Free Agent - NA
These are some builds I have noticed as being exceptionally good throughout my time playing Seris.
These loadouts are meant for when you want to play extremely aggressively.

Rend Soul
Every Soul Orb stack you detonate increases your Movement Speed by 1% for 4s, up to a maximum of 15%.
Level 1

Blood Pact
Restore Soul
Heal for 350 every 1s while channeling Restore Soul.
Level 5

Nether Siphon
Shadow Travel
Heal for 250 every 1s while using Shadow Travel.
Level 5

Shadow Travel
Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 20%.
Level 2

Increase your maximum Health by 100.
Level 2

Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 30%.
Level 3

Life Rip
Your weapon shots gain +30% Lifesteal.
Level 3

Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 18%.
Level 3

Deft Hands
Increase your Reload Speed by 60%.
Level 3
This build will make sure that you stay alive for a long time and almost never die. Make sure that you heal your teammates constantly and go to shadow travel whenever you are low.

Umbral Gait
Your Movement Speed is increased by 40% while any enemy is marked with a Soul Orb stack.
Level 5

Dark Whisper
Shadow Travel
Increase your Movement Speed by 16% while Shadow Travel is active.
Level 2

Shadow Travel
Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 20%.
Level 2

Fade to Black
Restore Soul
Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 1.6s after activating Restore Soul. This can only occur once every 5s.
Level 2

Rend Soul
Every Soul Orb stack you detonate increases your Movement Speed by 4% for 4s, up to a maximum of 15%.
Level 4

Gain 21% Movement Speed.
Level 3

Deft Hands
Increase your Reload Speed by 60%.
Level 3

Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 18%.
Level 3
This build will make you extremely fast and make the enemies have a harder time hitting you. Make sure to keep soul orbs on everybody and use shadow travel a lot.
These loadouts are meant for when you want to play more passively and like a traditional healer.

Blood Pact
Restore Soul
Heal for 350 every 1s while channeling Restore Soul.
Level 5

Increase your maximum Health by 250.
Level 5

Shadow Travel
Reduce the cast time of Shadow Travel by 20%.
Level 2

Nether Siphon
Shadow Travel
Heal for 100 every 1s while using Shadow Travel.
Level 2

Fade to Black
Restore Soul
Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Travel by 0.8s after activating Restore Soul. This can only occur once every 5s.
Level 1

Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 18%.
Level 3

Increase your base maximum Health by 16.5%.
Level 3

Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 30%.
Level 3

Gain 21% Movement Speed.
Level 3
This build will make sure you never die and you can stay out of combat. Make sure that you stay behind your frontline if you have one and keep healing everybody. Use shadow travel to get out of combat and make sure you keep your out of combat regeneration.
This is a good team composition for holding down an objective and making sure the enemies never take it.
This is a good team composition when facing against a team filled with flanks and damage. Having 2 supports will make sure your team stays alive for longer and will help you recover from flankers rushing you.