3 years ago
Patch 3.3
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Free Agent - EU

Ying is one of the best healers this patch (july-september 2021).

She's loved by the community and she's a really fun champion.

I can teach you a few tips to get to know her better, or play better.


I start by staying more defensive, analyzing the situation: if flankers are coming, both teams positioning and, once I see a good spot where I can heal my teammates, I go there carefully.

I place my illusions near the tanks and the dps. I heal the flankers when they retreat from the enemy backline: they are healed primarily by Shatter because they're often too far away or in the air (androxus, flying koga, vatu).

I keep healing the teammates who have the lowest health with Shatter and deal some damage to charge the ultimate.

I ult when we're capturing the point or pushing the payload (BEFORE the remaining time is 1 minute, or I won't be able to charge it again. Don't ult when pushing the payload is too fast and easy, but it's up to you.)

Don't waste your ult and keep it for your final round to capture the point.


- You don't have to keep healing only!

Dealing damage increases your ultimate charge a lot; so if you're on cooldown or your team doesn't need much healing, start shooting anything.

- I'm not sure about this, but when I'm on cooldown and a teammate needs healing immediately, I swap to another illusion's spot so my teammate gets an illusion on the spot where I first teleported.

- Healing a dps before a tank (with 50% hp or slightly less) will allow them to deal more damage and help the tank get out of trouble, as the damage class has less hp and is filled up quicker; therefore they will feel more motivated.

- Heal your teammates when they find a good hidden spot to let cauterize wear off. When it's a shield tank, heal them when they're behind a shield and cauterize wears off.

Main Build
Build Section


Chronos reduces your cooldowns. That's good, but I usually buy morale boost first to have a chance to ult and secure my team a point cap first round, so they can start zoning and pushing enemies away.

In this phase, if all the enemies are in their base, I stand on the point to capture while my teammates are zoning.

So yeah, I'd rather buy chronos 2nd round, but that's situational: sometimes your teammates need healing more often and, in my opinion, that's the case of solo tank, or no tank at all (in both teams, maybe). You might also not be able to fully charge your ultimate 1st round if your team comp doesn't match well the one you're going against. It's not always like this, but it's up to you. I'm not an expert, I'm just sharing my experience.

After morale boost and chronos you can choose any item you want because it's situational, but I recommend Haven and maybe nimble, cauterize if you feel like you can deal enough damage. Don't forget to buy resilience if you're against a crowd control team and illuminate against Skye.

Next: Loadout.

Your illusions will play a big role, therefore it's importand to keep them alive and place them in good spots: usually hidden spots where they can't be seen or shot, but can still face the allies they have to heal.

Squadron and Carry on increase the lives of your illusions, Spring bloom allows you to place them more often (if they get destroyed), and Rewind gives you a free illusion when you teleport.

Illusions play a big role, but so does Shatter: Brittle reduces its cooldown so you can use it more often.

It's important to aim well.

Main Loadout



Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 10%.

Level 1

Morale Boost

Morale Boost


Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 10%.

Level 1

Life Exchange

Life Exchange


Shatter instantly Heals your target for 800, but its Cooldown is increased by 1s and it no longer explodes your Illusions. Reduce the Cooldown of Shatter by 2s if you miss.

Level 1




Increase the Health of each of your Illusions by 200.

Level 2

Spring Bloom

Spring Bloom


Reduce the Cooldown of Illusion by 2s when an Illusion dies to an enemy.

Level 4

Carry On

Carry On


Increase the duration of your Illusions by 3s.

Level 3



Dimensional Link

Spawn an Illusion with 20% Health when you swap to the spot of a dead Illusion.

Level 1




Reduce the Cooldown of Shatter by 2.5s.

Level 5

Champion Section
Strong Against

I don't think this can be strong against some champions, it's just a healing build. It benefits your team, after all. However I feel like I can defend myself better against Maeve, zhin, terminus, snipers, most hitscan champions.

Weak Against

Grohk's right click will deal massive damage as it bounces through enemies: Ying will run out of illusions and she will have to heal with Shatter much more often!


Champions that apply stuns will reduce dimensional link's time and Ying won't have enough time to teleport, or they can disable this ability completely