Works best in maps with highgrounds :
fishmarket-timbermill-stonekeep-serpeant beach ...
You can use the vertical mobility to reach enemies easier or escape certain deaths ..
always go up close and flank isolated targets .. you'll make little impact against grouped up teams
with your huge liferip from penumbra, relativity and the item .. not having relativity maxed does make you slighty less durable but now you're more cautios to your surroundings and think about what enemy to face (no more careless train jenos)
you'll still be able to destroy almost anyone 1v1 .. you can even challange Makoa if you managed to score 4 or 5 headshots in the right time..
you'll probably have your ult ready before anyone in your team.. make use of the ult and try to fire it from altitude..
enemies usually get confused when the ult is fired from an unsual place..
you can fly up close to snipers or escaping enemies to grip them for your team to finish them off..
you can act as shooting bait for your tank if they're low .. with star seeker running you'll have freedom in your jump and maybe use your mark midair to fall quickly .. your filler card now comes in handy
that can give time for your tank or other allies to retreat to safety..
this loadout is tricky to use but very rewarding when mastered..
always start with 1 caut and 1 liferip..
chronos is the next important card .. make yourself even more useful .. there's no such thing as too much healing
other cards are up to you and what the situation requires..
flying death jenos is reliable almost anywhere against almost anyone ..
champions with high burst dmg and durability can give you a hard time ..
ow .. and always approach willo after she fires her deadzone .. or you'll make a joke of yourself
best of luck
Gain 25% Lifesteal.
Level 5
Space Jam
Stellar Wind
Increase your jump height by 60% while using Stellar Wind.
Level 5
Astral Mark
Heal for 80 every 1s for 10s after applying Astral Mark.
Level 2
Star Seeker
Stellar Wind
Increase your air control while using Stellar Wind by 28%.
Level 2
Cosmic Barrier
Stellar Wind
Reduce your damage taken by 5% while Stellar Wind is active.
Level 1
Level 3
Life Rip
Your weapon shots gain +30% Lifesteal.
Level 3
Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 30%.