4 years ago
Patch 3.3
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Free Agent - NA

This build is designed to maximize Barik's damage output without sacrificing too much Tankiness/Point Control. I'm a plat 1 Frontline/Support main that got into low Diamond a couple seasons back.

The idea is to consistently get heals from your turret shots, and to always have your turrets off cooldown when one of them gets destroyed/isn't in a position to do damage.

Try to position your turrets so they are firing from a different angle than you. If the enemy team focuses your turrets, you're abilities will come off cooldown quickly enough to place other turrets. If they focus you, your turrets will rake in a sweet 100 healing each shot they hit, giving you a bunch of sustain.

Try to consistently position yourself away from your turrets, and use your Barricade, and the Healing Station Card to contest objectives or catch your breath before a reengage.

Barik has pretty solid 1 v 1 Potential against most champs. You can outplay with rocket boots and barricade.

I struggle the most If I'm playing Barik and I'm the only frontline against a double frontline comp.

Barik Dual Threat
Build Section

You can swap out Foundation with a different Barricade Perk or another Rocket Boots Perk. I wouldn't drop One Man's Scrap or Field Deploy below 4.

If you're in higher elos and find people are taking bulldozer against you a lot, might be worth swapping out Foundation for Forged Alloy to give your turrets a little more health.


Level 5

Field Deploy

Field Deploy


Heal for 100 each time one of your base Turrets hits an enemy.

Level 5

Healing Station

Healing Station


Heal for 75 every 1s while standing near any of your Turrets.

Level 3

One Man's Scrap

One Man's Scrap


When a Turret is destroyed, reduce your active Cooldowns by 25%.

Level 5




Increase the duration of Barricade by 0.6s.

Level 1

Bowling Ball

Bowling Ball

Rocket Boots

Gain a 150-Health Shield for 3s after activating Rocket Boots.

Level 1