Free Agent - NA
Overall, I am enjoying Lilith so far. I do not think I've yet maximized their potential.
The most striking thing to me is the combination of cooldown and resource. This means there is a hard cap on her skill/cdr conversion; you can't just put all your health into healing even if you wanted to.
I also find the range and priority of the hex interesting. It feels like it always goes to the wrong person, which is a little unfortunate. The range also bothers me because it feels like you've got to be really close by with no way to extend it. Extending the range would make Blood Sense more useful.
Lilith using Blood, not health, means that she cannot normally heal herself or be healed by others. Getting more Blood translates directly to healing, but she does not benefit from standing in Swarm or being the target of a heal pre-loadout.
I think day 1 the biggest issue is that people don't know how to play into her. Nobody looks for her swarm, or maintains line-of-sight, or lets her just do her thing. This is an issue that will get better with more time and higher ELO, but it is noteworthy that she doesn't just have a personal skill floor; it is a whole team skill floor.
Not a ton of cards stand out to me in her kit, but there's a few obvious ones. Blood Cannon is a must-run, 4+ levels; it is both a massive amount of extra health and more resource. Most of all, without it, it feels like if I reach 750 hp I am just screwed- Blood Cannon makes health useful at anything 150+.
For cards I also like Blood Sense a lot, though I am unsure of how it holds up when not in high ELO. Sanguine Pact feels really good if your playstyle is compatible. Alternatively, Symbiotic Relationship/Waning Moon covers its own cost and still nets 20% increased healing.
As for the other cards, anything under Swarm feels meh at best. The cost is too high for those without anyway to cover them, so I don't think its worth. Of them Enriched Blood feels like the worst out of them. I think Wings of Terror will be my go-to for a mid-level card as the extra movement is essential to engage or disengage. Blood Sense at 1 on healing builds seems still worth honestly- all you need is .5 seconds for everyone to know their location. Gloomy Nook is a fine level 1 filler, as it gives you leeway to cast Death Wings if you are running Blood Cannon.
For talents, I currently prefer Cursed Accord. The damage loss feels bad but the extra healing turns her into a decent main healer. I like Maelstrom of Carnage in theory, but in practice I find it clunky- I don't really want Swarm on me since it doesn't heal me and also doesn't damage enemies meaningfully enough to be a get-off-me button. I think this card with continue improving as people better understand how to play into her healing, but for now I just prefer to put it further up. I haven't been able to try Murderous Intent but I do not find it particularly appealing. Enemies rarely group up like that, and 90 damage is hardly noticeable on most champs. I don't think it is worth running at all because the damage increase just doesn't really help it, but if you do run it Sharpened Slaughter is a must-have.

Cursed Accord
Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.
Level 1

Maelstrom of Carnage
Swarm is now cast on yourself and follows you around instead of being placed on the ground, its ability cost is decreased by 25%, and its radius is increased by 30%.
Level 1
These talents pair well with the build. I think Cursed Accord is better, since this is a heal build anyways.

Blood Cannon
Increase extra Blood Health by 800 while decreasing base Health by {scale=125|125}.
Level 4

Symbiotic Relationship
Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 20%, but increase its cost by {scale=4|4}%.
Level 5

Waning Moon
Blood Hex
Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 20% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.
Level 4

Gloomy Nook
Gain a 150 Shield for 1.75s after falling to or below 75% Health. Can only happen once every 35s.
Level 1

Blood Sense
Blood Hex
Hitting an enemy with Blood Hex will Reveal them to your team for 0.5s.
Level 1
These cards are how I would build, personally. I like that you can completely cancel out Sym R's cost with Waning Moon, but I would be lying if I said that I am confident in spending 9 cards on a 20% healing increase. Regardless, 20% is a noticeable difference on her, and its one of the only cases of being able to directly convert cards into healing. Blood Cannon is extra meat and extra juice, so obviously we take that too. Blood Sense at 1 is really good at high ELO but might not be noticeable at lower ELOs, so feel free to swap that out. Gloomy Nook is just good niche filler card, and will probably save you once or twice a match.
For items, I like veteran mostly. Being meatier is always nice, and from what I can tell it also increases Blood. Chronos is apparently ran a lot but I don't see how- the only cooldown that means anything can already be easily reduced. Haven is obviously helpful as it preserves resource and keeps you alive, especially as you dive head first into bad situations. The real dark horse is Moral Boost, which I think is super tasty on her. Getting ultimate back is extra healing and an escape option with the extra move on Death Wings.

Increase your base maximum Health by 16.5%.
Level 3

Reduce the Damage you take from Direct and Area of Effect attacks by 18%.
Level 3

Gain 21% Movement Speed.
Level 3

Morale Boost
Increase your Ultimate charge rate by 30%.
Level 3
I would start Vet 1/MB 1. Build into Morale Boost or Haven, whichever you need more. Pick up Vet when it is convenient or when you notice yourself running out of Blood too often. Nimble is my general last pick. but swap for Resilience if that is useful for the matchup.