5 months ago
Patch 6.4
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Free Agent - EU


-Update for S7 finished

About me:

I'm a paladins player since autumn 2016 and a Grohk support main almost ever since. I OTP:d support Grohk into masters in S1, didn't play as competitively for a while, and came back to Paladins as my main game since the start of summer 2021 after WoW TBC flopped for me. I decided to write a guide on how I play support Grohk in high elo games to maybe give some ideas and advice to people that wanna start playing Grohk as a support.

I generally prefer the healing playstyle of Grohk and this guide generally focuses on aspects of support Grohk.

I will try to keep this up to date the best I can and make changes when they become relevant.


About Grohk: 


-Off supporting

-One of the highest effective HPS in game with Spirit's Domain

-Great at healing through anti-heal, especially with Spirit's Domain

-Great utility with Totemic Ward
-High utility in general with Spirit's Grace

-Great point pressure as damage

-Great ult that synergises well with a lot of champions

-High damage potential compared to other high healing output supports

-Ghost Walk is a top tier immunity tool when utilised properly


-Mediocre base range

-Lackluster mobility with a high cooldown

-Practically no verticality

-Weak to divers

-Practically no burst with dmg or heal

-Relatively easy to hit headshots on.

-Requires more game knowledge from your team than the average support

-Can struggle before Chronos 2 (round 1 cap)

Situations where you can pick Grohk:


-You have a passive team comp

-Your team has champions that don't rely on dashes for most of their movement

-Your carries are champions that like to commit to fights instead of skirmish

-You have a shield comp, especially Nando, Barik, Makoa or Atlas

-Your comp doesn't have flyers*. Asterisk here because it depends on what champ and what map.
-You have an offlane that tag teams/dives together
-Enemy doesn't have multiple AoE spammers. Map can affect this one.



A healing calculator I made for Grohk. You shouldn't just try to max healing output for your loadout, but this sheet will make it easier to compare effects of cards, talents and items on healing. Feel free to copy it and mess around!


Totemic Ward
The main healing talent. Gives your team amazing utility with constant AoE heal and movement speed. Play this whenever you can. Instruct your team to buy rejuvenate.

Choose your healing talent based on the map and team comp. This requires a bit of game sense and knowledge of how team comps play.


Spirit’s Domain

DISCLAIMER: My preliminary thoughts based on PTS are that this talent will still not be good as none of it's issues have been resolved (requirement for constant LoS and lack of range). Healing numbers won't really change either, but some healing from staff gets shifted to totems. It's more AoE potential, but I doubt it's enough to boost the winrate of this talent by the 10% it needs to be actually viable vs Totemic Ward. The speed boost on staff is nice, but the lack of range will keep it's utility down. Preliminary thoughts were right, don't play this talent.

Play this if the map is open, your team has flyers and very mobile champions, although it is fairly hard talent to play well. Your lackluster range requires good positioning and staff healing requires good tracking and focus to not tunnel vision. Remember to keep your totems on CD when playing this talent.

I will keep recommending this for people to start with but I do think Totemic Ward is the better talent. Spirit's Domain will be less punishing for your team when you make a mistake with totems, which suits new players.

Choose your healing talent based on the map and team comp. This requires a bit of game sense and knowledge of how team comps play.



For dmg Grohk or aggressive double support comps with tanks that have high sustain or good mobility i.e barik, ruckus, ash, koa. I rarely play this talent because of big shields being in the meta a lot. I also just prefer the healing playstyle. If you don't have a free comp for bouncing, just play Totemic Ward with an offensive loadout.



Maps to generally avoid (unless you know what you're doing):

Timber mill
I don't know what happened but I like this map now. Don't get me wrong it's not a good map, but it's interesting to play and 100% workable with a decent comp.

If you plan on playing SD just avoid this map. You do not have the range or LoS to play that talent effectively. With totemic this map isn't all that bad, although it does require you to learn all the totem positioning. Not my most hated map anymore, which is solely reserved to fish market now!

Fish Market

Long range map. Requires exceptional positioning to be able to heal your team as a whole consistently. Has terrain that fucks up totem placement for some key parts of the map (dockside, hill before base etc.). Annoying to play. Avoid.

Serpent Beach

Has a lot of both things Grohk likes and dislikes. You can heal a lot of verticality with Totemic Ward. SD healing generally is good, tho the point leaves you desiring more. The current totem AoE range without TW doesn’t allow you to heal high ground and objective simultaneously as well as it used to. You ccan still do it but the totem positioning is tight and it requires a bit of awareness from your tank.

All in all this is a positioning puzzle that a lot of the time is a tad too hard to crack. The map also encourages flanks with a lot of verticality which is an issue for both healing talents. There are some trick spots to heal verticality, but utilising them properly requires knowledge. I often avoid Grohk on this map now unless the comp is really good for it.

Splitstone Quarry
DISCLAIMER: I like this map, but it is hard to play well.

For Totemic Ward this map is a totem placement knowledge check.

For SD the map is decent. Staff has enough range to heal point and with a little outreach you can heal all common teammate positions from cave and high ground.

Like the other unfavorable maps I like in this list Splitstone Quarry requires good positioning, which makes me put it in the unfavorable category for the average Grohk players. Definitely a no-go for a beginner.

Stone Keep

TW doesn't really offer enough coverage for both HG and point, which is not a deal breaker, but requires some totem awareness from your point tank or tighter totem positioning. It is fairly easy to support off lanes with extended totem range, but positioning for staff healing is tricky. Has the same problem as other tubular maps for SD that your teammates easily block your staff heals to other teammates.

Unlike in Ice Mines or Brightmarsh, though, verticality around the objective makes this map more difficult for Totemic Ward rather than easier. Capping is difficult, but pushing gets way easier due to good totem coverage at choke points.


DISCLAIMER: I like this map, but it is hard to play well.

Im gonna be that guy who kind of likes this map. Annoyingly tho this map really railroads comps that use hyper mobile flanks and healers like Jenos, Grover, Corvus or Ying. For Grohk tho, this isn't a bad map at all but requires a bit of totem placement knowledge. Your totems with Totemic Ward can heal both levels of the map in terms of verticality almost everywhere, and open areas generally encourage ppl to bunch up behind cover, which is good for totem healing. You just have to position in a way that allows you to put down totems efficiently, which can be hard because of LoS or tight corridors, especially around the objective.

Someone uploaded a game of mine from this map to Paladins Competitive YT channel. It showcases all the totem placement pretty well. Feel free to check it out here: https://youtu.be/aCJToidirGg?si=-PogpzIr3YbEPkQ-


Favourable maps:

Frog isle

This map is great for both dmg and support Grohk. It is a hard map for flankers and forces your team to play in your totems. A nice beginner friendly map that doesn't punish you badly for positioning or totem mistakes. Does get really annoying though if your enemy can draft snipers without counters or long range AA bullshit. My tip for this map is to play further back than you think is necessary.

Ice mines

A tight tunnel run with loads of cover. Basically the same as Frog Isle, but the ice cave section is annoying against long range poke comps.


More or less the same as Ice mines, but now you have to position a little better to be able to heal side lanes.  Requires you to be aware of flank routes. Probably the best map in game in terms of totem placement.

Ascension Peak

The point is Grohk heaven and high ground healing is easier than on most other healers. All of the payload push has great spots for totems and cover within staff reach. Requires you to be aware of flank routes.


New best map for Grohk after the totem area buff. This map is Rei levels of crazy good for Totemic Ward.

The point can be awkward for SD. People constantly LoS you if they are not aware of the support, enticing you to chase them out of cover. Play safe and around the walls of the point. Use HG when the enemy comp and pressure allows for it. With lackluster mobility you are very vulnerable on high ground and due to your range, you are unable to effectively use it yourself for anything but healing. Cart push is very good for totem placement.

Jaguar Falls

3nd best map for Grohk after Bazaar and Brightmarsh.

Warder’s Gate

DISCLAIMER: I like this map, but it is hard to play well.

Same deal as Fish Market but not annoying to play. Easy map to get flanked and dived on. You need to know how to position in this map to avoid it turning into a death fest. Can be a fairly good map for Grohk since point allows a lot of freedom and cover for totem placement, but you need to move a lot based on how your team positions. Personally, I quite like this map as it is interesting and movement heavy to play. Seriously not a beginner friendly map, tho.

Shattered Desert

This can be a very nice map for Grohk, if you can handle the enemy flank/OT pushes. You have a lot of cover and good visibility pretty much everywhere if your team doesn't get pushed badly. Requires good positioning to be able to utilize all the healing sight lines. Obstacles provide nice places for totems for point capping and throughout the cart push. The difficult part in this map is staying alive. Otherwise, this map is more of a favorable game knowledge check.


Tips & tricks

When doing damage, start with Shock Pulse. This will give you up to 300 more DPS based on the bounces and can burn people deceivingly fast if they are not paying full attention. If you start with LMB and then Shock Pulse, you give the enemy more time to react to what you are doing and fire back, since Shock Pulse will lock you out of LMB while casting.


When playing Spirit's Domain, you can rack up your staff bonus damage by healing your teammates. This means that when you swap to an enemy, you will start doing (close to) max damage IMMEDIATELY.


When playing Spirit's Domain with thunderlord 5, it is higher HPS to reload ammo than regenerate it. Although higher AVG HPs, you will wait longer to be able to heal again so don't reload if someone is about to die. See the healing items section for when to buy Deft Hands.


When escaping, use a totem before Ghost Walking for increased movement speed and healing. The totem cast can be almost fully animation cancelled so the only slowing factor is how fast you can press the buttons in sequence + server response.


When playing Maelstrom with the bounce heal card (Lightning Rod), you can start a bounce chain and ghost walk to drop anti-heal for insane heals mid combat.


Never put down totems in the open unless you have to*. Instead place them behind cover or to the side of where the action is. This will not only make it harder for your enemies to kill the totem, but they will also have to choose between damaging your team or your totem. They can't do both at the same time even with most AoE.

asterisk: It is almost always better to place totems where they are most usable for the most of your teammates at a time even if it is out in the open. Apply this tip in the confines of that. There is a fine balance here which you have to learn by trial and error and game knowledge.


Put totems down where they benefit multiple positions your team could take. Sometimes this means putting them in the open contrary to the advice above, but it is worth it if the totem can heal more people and give your team more options to maneuver while still getting healed


Grohk's totems heal vertically. Unlike Lillith swarm, Grohk's totem heal area is a bubble that heals through floors and ceilings as well as walls. Use this to your advantage especially with Totemic Ward.


When placing down totems, you have to consider the movement of battle. A lot of times you need to place totems where the battle is headed, instead of where it is to avoid wasting totems. This is especially important when you are supporting flankers and dives, as you need to be able to predict to some degree where they are gonna go and place your totems there beforehand. It takes a lot of game knowledge but separates an exceptional Grohk player from a good one.

A general rule of thumb for totem placement is to place totems as far up as you can considering the direction the battlefield is heading to if your team is the aggressor. If your team is playing defensive, place totems a bit behind them. There are so many asterisks to this, though, and making good decisions in totem placement moment to moment is the core of playing support Grohk well.


Shock Pulse locks you out of casting abilities so make it a conscious decision when you use it. The amount of times I've died due to Shock Pulse locking me out of a totem or Ghost Walk is embarrassing.


Use Shock Pulse on deployables whenever you can. It will guarantee an easy hit to start bounces! This includes VII and BK bombs! Deployable walls do not bounce. On shield targets, aim the Shock Pulse to something behind the shield so it doesn't block bouncing.


Use up at least one totem charge before ulting for max ZOOM ZOOM and healing. Your totems will recharge while you are ulting so this is a great time for downtime.


Your ultimate is very strong at retaking point and gives your team huge momentum for pushing in general. Be careful not to make yourself an easy target while flying as the ult heal will not keep you alive through caut late game. Don't rush ahead of your team while ulting and utilise cover. You are not a soaring eagle, but a squiggling squid.


Positioning totems accurately, especially at range can be difficult due to how the targeting beacon works. Jump and put the totem down at peak jump height for more accurate totem placement. This places the totem closer to where you are actually aiming. Without doing this, it is extremely easy to under or overshoot the totem if you don't have a wall nearby to aim at.


Grohk does actually have a p2w skin for healing, Neon Demon. Using it will make your totems' radius indicator much easier to see. You need to use the body of the skin, weapon you can choose as you like but I use Brimstone Brand since the red laser makes it pop really well on the screen.

How to play with a Grohk main heal:TL;DR:

Grohk as a support excels at healing through anti-healing, extended fighting and opportunistic team aggression. You want to:
1. Force extended fighting
2. Force the enemy to push into Totems
3. Push the enemy with the team or a teammate
4. Buy rejuvenate, even as the carry player. Some exceptions apply, but unless you are a high elo carry main and know what you're talking about, just buy the rejuvenate.

What you DO NOT want to do is:
1. Spread out as a team
2. Skirmish, especially alone. Some wiggle room here obviously depending on the situation.

More in-depth look:

Grohk does not offer burst and mainly heals during active combat. To lean into this BUY REJUVENATE. If you don't you will be stuck at low HP constantly late game waiting and waiting to get healing. You don't need to rush rejuv, but when caut ramps up, BUY REJUVENATE. I usually instruct people to start picking it up during round 2-3. I don't care if you are playing flank or dmg, BUY REJUVENATE. The WHOLE TEAM buys it. It's not for the Grohk, it's for you.

Rejuvenate is omega underappreciated anyway and it is almost twice as efficient mitigation per credits spent compared to haven. So even generally, if you are playing with a consistent high HPS healer, BUY REJUVENATE.

Now that the hardest part is over (I cannot for the life of me understand why people dont buy rejuv more. It's an amazing item late game on DMG/Flank unless you have a Furia) you just have to remember next few pointers. I will split them based on the Grohk's talent.

Totemic Ward (main heal):

-Do not spread out all around the map. One simple reason for this, TW is a team healing talent and if you constantly force Grohk to put down totems for singular people all around the map, you will lose the game. Instead, do something that I like to call pseudo-stacking. This means the following:

1. As a team, play 2 adjacent lanes on the map. Never all 3 or just the sides.
2. (And/or) Play as 2 groups meaning 2 players play together and 3 players play together.

This is to avoid the lose condition I stated earlier. Forcing totem Grohk to heal singular people around the map is poison to winning the game. Alternatively if the Grohk is intelligent, they will heal the team and you will die solo with no totems.

-Fight with the totems. Inside them. Like really, stand in the fucking totems. This shouldn't be hard but I constantly see people playing "totem is lava" even at high elo. If the team has rejuvenate and you are fighting with multiple people standing in totems, you will get a massive health advantage on a team scale. Grohk is the only support really being able to truly heal the whole team at the same time so make use of it. I mean there is Ying, but Ying has way less dmg and no utility compared to Grohk. This doesn't mean tank all damage btw. A lot of brainiacs will flame you that you can't heal them while they are standing in the open trying to bowl through betty bombs. Don't be stupid, do what you do normally, but do it while utilizing the constant totem heal to gain an advantage throughout combat while controlling the map and corners. Shoulder peek. If you are playing as a team you can outlive the enemy in a slogging match every time.

-When you realize that you need heals, HEAD TO THE NEAREST TEAMMATE. There will be totems there.

Spirit's Domain:

-If you are playing DMG/flank, take and force 1v1s while you are getting healed. (Staff) Grohk is the only support in the game (with lillith) that can actively heal through caut if you have rejuvenate. Especially if you have someone you are pushing with, just trust the heals and keep pushing (unless you are gonna eat a crap load of burst obviously). With a single totem and staff heals, you will be getting 492 hps through 90% anti-heal granted that you have max rejuvenate. With that kind of healing, you should be able to win ANY 1v1.

-What I said about pseudo-stacking under TW still applies here, but less. SD is way more flexible in terms of team positioning with the downside of losing dmg and lower range. It will still be a very useful if the Grohk can place totem's that are useful to multiple people at a time so don't go flying all around the map. SD's healing range is also generally worse than TW.

As a disclaimer I will still point that Grohk solo support is not the greatest there ever was, but you can absolutely make it work even in high elo play. Just stop being a whiny bitch teammate to Grohk and play to the character's strengths instead of actively playing against it.

Matchups (Support)
Champion Section
Favourable matchups

Anything that lacks high burst or tenacity to chase you belongs here. Talus is mentioned here, instead of the unfavourable matchups plainly due to a lack of good talus players. In the right hands and map, Talus will obliterate you. That doesn't happen 95% of the time. Moji kind of has the same potential, but the champion is just way worse than Talus and will have a lot more difficulty dealing with your team. Vora has all sorts of things you hate but isn't all that great in the meta right now. You can also use Ghost Walk to drop the DoTs she stacks on you.


Generally speaking backline damage dealers are what you want to be facing. Saati depends a lot on the player and their playstyle, but she still doesn't have burst. Just make extra sure to keep at a distance from her.

Blasters can be more difficult to face based on the map and how good you are at totem placement. I rarely give the type of damage much consideration, though.


With Spirit's Domain, you generally want something that doesn’t block your point tank staff healing with big shields and in general off tanks that are not heavy divers. Barik can be iffy with his shield, but he generally is not a threat to you if your point tank isn't a moron and doesn't walk into his shield when requiring heals. With Totemic Ward big shields don't bother you as much, but you can still get dived.

Unfavourable matchups
EvieVatuMaeveLexCaspianBomb KingDredgeDrogozWilloRuckusAshAzaan

Ultra high mobility is your enemy. These champions have the ability to come in and chase you through your ghost walk.

For me, Evie used to be a certain no go and I would advice the same for most people. Nowadays I only wanna 100% avoid evie when she is a top 2 pick in the draft. Sound cues are the key to dealing with her where hearing a teleport is an instant cue to Ghost walk, figure out where she is and reposition. That way she can't cripple you without walking into you through your team.

For the other flanks it's about being aware of them, Ghost walking for dmg mitigation and repositioning around teammates. Where these flanks differ from the rest is how fast they can kill you, especially Lex with your big head. Andro does the same but you can actually hear him coming a mile away and prepare where as Lex is a pure awareness and reflex check. Talus belongs to this insta kill category as well, but there are so few good Talus players that he is in the favourable matchups category.

If Caspian is in the meta he belongs into this category. Otherwise you can consider him a favorable matchup. His ult melts, but that's about it.


Heavy point control blasters kill your team and your totems at the same time! Avoid these matchups unless you have drafted counters for them, the map isn't good for AoE dmg or if you are really good at totem placement.

Willo is especially annoying, but isn't as much of a threat to you as she is to your team, since people just love hanging out in deadzone. Willo is really map dependant and has many counters, which you will need to utilise unless you like stress and pulling your hair out. The main thing is being able to apply pressure to her consistently so she can't do whatever she likes.


Hard diving off tanks have all the same stuff you hate in highly mobile flanks plus a ton of health. Yag isn’t as scary as the others especially if you have a counter to her. She is just mega annoying like Willo and requires you to constantly move around. Yag also melts your totems and can't be easily outplayed with out of sight placement. Use a loadout with totem hp against her.

Skill matchups
AndroxusKogaLexTalusSkyeBuckZhinVIICaspianCassieLianKinessaSha LinRaumMakoaTerminusAzaan

I added all the AA abuse bullshit flanks here. Generally speaking, you will always lose into AA abuse unless your team has someone who can abuse AA at a similar level. This applies for AA abuse dmg champs as well, but more so with flanks due to burst.


Buck kills you in a second if you lose track of him. Zhin kills you slowly, but has the tenacity and mobility to keep at it until you die, unless you position well. Zhin is also very sticky and has enough survivability to dive you through your team if you are not careful. On top of that he kills your totems if you are not careful with Yomi. As said in the last category, Andro kills you maybe even faster than buck, but you will have better sound cues to track and prepare for him.


In general all of these are just plain terrors when in the right hands. All of them have good burst and diving potential to chase and finish you off if you misposition even once. Generally, they can't dive you through your team and survive, especially with ghost walk, but are certainly requiring of high awareness to avoid getting too close to them.


Sticky lard sacks that dive and whittle you down until you die, except for Koa who kills you in a hook combo without you having a chance to Ghost Walk before Haven 2 or resi. Terminus is mainly scary here as an off tank, as which he rarely gets played as anymore. On point he just kills your totems all the time unless the map has good places for them in cover or you use your brain to place them.

Build Section
Thoughts on loadouts and cards:


Grohk has a lot of good cards and there are a lot of viable combinations depending on your situation. Instead of taking my builds at face value, you might have to experiment a little bit for what works for you. I will categorize cards for what I consider to be good, bad and filler, so you can get some direction and context for building your loadout. I will give out what I use in the actual build sections after.

Keyword note:

Keywords that increase healing also increase the healing you get from cards and talents!


Cards for healing:

Good cards:

-Spirit's Grace, can be replaced in very low elo cos people don't know how to utilise it. Otherwise, you are throwing if you're not using it.

-Gale, Use this if you want to maximize healing output. Don't play Gale with TW, you will waste most of it as the CD reset only affects one totem CD and doesn't overflow if you don't use all of it. Alternatively use it as a filler at max 3.

-Thunderlord, beneficial for all healing loadouts for different reasons.

-Shamanic Might, bulk up boi.
-Phantom, Increases your survivability by providing burst and dive resistance.

-Crackle, 1 lvl equals 2 extra heal ticks. Great card with Totemic Ward, esp as the main healer. Best card to increase healing output, not Gale.

Bad cards:

-Astral Traveller, requires too many points to be noticeable, especially when running SG. I generally prefer Phantom or Lightning Rod.

-Totemic Rescue, too long CD and requires too many points to really be worth it. Is also bugged, which makes it unreliable.

-Electrostatic, the value of this card is diminished a lot by the .5s delay before ammo regen starts. It's not as bad as I used to think, but I still don't like to use it.

-The obvious dmg cards for obvious reasons.

Filler cards:

-Outreach, excellent 1 or 2 pointer for any healing loadout

-Shamanic Might
-Astral Traveller, good filler with SD as you will not (always) be running high SG. Exchangeable with Phantom.

-Phantom, I like this card, since you always get the full heal amount.

-Totemic Rescue, maybe as a substitute for Shamanic Might if used as a filler, but I still feel the CD is too high.

-Thunderlord, great one pointer for low elo or beginner Grohk's that might need Gale more and/or can't play aggressively.

-Crackle, 1 lvl equals 2 extra heal tick.

-Monolith Totem, I run this a lot as 1 point filler. Don't be tricked into thinking this card is a counter to Bulldozer. It is not.

-Lightning Rod, been playing with this a bunch lately and learned to love it. With keyword bonus healing it enables pretty decent sustain with little point usage.


Cards for damage:

Good cards:

-Spirit's Grace, utility is just too good to skip.

-Lightning Rod, great for sustain, esp when combined with ghost walk to reset caut during bouncing.

-Arc Lightning, absolutely essential at 3+ points

-Shamanic Might

-Conduit, if you feel like SG is not enough ZOOM ZOOM. Don't run both tho unless you like memeing

Bad cards:

-Haunting, too little effect per point.

-Astral Traveller, requires too many points to be noticeable, especially when running SG or Conduit. Use as a filler instead.

-Totemic Rescue, too long CD and requires too many points to really be worth it. Also bugged and doesn't trigger properly if you get bursted through the HP threshold. You will die and the card will trigger when you spawn completely wasting it.

-Electrostatic, the value of this card is diminished a lot by the .5s delay before ammo regen starts. Use Thunderstruck filler instead.

Filler cards:

-Thunderlord, you don't need to run this high due to Thunderstruck.
-Thunderstruck, a must have filler at 1 or 2 points.

-Shamanic Might

-Phantom, I like this card, since you always get the full heal amount. I run it a lot as a 1-2 pointer.

-Astral Traveller, nice filler card if you prefer it over Phantom.

-Conduit, still nice even as a 1 or 2 pointer if you wish for that little boost in movement speed.

Totemic Ward

There are a plenty of variations you could do with TW. My playstyle generally is more healing than damage focused. Key card to include is Spirit's Grace.

Main heal
Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 5



Healing Totem

Increase the duration of Healing Totem by 1s.

Level 5



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 30%.

Level 2



Ghost Walk

Heal for 200 over the duration of Ghost Walk.

Level 2

Monolith Totem

Monolith Totem

Healing Totem

Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 150.

Level 1

Totemic Ward

Totemic Ward

Healing Totem

Gain a third charge of Healing Totem, increase their healing by 15%, and increase their radius of 20%. Remedy(+10% Healing and +5% Damage)

Level 1


Balanced mix of utility and aggression

Off support
Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 5

Shamanic Might

Shamanic Might


Increase your maximum Health by 200.

Level 4




Increase your maximum Ammo by 30%.

Level 3



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 30%.

Level 2



Shock Pulse

Generate 6% of your Ammo for each unique enemy hit by Shock Pulse.

Level 1

Totemic Ward

Totemic Ward

Healing Totem

Gain a third charge of Healing Totem, increase their healing by 15%, and increase their radius of 20%. Remedy(+10% Healing and +5% Damage)

Level 2

Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 5



Healing Totem

Increase the duration of Healing Totem by 1s.

Level 5



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 45%.

Level 3



Ghost Walk

Heal for 100 over the duration of Ghost Walk.

Level 1

Monolith Totem

Monolith Totem

Healing Totem

Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 150.

Level 1


For maps like Timber Mill

Totem HP
Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 5



Healing Totem

Increase the duration of Healing Totem by 0.8s.

Level 4

Monolith Totem

Monolith Totem

Healing Totem

Increase the Health of Healing Totem by 450.

Level 3



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 30%.

Level 2



Ghost Walk

Heal for 100 over the duration of Ghost Walk.

Level 1


For comps stacking AoE or Yag.

Spirit's Domain

I don't play SD in ranked but here's some ideas of what I might run if I did




Increase your maximum Ammo by 50%.

Level 5

Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 5



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 30%.

Level 2



Shock Pulse

Generate 12% of your Ammo for each unique enemy hit by Shock Pulse.

Level 2

Lightning Rod

Lightning Rod

Shock Pulse

Heal for 30 for each enemy hit with Shock Pulse.

Level 1

Spirit's Domain

Spirit's Domain


Hitting allies with your Lightning Staff Heals them for 800 per second and your maximum Ammo capacity is increased by 15%. Curative (+20% Healing)

Level 2




Increase your maximum Ammo by 50%.

Level 5



Ghost Walk

Decrease the Cooldown of Healing Totem by 3s after activating Ghost Walk.

Level 5

Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 18% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 3



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 15%.

Level 1



Shock Pulse

Generate 6% of your Ammo for each unique enemy hit by Shock Pulse.

Level 1

Spirit's Domain

Spirit's Domain


Hitting allies with your Lightning Staff Heals them for 800 per second and your maximum Ammo capacity is increased by 15%. Curative (+20% Healing)

Level 1

2 tuff 2 dive



Increase your maximum Ammo by 50%.

Level 5

Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 24% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 4



Ghost Walk

Heal for 300 over the duration of Ghost Walk.

Level 3

Shamanic Might

Shamanic Might


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 15%.

Level 1

Spirit's Domain

Spirit's Domain


Hitting allies with your Lightning Staff Heals them for 800 per second and your maximum Ammo capacity is increased by 15%. Curative (+20% Healing)

Level 1

Very old Main
Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 30% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 5




Increase your maximum Ammo by 50%.

Level 5



Ghost Walk

Decrease the Cooldown of Healing Totem by 1.7999999999999998s after activating Ghost Walk.

Level 3



Ghost Walk

Heal for 100 over the duration of Ghost Walk.

Level 1



Healing Totem

Increase the deploy range of Healing Totem by 15%.

Level 1

Spirit's Domain

Spirit's Domain


Hitting allies with your Lightning Staff Heals them for 800 per second and your maximum Ammo capacity is increased by 15%. Curative (+20% Healing)

Level 1


A lot of variation possible. Key cards to include are Lightning Rod, Spirit's Grace, Arc Lightning and Thunderstruck, but point values could vary wildly. I only play the main one but I left some old ones here to give you ideas.

Main SG


Shock Pulse

Increase the damage of Lightning Staff to 70, your weapon shots reduce the Cooldown of Shock Pulse by 0.5s, and Shock Pulse chains 4 additional times. Surgery (+10% Damage)

Level 2

Lightning Rod

Lightning Rod

Shock Pulse

Heal for 150 for each enemy hit with Shock Pulse.

Level 5

Spirit's Grace

Spirit's Grace

Healing Totem

Allies inside your Healing Totem gain 24% increased Movement Speed for 1s.

Level 4

Arc Lightning

Arc Lightning

Shock Pulse

Increase the Chain range of Shock Pulse by 32%.

Level 4



Shock Pulse

Generate 6% of your Ammo for each unique enemy hit by Shock Pulse.

Level 1

Shamanic Might

Shamanic Might


Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1

Open map, no SG
Arc Lightning

Arc Lightning

Shock Pulse

Increase the Chain range of Shock Pulse by 32%.

Level 4

Lightning Rod

Lightning Rod

Shock Pulse

Heal for 120 for each enemy hit with Shock Pulse.

Level 4



Shock Pulse

Increase your Movement Speed by 24% for 3s after hitting an enemy with Shock Pulse.

Level 4

Shamanic Might

Shamanic Might


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Shock Pulse

Generate 6% of your Ammo for each unique enemy hit by Shock Pulse.

Level 1



Shock Pulse

Increase the damage of Lightning Staff to 70, your weapon shots reduce the Cooldown of Shock Pulse by 0.5s, and Shock Pulse chains 4 additional times. Surgery (+10% Damage)

Level 1


Team utility focused dmg build

Small map, no SG
Shamanic Might

Shamanic Might


Increase your maximum Health by 200.

Level 4

Lightning Rod

Lightning Rod

Shock Pulse

Heal for 120 for each enemy hit with Shock Pulse.

Level 4



Shock Pulse

Increase your Movement Speed by 24% for 3s after hitting an enemy with Shock Pulse.

Level 4

Arc Lightning

Arc Lightning

Shock Pulse

Increase the Chain range of Shock Pulse by 16%.

Level 2



Shock Pulse

Generate 6% of your Ammo for each unique enemy hit by Shock Pulse.

Level 1



Shock Pulse

Increase the damage of Lightning Staff to 70, your weapon shots reduce the Cooldown of Shock Pulse by 0.5s, and Shock Pulse chains 4 additional times. Surgery (+10% Damage)

Level 1

Build Section

Im gonna divide healing items based on 2 paths you could take; one with Hoard and one without. My main path is with Hoard but there's some decision making involved here. If you think you can snowball the game, don't go Hoard.

Hoard isn't actually included in the items because it doesn't exist on the website, for whatever reason. Read the descriptions for how to build.

Items for Healing

Hoard path: Start with Hoard 2 and buy Hoard 3 ASAP. Then max out Chronos go from there. The key here is to max Hoard first before you buy other stuff. You will be weaker than normal early, but you can hit Chronos 3, where you are strong, faster.

Non-Hoard path: just ignore Hoard and build as normal. This can sometimes be preferable if your team is exceptionally weak early game and you fear you are gonna get 0-4. On the other hand, it might sometimes be preferable to skip Hoard if you think you can 4-0 the enemy.

Early game



Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 10%.

Level 1

Mid game



Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 10%.

Level 1

Morale Boost

Morale Boost


Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 10%.

Level 1




Gain 7% Movement Speed.

Level 1




Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 6%.

Level 1




Increase your base maximum Health by 5.5%.

Level 1




Reduce the duration and effectiveness of Crowd Control and Slows by 25%.

Level 1


Max Chronos unless you absolutely need something else first. After that it depends:

-For offense, buy Morale Boost.

-For defense, Haven. Get Resilience if you are CCd a lot. Note that this is different from just the enemy having CC. If you are not getting CCd, don't buy Resilience.

-Nimble is a generally good item that I sometimes buy against projectile champions or to get away from dives. Also increases your flight speed in ult, which is useful.

Late game

Max whatever you have bought in the order that makes sense to you in the context of the game. Remember to not buy defensive items unless you actually need them.

Deft Hands
Deft Hands

Deft Hands


Increase your Reload Speed by 20%.

Level 1


When playing Spirit's Domain, Deft Hands becomes an interesting pick around mid game. It offers you much faster reload compared to regening ammo, if you are playing with Thunderlord 5. Deft Hands enables you to more efficiently switch between damage and healing cos you don't have worry about running dry. This allows you to pressure the enemy team more.

If you still have room in your build late game, buy Deft Hands. It is remarkable value late game with the amount of ammo you have with SD + TL 5, since Grohk's ammo recharge rate is constant instead of percentage based. Great pick instead of Veteran, if you don't need the defense or are struggling to have enough ammo for healing.




Reduce the duration and effectiveness of Crowd Control and Slows by 25%.

Level 1

Master Riding

Master Riding


Increase your Mount Speed by 15%.

Level 1




Your weapon attacks deal 30% increased Damage to Shields.

Level 1




Gain 7% Movement Speed.

Level 1


You can buy master riding in long maps or if you die a lot for some reason, or as a last item you can afford before 3-3 point if you fear you might die. I rarely buy nimble anymore since I run SG in every loadout. It's still a nice and viable card if you like it and helps you in open maps.

New items that are not in guru

-Sentinel: Buy this for knockback and slow resistance, not the shield.
-Bloodbath: Too expensive for how little it actually heals. You could consider buying it if your carries are buying Rejuvenate. Morale Boost is better and cheaper. I also generally dislike snowballing items and much prefer ones that help me score the initial kill.
-Arcane Warding: Niche buy that is usually not worth it. I sometimes get it against burst ults, drogoz spit or CD reset Imani

Don't waste your credits
Life Rip

Life Rip


Your weapon shots gain +10% Lifesteal.

Level 1




Receive 10% more Healing from other players.

Level 1




Your weapon shots deal 25% increased damage to Deployables, Pets, and Illusions.

Level 1


Just no. Maybe Bloodbath if you can't figure out ANYTHING ELSE.

Damage items

Start with Chronos for Shock Pulse spam and Totems, unless there is a compelling reason to buy something else like wrecker. I often get Chronos 2 before I buy anything else. You should stay away defensive items unless you actually need them.

Must haves



Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 10%.

Level 1

Morale Boost

Morale Boost


Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 10%.

Level 1


I would almost add nimble here too. It feels really nice for moving around the map.

Master Riding

Master Riding


Increase your Mount Speed by 15%.

Level 1




Gain 7% Movement Speed.

Level 1




Reduce the duration and effectiveness of Crowd Control and Slows by 25%.

Level 1




Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 6%.

Level 1




Your weapon attacks deal 30% increased Damage to Shields.

Level 1




Increase your base maximum Health by 5.5%.

Level 1

Kill to Heal

Kill to Heal


Getting a kill or elimination heals you for 200 Health, unaffected by Anti-Healing.

Level 1




Receive 10% more Healing from other players.

Level 1


Same reasoning as for the support section, although now Bloodbath is kind of a viable option due to Shock Pulse assists. Grohk is not a great wrecker, but sometimes you just have to buy it regardless. Generally I would try to get my team to buy wrecker so I don't have to.

I find rejuv good on Grohk as you need to maintain LoS in order to deal dmg. A lot of the time this means having to tank cauterize and rejuv can help out a ton sustaining dmg and helping you keep up the pressure.

Don't waste your credits
Life Rip

Life Rip


Your weapon shots gain +10% Lifesteal.

Level 1

Deft Hands

Deft Hands


Increase your Reload Speed by 20%.

Level 1




Your weapon shots deal 25% increased damage to Deployables, Pets, and Illusions.

Level 1

