4 years ago
Patch 3.3
Player Avatar

Free Agent - NA

Strix is a low mobility, high dps and burst backliner. Strix is not easy to play mechanically, requiring precise aim at all ranges with his main weapon. However, his positioning is simple; find angles to shoot people, and just as every other backliner try to output as much damage as you can while trying to confirm kills when you can. As Strix, once the enemies buy haven it is very difficult for you to confirm kill without hitting headshots. You should look to pick Strix on maps with either long sightlines or where it is simple for you to farm damage on point. His strong maps are mostly Splitstone Quarry, Serpent Beach, Frog Isle, Fish Market, Bazaar, Warders Gate, Frozen Guard, Timber Mill, Stone Keep, Ascension Peak, Ice Mines and Shattered Desert. The maps where Strix is not good and where you can find better value in another backliner is are Brightmarsh and Jaguar Falls.

Main Build
Build Section

The 3 items you need almost 100% of the time are Cauterize, Nimble and Liferip in that order. This is mostly to make up for his lack of mobility and sustain that many other backlines have. The last item is a flex, such as resilience or haven due to an enemy sniper. Sometimes, you don't buy liferip if there's another item that is more important. Your deck usually wants to be around nocturnal and Tactical Retreat stealth to reposition or stall fights with flanks until you get help. A good level of relentless makes Strix feel better to play as well, allowing you to peek faster.

Main Loadout

Level 1




Gain 7% Movement Speed.

Level 1

Life Rip

Life Rip


Your weapon shots gain +10% Lifesteal.

Level 1




Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 6%.

Level 1

Tactical Retreat

Tactical Retreat


Increase your Movement Speed by 40% for 2s after entering Stealth.

Level 4




Reduce the Movement Speed penalty of Scope by 40%.

Level 2

Infused Crystals

Infused Crystals


Increase the maximum Ammo count of both your weapons by 3.

Level 3

Guerrilla Tactics

Guerrilla Tactics


Generate 45 Energy after getting an Elimination.

Level 3




Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2




Reduce the rate of Stealth Energy consumption by 50% and increase your Movement Speed by 20% while in Stealth.

Level 2

Champion Section
Strong Against
Sha LinSkyeVivianViktorYingTiberiusTyraWilloMojiPipLexKogaDredgeDrogozBomb King

Strix is strong against characters which he can either 2 shot or that he outranges. Strix easily can outrange most blasters, and most other backlines get outpoked by Strix. Certain matchups that are important to keep in mind are that a good Viktor will barrage you out so you have to play around it. In addition, getting in close range with many of the flanks such as koga and lex make it really hard for you. Skye is one of Strix's best matchups due to flare reveal.

Weak Against

Strix is weak against dive and offtanks due to his lack of mobility. Some of his worst watchups are raum and buck due to his lack of ability to run away from them. Some specific matchups like Androxus and Maeve are good for Strix early game due to being able to 2 shot them easily but once they buy haven the matchup becomes difficult for strix to win. If a Strix does not have to deal with a flank or offtank, they should be easily able to farm the tanks at mid.