the Game when Played correctly .


Same as Maeve but a little worse as she cant keep up with Kogas mobility as well and has less burst damage than Maeves dagger+dash combo.


can easily follow up on Kogas engages as well as the other way around as it only takes 1 fire spit from Drogoz and a shot + dash to finish the targets. (Really good against Armor plating as fire spit and skewer don´t do weapon DMG).


Same as mave.


Same as Maeve.


Same as Maeve but a little worse.


Nice meatshield when flanking together with raum. Raum lacks burst DMG and Koga sustain so they cover each others weakness.


Same as Raum but the additional bonus of Koga getting shield on top of his health and a measure to prevent movement ability's for 2 seconds.