5 years ago
Patch 3.1
Player Avatar

Free Agent - EU

Edit: I might convert this entire guide to a video with gameplay footage if there's enough interest in that, however, the loadouts section detailed here and the way I calculate my loadouts is detailed in this video



No offense intended by the title, but there's been an influx of Dia+ level 50+ Barik players using the default loadout and getting wrecked while they're at it, and crying about their support not baby sitting them all the time...

So let's go over what you should be doing.

1) at the start of the match, look at the enemy composition, do they have cripple champs, is the enemy Inara throwing her match by playing Treacherous Grounds? is Kinessa/BK/Strix in the enemy team? is a good Sha on the enemy team? is Sha running 2 second silence or cripple?

if these situations are met, you need to use a loadout that either has no Failsafe/DoubleTime or you might want to gamble that you'll survive 1 CC (except inara, always go for an anti CC build)\

2) check your own teams composition, is your healer better off not healing you at all most of the time (YES REALLY) and focus on others? or is your support going to heal you by mistake just by being there (Grover, a Ying clone, Corvus in casual for now).

OR, if your team has 2 champions that do not benefit from buying Cauterize for whatever reason (maybe double supports)

If your healer isn't going to be actively healing you, you buy Rejuvenate 1 with Caut1 so that when they heal you you'd get more value out of it.

But if your team has less Cauterize appliers, do not buy Rejuvenate and focus on getting Caut3 ASAP.

3) Tinkeren is referred to by players as a throw talent because it is map dependent, it only worked on Timber Mill but that's now out of the rotation, maybe fish market would be a good place for it but I'd rather run Fortify on open maps like Fish Market.

Edit: I have to explain further since people actually run this talent.


Explaining Tinkeren and when can you use it to win: you now deal 480 on a projectile instead of being hitscan, you now have range advantage on Tinkeren, you are now Fat Cassie but deal 200 less damage, everyone called Barik Fat Cassie in season 2, so on larger maps like Fish Market, you are no longer useless once you or the enemy has pushed beyond the house (the hill before reaching the other team's spawn), you see, Barik without Tinkeren only deals 100 to 250 per shot without it in that scenario.

On frozen guard, once either team is about to reach the bridge near spawn, Barik's entire team will be fighting from high ground safely if he's on the defense, or being a meat shield and shielding his team on the offensive, so your job will be to poke and apply Cauterize, however, using Tinkeren will undo that situation and you can fight back or push further.

Notice that both situations happen After the point was lost or won over, and this is the conundrum of Tinkeren.


Not running Tinkeren = you can deal 750 per headshot while the point fight is happening or at the start of the round, or deal 500 per shot on body shots, you can poke at long range and annoy Evie/Maeve/Andro players a little bit alongside your turrets

At 95 units or higher, you randomly deal 100 to 250, even at sniping range, test that out in the shooting range.

Running Tinkeren = at a range lower than 95 units, you deal 480 per shot, at 160 units away, you deal 390 damage, and at around 240 units, you do 180 damage, the projectile is slow and dodgeable so you better imagine being Cassie while shooting.

and now you know why people think tinkeren is a waste, you can't snipe as if you're Cassie, you have falloff when Cassie does not, and the 250 (which is common BTW) is more than Tinkeren does at sniper range.

This is why people will always say Tinkeren is a throw pick, you lost the point advantage to poke a bit more on mid range (You can only win Siege matches by a capture, so Tinkeren does nothing for you in that regard).


4) Between Archi and Fortify, Archi had a 10% higher winrate than Fortify last month, so Archi is the best, but as mentioned above, Snipers and BK sometimes require you to use fortify to survive, even Vivian can be annoying enough to consider it, however, remember that you can body block shots with your turrets anyway (it's not reliable though) so you don't exactly need Fortify all the time.

Also, if you're still in bronze/silver/gold, and your team is a bit on the lower side of elo, you might consider using Fortify to go kill Moji yourself, I use it when I see that my team is afraid of the enemy BK to go bully him, yes, I go off point as Barik because my team needs it, you should do that too! but don't let the enemy cap for free -_- break their back bones and then go cap for free without any harassment, killing the enemy backliner/support is always better than standing right in the open on the point, who does that?, well, apart from the 11 level 50+ dia4 Barik players I've encountered who somehow are still playing the default loadout...

Your abilities:

Weapon: blunderbuss ,does 500 on body shots or 750 on head shots, at max range will randomly deal 100, 150, or 250, so keep using it to snipe if there isn't anything else to do, you still apply Caut, your reload is fast, you have 6 ammo.

Barricade: Shield that has 3750 (tanks 3 shots from a sniper and then has a bit more health to block the 4th one if no one else was shooting it), the cooldown is 12 seconds, and you do not waste points on reducing it, even running Fortify, you might just not want to waste cards on lowering it further, more details later.

Turret: deploy a turret, you can place 2 turrets at the same time, deploying a 3rd turret will destroy the oldest one, the cool down without Archi is 10 seconds, with Archi it's 7 seconds, your turret has a lot of utility, it pokes Evie for 120/s for example unless you're using Archi where it deals 144/s per turret, this is one of the reasons every good Evie loves to exact revenge on Barik by ulting him, your turrets HP is 1000 meaning that a DPS champs uses 2 shots to destroy them, and you place your turret in front of you so that the turret takes the damage instead of you, this is how you live for longer, not to mention the utility provided by the turrets with the cards associated, more details on that later.

Rocket boots: for 1 second, dash fast enough to dodge some hitscan shots, while applying (or not applying) benefits through cards, the ability will cancel itself if you fire your weapon so please stop doing that, and don't double tap F in fear because that cancels it too!.

Ult: Deal 600/s to enemies 22 units away and put up a 10k dome shield, you must never ever ult while you're low on health because dying cancels it, the ult lasts 6 seconds.

You can ult on point as soon as the enemy Inara has used up her wall (or else she'll just say no to the ult with the wall).

You never ult while the enemy Raum has his ult, because his ult destroys both the shield and the turret.

If you have your support on the point (such as Luna or Jenos or Corvus after you won the point fight), go off the point, hold a choke point like a door or even the mid lane, use your teams callouts to see which direction the enemy is stacking, and ult off the point! stop the enemy by zoning with the ult!, works great on smaller maps like Bazaar when the enemy stacks 1 side or you want to stop the most important enemy champ and have them go back.

Stop shooting the enemy point tank if anyone else of their team is close, poking the support for 400+ depending on range is always better, against an Inara, aim for the top of her hair to get headshots, not on her face.

Unlike the past 2 months, Barik no longer has 1 loadout only, you can use 3 builds effectively but I keep 6 loadouts because that's the smart thing to do!, read each loadouts notes to learn WHEN to use that one!

Hint: import these loadouts from my account, in game name MacZeroFun

Hint2: picking Barik in the first place is done for one of 3 reasons

1) the enemy picked Inara or She's banned

2) your comp lacks damage and you want to deal more damage than Inara can.

3) your team picked a backline support that has no burst healing and therfore you yourself do not prefer to play Inara with that support, (Jenos in the past).

NOTE: if the enemy decided to pick both Termi and Inara, there's no hope left in the world, if those 2 stack on point, you don't belong on the point, go off tank, kill their backline, that's your one and only chance to deal with this mess.

Also, you better fear Khan, even Makoa should be feared! 1 stun = 1 free easy kill on Bob the builder, and getting out of position means insta deletion if you weren't lucky, Resi is your best friend, higher priority than Caut AND Rejuv.

HINT: stop blaming your support.

Public service announcement : 80% of Barik players will laugh at you for running Failsafe any higher than 3 OK?, keep that in mind while you're reading this.

Public service announcement 2 : I keep mentioning starting the match off the point for a reason, never ever start by going on point, your first shield should be placed where your flanker or your whole team that's stacking 1 side can benefit from, and use the shield early so the enemy doesn't just walk through it!!!.

Only stay on the point after the first fight ends no matter whether you lost or won that fight!.


Edit: as requested by an angry Dia+ player, I have to add this line, Always have Double time at 5 in all of your loadouts (except the VS CC one) and failsafe at a minimum at 3


Free up support
Build Section

When you have Jenos or Corvus or a low output healer or something like that, or your team's Grover is arrogantly using the default loadout with 0 points on verdant blooming, you use this because otherwise you'll just die.

Failsafe 3 on this loadout will only proc at 1065 HP so be careful of this aspect!, you will not be saved from snipers with a second dash with this as is! read the note.

NOTE: moving 1 point from field deploy to failsafe , makes it proc at 1420 which is MUCH MUCH SAFER! but leads to reduced sustain overall, This is viable but much hated by good Barik players who play safe and know how to use double time twice out of Caut.

HOWEVER, Failsafe 3 and Brave&Bold 2 is a much worse idea because that would make Failsafe 3 proc at 1100 HP! that's still not safe enough.

Combat repair 1 is not necessary whatsoever, switch it out for whatever you feel like, you need 2 full seconds of your damage turret to give them the ability to tank one more shot for you with it.

Free up support


Rocket Boots

Heal for 250 every 1s for 3s after activating Rocket Boots.

Level 5

Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 100 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 5




Reset the Cooldown of Rocket Boots after falling to or below 30% Health.

Level 3

Brave and Bold

Brave and Bold


Increase your maximum Health by 150.

Level 1

Combat Repair

Combat Repair


Heal all of your Turrets for 90 every 1s while you are standing near them.

Level 1

Level 1

Against Cripple/Silence comps
Build Section

So a meme lord troll Inara, or a good Inara that had GB Io on her side, decided to go cripple to make you cry, well how about no?

Maybe you have that dreadful fear of the Sha/Cassie insta delete combo (The usual Cassie combo but with a cripple arrow for an extra 1k or 1.3k depending on his talent).

against such things , you better not ever think of using Failsafe because you'll never ever dash.

HOWEVER, if what you are up against are just stuns, don't bother with this, even if you get stunned right after dashing, cards like Double Time and Bowling Ball will still proc, so this is only against cripplers.

Get Rejuv, just, get Rejuv, no matter what, Caut1+Rejuv1, and you don't need to focus on Caut2, max out Rejuv first if you are being pushed.

Combat repair here at 1 is so that warders field does not destroy your turrets, because it deals some damage to them too!, but in true practice you are running one man's scrap here! so why wouldn't you want your turrets to be destroyed? well, this is honestly just my preference.

the talent is up to you, I run Archi with this, because having more turrets means more CDR on your shield anyway, but there's no reason not to consider running Fortify, that's up to the enemy comp to decide.

VS CC [Cripple/Silience]
Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 100 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 5

Brave and Bold

Brave and Bold


Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3

Healing Station

Healing Station


Heal for 50 every 1s while standing near any of your Turrets.

Level 2

One Man's Scrap

One Man's Scrap


When a Turret is destroyed, reduce your active Cooldowns by 20%.

Level 4

Combat Repair

Combat Repair


Heal all of your Turrets for 90 every 1s while you are standing near them.

Level 1

Alternative vs CC build
Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 100 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 5

Healing Station

Healing Station


Heal for 125 every 1s while standing near any of your Turrets.

Level 5

Combat Repair

Combat Repair


Heal all of your Turrets for 180 every 1s while you are standing near them.

Level 2

Forged Alloy

Forged Alloy


Increase the Health of all your Turrets by 280.

Level 2

Brave and Bold

Brave and Bold


Increase your maximum Health by 150.

Level 1

Level 1


If your turrets don't die, heal for 81.25 per second under Cauterize 3 while using your turrets as permanent shields.

Hiding behind your turrets will only work against short champions or projectiles!! or if there are slopes! , you have 3550HP on this loadout.

Your support will be stressed out by you always being low on HP but this can work.

Double support = this build is good, an off support will be enough to sustain you (Ying with her clones, pip with his potion).

Rejuvenate does not affect the amount of health you get from your turrets, at 15% it will make Cauterize only do 60% when others heal you.

I carry games with Barik (WR++)
Build Section

This is what I use if my brain is melting or if I just want to win VS no CC, I just live, live, and live.

Failsafe procs at 1150HP, again, if you REALLY feel like you need more failsafe, then keep this in mind

B&B 3 + FS4 = Failsafe happens at 1540HP, very safe.

B&B 2 + FS4 = Failsafe happens at 1480, also very safe.

so where you take that point is up to you, just don't touch Double time OK?

Talent is Archi, unless forced by BK/Kinessa/Strix

The filler is up to you again.



Rocket Boots

Heal for 250 every 1s for 3s after activating Rocket Boots.

Level 5




Reset the Cooldown of Rocket Boots after falling to or below 30% Health.

Level 3

Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 60 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 3

Brave and Bold

Brave and Bold


Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3

Healing Station

Healing Station


Heal for 25 every 1s while standing near any of your Turrets.

Level 1

Fortify ONLY when against high burst
Build Section

This is only when the enemy stacks 2 annoying DPS, you better off tank and go eat the enemy for breakfast before you go on point.

THIS BUILD HAS THE LOWEST WR OF ALL MY BUILDS ! because it means I need more support, I've not used this in such a long time because I don't get a 2DPS mix enemy comp all that much anymore.

Failsafe is a must at 4 because you're not running B&B UNLESS you're running it instead of the filler, but even then, just run Failsafe 4.

note: the filler is Healing Station, but the filler is up to you, but fuel efficiency at 1 enables 1.3 second long dashes that make getting in and out easier, it's totally up to you, but my preference is B&B1 instead.

Fortify but why



Reset the Cooldown of Rocket Boots after falling to or below 40% Health.

Level 4



Rocket Boots

Heal for 250 every 1s for 3s after activating Rocket Boots.

Level 5




Reduce the Cooldown of Barricade by 1.6s.

Level 4

Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 20 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 1

Healing Station

Healing Station


Heal for 25 every 1s while standing near any of your Turrets.

Level 1




Increase the maximum Health of Barricade by 2000 and reduce its Cooldown by 3s.

Level 1

Meme build, max shields no self heals
Build Section

I used this to get 53k shielding and 0 deaths in a 6 minute TDM match no less


well whatever, it's TDM what do you expect?, but this build for Casual is fun to mess with or for the stupid mandatory shield for 150k BP chore




Reduce the Cooldown of Barricade by 2s.

Level 5

One Man's Scrap

One Man's Scrap


When a Turret is destroyed, reduce your active Cooldowns by 20%.

Level 4

Brave and Bold

Brave and Bold


Increase your maximum Health by 450.

Level 3

Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 20 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 1

Healing Station

Healing Station


Heal for 25 every 1s while standing near any of your Turrets.

Level 1

I trust my support
Build Section

So your support is good, you trust them for whatever reason, you don't need that much self sustain if all you need to do is tank 1 more shot to get healed.

Never ever run Bowling Ball unless you spend exactly 4 points on it, 600 HP is the most common amount of damage dealt in the game

A burst from Vik = 660 with no falloff, a Cassie shot is 680, a Chakram from Tiberius is 650 unless it bounced off, so I can understand why someone would use it at 5 but whatever.

The card literally means: for each time you dash, you can tank 1 more shot before dying.

Note: I hate this build, because using it means that I have to trust both my support to heal me once every 7 seconds and my damage/offtank to keep my support alive.

I trust my support



Reset the Cooldown of Rocket Boots after falling to or below 30% Health.

Level 3



Rocket Boots

Heal for 250 every 1s for 3s after activating Rocket Boots.

Level 5

Bowling Ball

Bowling Ball

Rocket Boots

Gain a 600-Health Shield for 3s after activating Rocket Boots.

Level 4

Brave and Bold

Brave and Bold


Increase your maximum Health by 300.

Level 2

Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 20 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 1

Why THESE cards are not as good (opinion)
Build Section

Default loadouts make me want to cry.


Throw card 1 = Bunker: increase Barricade HP by 200 per level, you're throwing value out the window

Throw card 2 = Foundation: add 0.6 seconds per level to your shield that lasts 6 whole seconds, no real value here.


One Man's Treasure: if you're already winning, go win more!, has higher numerical value than OMS but does not happen until your team starts trading with the enemy, it might save you from being a trade victim

but, and that's a big big but, it also makes you lose points that could've sustained you longer in the first place.


Red streak: reduce 0.8 seconds off of your 12 second long dash cool down, but suffer from that giving you a little bit less value out of Chronos, however if you do the math, Chronos 3 + this card will always be a lower cool down (better outcome) than 0 points into this so I totally understand why PROS run this card.

The math in 2 lines:

1) Red streak 5 = 8 second cool down, reduced by 0.8 per Chronos level, goes down to a minimum dash cool down of just 5.6 seconds, which is insane value out of Double Time (750 every 6 seconds), this is exactly equal to what you'd get in value out of 2 turrets running Field Deploy 5 for 3 seconds of hitting something and requires Chronos 3 to reach that level.

(In reality, you don't have 2 turrets up all the time but 1 turret does the same in 6 seconds)

Also CDR cards get less value too if you have this card.

2) Not running Red streak but buying Chronos 3 : Dash cooldown becomes 8.4 seconds.

Kind reminder that this was just an opinion!, try running the (free up support) loadout while removing 1 point off of Failsafe and replacing Field deploy with red streak 5, it works, it's great, it's awesome, and it's not for me.


Accelerator field: Juking shots around your shield becomes easier due to +6% movement speed, good filler, helps out with getting out of zoning attacks and ults or Inara's cripple, very usable and not bad but not for me personally.


Bowling Ball : Great card at 4 or higher if you combo it with both Double time AND Failsafe

Only bad when lower than 4, and used by Pros in their decks, and I absolutely agree that it is great!

My beef with Bowling Ball is that I always happen to be out of Caut while using my 2 stacks of dash on Double time and I always reach cover before I can make use of the shields, BUT this 100% works.


Fuel Efficiency: at 2 points, enables off tank Barik to dive and chase and get out before being overwhelmed.

Note: Can trigger a hidden animation if used at higher levels

Usable filler if you like it.


Forged alloy: at 3 points, allows each turret to tank 1 more shot before being destroyed, at 1 point if it was in a combo with combat repair 1, allows your turrets to do the same thing.

If you're a God at hiding behind your turrets, in season 2, this was used on a meme build to make the turrets invincible, it was ran at 4 with combat repair 3 in that meme build, and the map to abuse it was Ascension peak, every Slope helps!, but that build doesn't fit the current meta

Opinion: put less Emphasis on these



Increase the duration of Barricade by 0.6s.

Level 1




Increase the Health of Barricade by 200.

Level 1

Accelerator Field

Accelerator Field


Passing through your Barricade increases the Movement Speed of yourself or your allies by 6% for 5s.

Level 1

One Man's Treasure

One Man's Treasure


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 10% after getting an Elimination.

Level 1

Red Streak

Red Streak

Rocket Boots

Reduce the Cooldown of Rocket Boots by 0.8s.

Level 1

Your relationship with champions
Champion Section
On your side


If Jenos with his range card nerf still works (Lightyears maxes out at 20% now), then Jenos is good with Barik.

Corvus works with Barik too since Corvus will be marking 2 others and using you to trigger heals on them.

A LE Ying doesn't need to use her RMB on you if her clones are in cover on another lane where they can heal you while she heals someone else with Shatter.

Io can save you with GB's DR no matter what, and she's throwing if she thinks Life Link is enough for you, because you're not going to be on the point if Luna is on it unless you have pepehands you pepega xD, go off tank if you have Io, as a matter of fact, why would you pick Barik if you have double support? pick Khan and zone zone zone :D

Most Damba players make you invincible with the Gourd and having some life steal applied on it through cards, that life steal doesn't matter whatsoever, and statistics say that damba heals the most in pure numbers.

Furia's 15% missing HP at the moment your failsafe happens is always around 360 on top of her 1000 instant heal and 400 over time, that without Cauterize is 1760, under Caut 3 it becomes 440 healing OVER TIME, and guess what? most Furia's removed Light of Dawn (Shield card) because now it's at 175 instead of 250 shielding, and use Ruthless to be able to defend themselves (wrath decay nerf).

So, Furia is someone you use more sustain in your loadout with xD yes really!, get out of Cauterize! all Furia's I see in ranked just hold RMB -_- and never wait for Caut to end.... so be careful and don't flame them, play around their limitations instead, and stop blaming bad furia players for the fact that they heal over time (250 instant and the rest of the 440 is over time).

Pip, on combat medic, will always find chances to heal you for 700 out of Cauterize, use your shield wisely to get out of Caut, and your dash too, however, a mega potion pip will most likely always prioritize you since he cannot hit your flying flankers (Andro/Maeve/Evie) reliably, so if you have a pip player throwing the match by playing mega pot as a solo support (that's my opinion ok?) then don't run any sustain, you don't need it unless he really is trying to throw the match.

Seris can go the abyss, imagine playing Seris in ranked, or even better!, imagine Seris not running Soul Collector anyway!, Mortal Reach = keep your heals for 1 more second and do just a bit more but then wait even longer before switching targets, people don't realize that Seris will not be able to keep anyone alive when Caut3 is online, she's an off-support, not a main support, and she's bad at that, she deals good enough of damage while healing a bit, she's still not good, always bad, and people still post guides on how to play her...

Grohk as a support, Totemic Ward is a throw talent, Spirits domain heals are real as long as he lives and he does not live because he has less sustain now that he has a lockout between deploying each of his 2 totems, but, in truth, SD Grohk can heal, but tell you what, if you encounter one, ask them to go heal the off tank/flanker and they can heal you from behind those two on their lane on some maps, on other maps, you need to delete the enemy team by off tanking with your team and then you go sit on the point while Grohk keeps your zoners alive, he's bad.

Skye: Every good skye runs smoke and daggers, plays as a damage and tells her team to pick a 2nd flanker or a 2nd damage, and then she either pockets you or your off tank, while your main healer is somewhere else healing others (or you if skye was healing the off tank).

Skye will always be feared and banned by bronze players, if you are bronze, start buying Cauterize and Illuminate to deal with her, and stop complaining that she's OP, she's not OP, she's balanced and on the weaker side of champions.


Barik is better than Inara at the start of every round because his team can shoot through his shield while Inara has to use her body to block shots, so stop running to the point and start stacking with your flanker on 1 side, then split to the point.

Buck: if Buck is playing Bulk Up then his playstyle is almost an off tank, so always start by telling buck to follow you, your shield will help him land some head shots before he can switch back to playing safe as he usually does, your headshots deal 750 and his body shots deal 750, even if you just do body shots, 500+500+700+700+200 net shot (2 shots from each of you) = 2600 which is the amount of HP a damage champ running with 2450 HP takes, and you take 2 seconds to do that, always go with Buck, even on Bounce House, have him follow you, always wipe the enemy backliner before going on point, never go on point until 1 enemy is dead or the entire enemy team was on the opposite lane where you should all group up again and deal with the situation.

Moji: so someone picked Moji in Ranked on one of the maps she's bad at, don't panic!, it's your job or your off tanks job to enable her!, if you went with double support, you need to be tanking for her, do the same as described on Buck.

Koga: while he's bad in ranked, Corvus will re-enable him with 25% Life Rip for free + his SMG free Rejuv, that's a lot really, but do the same as with Buck and Moji to give him the edge he needs.

Zhin: he doesn't need you, he can escape whenever he feels like it unless he gets silenced or crippled, regardless, you better always start by tanking for him just like with Buck then split to the point.

Talus: console only? well, do the same as with Buck.

Andro/Evie/Maeve will mostly not make use of Barik's shield, they can but that's not in their playstyle.

Lex: is a Joke unless Blaziken is playing Lex, or Reloadinq.

How enemy champs define your playstyle
Bomb KingInaraKhanSha LinKinessaStrixDredge

an Enemy BK will bypass Failsafe 3 completely ! you need it at 4 to stand a chance!, if you're playing a loadout with Bowling Ball, dash after he sticks you so you stay alive, your shield will delay him a bit, but nothing will save you from BK other than someone killing him, or, you killing him, and yes, you can 1v1 a Grand Master BK without Fortify, I've done it way too many times, and they try to poppy me off while my shield is up, that's too bad.

If Inara is running cripple, as mentioned above, your loadout changes completely.

Khan will kill you instantly if he stuns you, because everyone looks at you when he does that near the point, stay away and stay alive.

Sha's 1.5 second cripple makes you an easy target so hide behind your shield and turret immediately, if he's running silence, tough luck, pray that your team can handle him or that Sha is a noob.

Snipers = stop going on the point, go kill them first, if Io is on the enemy team, tell your flanker that you'll deal with Strix/nessa while they go ahead and kill Io, but if you have a blaster that can erase Luna, you don't need to worry about Io. after the snipers die, your off tank/team zones while you sit on the point (or Luna/Jenos/Corvus if they're on your side).

Losing the point fight against a sniper usually means you are forced to get to the point ASAP and pray you don't get erased, try to go in from a flank if you have the time for it, shield, stack up behind your turret.

Dredge: He'll erase your shield anyway with his spam, your team might be better off not stacking 1 side because a good dredge holds LMB instead and gets a ton of damage on stacked teams for free, your vertical mobility flanker is your salvation, no flanker = gg ez no re you lost because dredge spams and your shield doesn't hold up long enough.

If he is dumb enough to play scuttle, you or your off tank have to go hunt him down ,take someone with you because Dredge has a pretty high sustain, if he's playing Hurl and you don't have a good flanker, then you'll have a huge early game disadvantage until you get cauterize 3.

Note that fortify will make your shield have 5750HP and that dredge will need 6 broadside hits to destroy without even having to buy wrecker, this, is why people don't bother picking up fortify against dredge, it's useless.

P.S: I know dredge is a joke to most of you because he can't apply Caut, but tanks hate dredge (except Terminus who loves him) because Dredge has a lot of sustain and tanks can't 1v1 him, Raum loses 1v1s to dredge no matter what, Khan has the best shot at it if he was with anyone else, and Term eats dredge for breakfast.

Vivian got a nerf to OiC, but still, if you have no flanker on your team, and you have mid range damage champs like Lian, then it's probably your job along with your offtank to go get Vivian first, kill her team, and then spawn camp her, but in reality she's not your job, but your flanker/offtank's job.

I would still go for Fortify if my team had 2 tanks 2 supports and 1 damage, I might even go Fortify against her anyway if I'm not sure my support can handle keeping our team alive.

Barik either bullies Moji with his shield, or she erases him in 2 seconds if he doesn't pre use his dash, if he does, he can live for 3 seconds (when dashing twice), however, a Barik that still has his shield will bully Moji long enough for his team to look at her.

Yes, I counter Moji with Barik, you've got a problem with that xD ?.

Maeve: Imagine Street Justice, Imagine Failsafe not activating at all unless you use your first dash earlier so that you'd only take the usual 400 damage from pounce.

a Cat Burglar Maeve will be able to do 2k damage in 1 second (instant 2 daggers, waits 1 second, then 2 daggers), if she really really wants you dead for some reason, she could reset her CD and do another 2k burst, this scenario never happens in games but it's a potential high burst that you might face once in a blue moon.

Your turrets will deal their damage to Maeve no matter how high she jumps, so keep that in mind, and use your turrets to block her projectiles if she's dumb enough to poke from ground level.

Evie just loves to ult you, and you die, however, when she doesn't ult you, she's busy taking damage from your turrets if they don't have anything else to shoot, most Evie players will beg their point tank to focus your turrets.

Andro can solo ult you if he wants you dead, but that isn't what good Andro players do, they just go in and hit you with 4 head shots instead because your head is easy to hit for a flying Andro, of course they do that after they wipe your team so it's OK, just accept it, on the other hand, you kill Andro with 3 shots from your weapon (takes 3 seconds) and 3 shots from your turrets, your own time to kill Andro is the same amount of time he takes to kill you, except for the fact that you have more falloff than he does and thus need more time, and he has reversal, and your turrets will always feed the reversal, you realistically will only encounter Andro fleeing from someone and then you finish him off, or he's about to erase you after your team died.

Skye: if She's playing Smoke and Daggers, you better hope your team has a blaster or one of her counters, the point isn't yours as long as she lives or until Caut3 is up with Illuminate
Fernando doesn't require Illuminate to see skye, his burn radius is enough for her, so if you have him as an off tank, you might have him stack the point just to kill her xD, but in actual practice most skye players are bad and will be feeding, and getting hit randomly by your damage or support.

You don't win 1v1 against Zhin, even when barik was op he didn't win 1v1 against Zhin

Koga is bad (until maybe Corvus enables him) and he will farm you and your shield for energy, good luck with that, he's not your problem.

Talus: while not being seen much on PC, he will still farm you for health, he has 1900 at base but he deals 1600/s with overcharge without any headshots, and up to 2200 with headhshots, and has the punch to add even more, or Tele back to reset overcharge and finish you off before running away and hiding to get his cooldowns back, he's a threat to you if you're alone, but if you have anyone else nearby, he's so easy to kill, give him a single headshot and watch him run as soon as you hit him again.

Tyra: she's bad, walk out of the fire if you didn't already block it with your shield, she plays Mercy Kill now, and Burn Monster has way less value, it's still annoying to deal with but since Mercy Kill is the meta, she won't be wasting more resources on you because most likely she's busy fighting someone else.

Tony: if he slows you with the sword, you better have your shield and get to cover, and then he'll lose his trance and be an easy target for you flanker, you die if you fail to reach cover.

Willo means you Either don't run Failsafe nor Double time and use the VS CC build and get out of deadzone fast, or, guess what else you can do.... just get out of the dead zone, she'll probably waste her seedlings too while she's at it, and you still run your normal loadouts anyway.

when she ults, you can't do anything, it's up to your turrets and your team, get to cover.

There's a gameplay video on my YT of me running a dash oriented build against willo and winning anyway so check that out.

Barik can bully lian, she has 2k HP at base and 2250 max with a sustain card on ability usage, but you still bully her, if she's out of position, go ahead and say hi.

All supports that have a stun can get you killed instantly, this is why people prefer Inara who's safer to play but deals a little bit less damage than Barik does, once Corvus's stunning visage gets into the game, Barik and Terminus will be crying a lot more, and Inara will rule supreme over the point.