5 years ago
Patch 2.4
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Free Agent - NA

Skye's "Smoke and Dagger" talent now allows Skye's cards to affect her teammates. A side effect of this is that now Skye can do 600+ healing per second.

How to play:

Drop the smoke bomb on your tank (Preferably Raum) and run circles around them, redeploy smoke as soon as your cooldown runs out.

The Build
Build Section

Max Chronos as soon as possible, though you may want to buy Cauterize before buying Chronos tier 3

Morale boost is also useful so you can clear enemies off the point when your team dies

Healing Vapors

Healing Vapors

Smoke Screen

Heal for 625 over 2s while in Smoke Screen.

Level 5

Quick Smoker

Quick Smoker

Smoke Screen

Reduce the Cooldown of Smoke Screen by 3s.

Level 5



Poison Bolts

Reduce the Cooldown of Smoke Screen by 0.5s for each enemy hit by Poison Bolts.

Level 1



Smoke Screen

Generate 4 Ammo after entering Smoke Screen. You must spend at least 4s out of Smoke Screen before this effect can apply again.

Level 1



Smoke Screen

Increase your Movement Speed by 16% for 2s after entering Smoke Screen.

Level 2

Smoke and Dagger

Smoke and Dagger

Smoke Screen

Benefits from your Smoke Screen cards also benefit allies who enter Smoke Screen and allies are Healed for 100 every 1s while in your Smoke Screen, but Smoke Screen no longer applies Stealth to you.

Level 2