Free Agent - NA
Not sure why the other one doesn't work, but here it is again...sorry! Hope it helps make Ying your new favorite!
This build is for the more aggro (and I do mean aggro) or veteran Ying player who thinks that Life Exchange is just too safe or boring like myself. No one expects Ying the Destroyer!
Reduce your active Cooldowns by 5s after getting an Elimination.
Level 5
Increase the Movement Speed of Illusions by 32% during Shatter.
Level 4
Carry On
Increase the duration of your Illusions by 2s.
Level 2
Heal your Illusions for 40% of their maximum Health after activating Shatter.
Level 2
Heal for 26% of the damage dealt by Shatter.
Level 2
Reduce the Cooldown of all your abilities by 20%.
Level 2
Kill to Heal
Getting a kill or elimination heals you for 400 Health, unaffected by Anti-Healing.
Level 2
Gain 14% Movement Speed.
Level 2
Morale Boost
Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 20%.
Level 2
This build relies on eliminations for cool down redux. The more aggro the team, the better the redux. The key is to simply not think like a typical Ying player and go completely bat crap crazy on the enemy team. Spawn your Illusions upwards, not simply outwards. They begin to heal any detectable team mate the instant it's spawned into existence, has a cone radius that's exceptionally large and will tag almost anyone, and will heal as it falls, only to then explode in the middle of an enemy cluster for a burst dmg peel. Also, cast your Illusions out to the side for flankers and dmg as often as possible if for no other reason than the assist and elims it offers to allow you to simultaneously shatter, dmg peel, and heal your tank at a near-constant rate. My personal KDA is 2.15 with this build and I made it to #58 on the Ying Leaderboard with it, when that was still a thing.
A side note: I show all items at lvl 2 because I find I never need to sink anymore into any of them for it to be optimal. I also will rotate out Morale Boost for Cauterize if needed. If my team is doing well enough, and I'm doing my job right, I can build my ult equally as fast, if not faster, and the MB would simply be a wasted item pick. Feel free to try it as you wish and let me know what works best for you! Now send forth those pretties, heal those butts, and make YtD a name to remember!!! XD <3
Just about any combo so long as your team isn't rushing in to feed - any competent team composition can make this work from all healers to ranked meta
Bad team work and team mates that don't comprehend how to play smarter, not harder