Player Avatar

EU - Updated 21 hours ago

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+42 SR
View Match
2 / 7 / 19
1.64 KDA
Level 54 / 3,015G
Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 2.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 1

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+267 SR
View Match
9 / 18 / 21
1.08 KDA
Level 54 / 5,150G
Triumphant Ascension

Triumphant Ascension

Soul Harvest

Heal for 200 after activating Soul Harvest.

Level 2

Hellish Lodestones

Hellish Lodestones


Reduce your damage taken by 6% for 3s after activating Ignition.

Level 2

Sinister Allies

Sinister Allies


Increase your maximum Health by 750.

Level 5




Heal for 450 for each champion hit by Juggernaut.

Level 3

Void Lord

Void Lord

Soul Harvest

Reduce your damage taken by 15% for 3s after activating Soul Harvest.

Level 3




Reduce your damage taken by 40% while using Juggernaut.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-176 SR
View Match
0 / 7 / 1
0.07 KDA
Level 54 / 1,396G



Reduce the Cooldown of Barricade by 2s.

Level 5

One Man's Treasure

One Man's Treasure


Reduce your active Cooldowns by 10% after getting an Elimination.

Level 1




Increase the Health of Barricade by 800.

Level 4




Increase the duration of Barricade by 2.4s.

Level 4

Accelerator Field

Accelerator Field


Passing through your Barricade increases the Movement Speed of yourself or your allies by 6% for 5s.

Level 1




Increase the maximum Health of Barricade by 2000 and reduce its Cooldown by 3s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-201 SR
View Match
3 / 3 / 1
1.17 KDA
Level 54 / 2,030G
Last Stand

Last Stand


Heal for 360 every 1s while Shield is active and you are at or below 35% Health.

Level 4

Safe Travel

Safe Travel


Gain a 450-Health Shield for 3s after you use Charge.

Level 3

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer


Reduce the Cooldown of Charge by 0.5s for every 1000 damage your Shield takes.

Level 1

Dire Need

Dire Need


Increase your Movement Speed by 32% while using Shield.

Level 4

Towering Barrier

Towering Barrier


Reduce the Cooldown of Shield by 2.4000000000000004s. This card also increases the rate of Shield gain when using Aegis.

Level 3




Your Shield now uses a resource that Regenerates over time instead of using a Cooldown.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 3 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+218 SR
View Match
12 / 9 / 33
3.17 KDA
Level 54 / 4,457G
Celestial Body

Celestial Body


Increase your maximum Health by 100.

Level 2



Lunar Leap

Reset the Cooldown of Lunar Leap after dropping to or below 15% Health.

Level 1

Swift Arrows

Swift Arrows


Increase allies' Movement Speed by 24% while they are being Healed by Moonlight.

Level 4

Restored Faith

Restored Faith


Heal for 40 every time you Heal an ally with Moonlight.

Level 4

Moonlight Garden

Moonlight Garden


Generate 8% Moonlight for each enemy hit with Light Bow.

Level 4

Life Link

Life Link

Guardian Spirit

[Guardian Spirit] Luna Heals allies around her for 320 per second. Reduce Moonlight's Healing to 135 every 0.15s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-46 SR
View Match
7 / 7 / 35
3.5 KDA
Level 54 / 4,556G
Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 2.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 1

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-46 SR
View Match
5 / 6 / 12
1.83 KDA
Level 54 / 2,669G
Waning Moon

Waning Moon

Blood Hex

Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 10% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.

Level 2

Tainted Form

Tainted Form


Gain 2% of Max Health when hitting a marked enemy.

Level 2

Symbiotic Relationship

Symbiotic Relationship


Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 20%, but increase its cost by {scale=4|4}%.

Level 5

Enriched Blood

Enriched Blood


Increase the damage and Healing of Swarm by 16%, but reduce its duration by {scale=0.35|0.35}s.

Level 4

Overflowing Delights

Overflowing Delights


Increase the Radius of Swarm by 4%, but increase its cost by {scale=3|3}%.

Level 2

Cursed Accord

Cursed Accord


Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 4 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+37 SR
View Match
12 / 3 / 10
5.67 KDA
Level 54 / 3,036G

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 3

Level 3

Level 1

Normal: Onslaught - 7 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-98 SR
View Match
2 / 6 / 4
0.67 KDA
Level 54 / 2,503G

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 3

Level 3

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 7 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-238 SR
View Match
13 / 17 / 13
1.15 KDA
Level 54 / 3,346G
Shattered Worlds

Shattered Worlds

Shadow Bombs

Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Bombs by 40% after earning a Killing Blow or Elimination.

Level 5



Shadow Bombs

Generate 1 Ammo after hitting at least one enemy with Shadow Bombs.

Level 1

Shadow's Gaze

Shadow's Gaze

Shadow Bombs

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Bombs.

Level 4

Memento Vivere

Memento Vivere


Increase your maximum Health by 120.

Level 3

Shadow's Perch

Shadow's Perch


Increase the range of Ambush by 20%.

Level 2



Shadow Bombs

Increase the explosion radius of Shadow Bombs by 5 units and they now home to enemies.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 7 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-119 SR
View Match
10 / 7 / 32
3.71 KDA
Level 54 / 3,722G
Burning Oath

Burning Oath

Kindle Soul

Heal for 525 over 3s after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.

Level 5

Righteous Path

Righteous Path

Wings of Wrath

Increase the travel distance of Wings of Wrath by 20%.

Level 2

Pyre Walker

Pyre Walker

Wings of Wrath

Reduce the Cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 1.2s.

Level 2

Light of Dawn

Light of Dawn

Kindle Soul

Apply a 140-Health Shield for 2s to allies affected by Kindle Soul.

Level 4

Pyretic Dynamo

Pyretic Dynamo


Increase your maximum Ammo by 4.

Level 2



Kindle Soul

Kindle Soul's range is increased by 300% and now applies additional healing to your ally for 15% of their maximum Health. Curative (+20% Healing)

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+276 SR
View Match
2 / 4 / 33
4.63 KDA
Level 54 / 3,090G
Light Forge

Light Forge

Kindle Soul

Hitting Kindle Soul increases you and your target's Movement Speed by 20% for 1.5s.

Level 4

Stoke the Fire

Stoke the Fire

Wings of Wrath

Reduce the Cooldown of Pyre Strike by 3.2s for each successful hit by Wings of Wrath.

Level 4



Pyre Strike

Reduce the Cooldown of Wings of Wrath by 2s after hitting an enemy with Pyre Strike.

Level 2

Burning Oath

Burning Oath

Kindle Soul

Heal for 210 over 3s after Healing an ally with Kindle Soul.

Level 2

Light of Dawn

Light of Dawn

Kindle Soul

Apply a 105-Health Shield for 2s to allies affected by Kindle Soul.

Level 3



Kindle Soul

Kindle Soul's range is increased by 300% and now applies additional healing to your ally for 15% of their maximum Health. Curative (+20% Healing)

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-150 SR
View Match
5 / 15 / 3
0.43 KDA
Level 54 / 2,079G



Reduce the Cooldown of Dark Siphon by 0.8s after hitting at least one enemy with Obliteration.

Level 2

A Broken Path

A Broken Path

Dark Siphon

Increase the Healing received from Dark Siphon by 200 health.

Level 4

New Purpose

New Purpose


Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1

Unified in Purpose

Unified in Purpose

Dark Siphon

Reduce the damage you take by 10% for 3s after hitting an enemy with Dark Siphon.

Level 3

Crimson Ascent

Crimson Ascent

Dark Siphon

Reduce the Cooldown of Dark Siphon by 5s if it fails to hit a target.

Level 5

Unyielding Pressure

Unyielding Pressure

Your Dark Siphon now deals an additional 10% of the target's maximum Health as damage over 1.5s.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-158 SR
View Match
4 / 7 / 12
1.43 KDA
Level 53 / 3,155G
Light Forge

Light Forge

Kindle Soul

Hitting Kindle Soul increases you and your target's Movement Speed by 15% for 1.5s.

Level 3



Pyre Strike

Increase the Stun duration of Pyre Strike by 0.15s.

Level 1

Solar Flare

Solar Flare

Pyre Strike

Increase the radius of Pyre Strike by 30%.

Level 3

Light of Dawn

Light of Dawn

Kindle Soul

Apply a 105-Health Shield for 2s to allies affected by Kindle Soul.

Level 3

Stoke the Fire

Stoke the Fire

Wings of Wrath

Reduce the Cooldown of Pyre Strike by 4s for each successful hit by Wings of Wrath.

Level 5

Solar Blessing

Solar Blessing

Pyre Strike

Refiring Pyre Strike stops it in place. Any ally in its beam is Healed for 150 every 0.1s for 1.5s. Additional hits refresh the effect. Remedy (+5% Damage +10% Healing)

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+54 SR
View Match
10 / 4 / 35
6.88 KDA
Level 53 / 3,417G
Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 2.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 1

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+85 SR
View Match
12 / 5 / 7
3.1 KDA
Level 53 / 2,540G
Shattered Worlds

Shattered Worlds

Shadow Bombs

Reduce the Cooldown of Shadow Bombs by 40% after earning a Killing Blow or Elimination.

Level 5



Shadow Bombs

Generate 1 Ammo after hitting at least one enemy with Shadow Bombs.

Level 1

Shadow's Gaze

Shadow's Gaze

Shadow Bombs

Heal for 160 after activating Shadow Bombs.

Level 4

Memento Vivere

Memento Vivere


Increase your maximum Health by 120.

Level 3

Shadow's Perch

Shadow's Perch


Increase the range of Ambush by 20%.

Level 2



Shadow Bombs

Increase the explosion radius of Shadow Bombs by 5 units and they now home to enemies.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-67 SR
View Match
1 / 3 / 17
3.17 KDA
Level 53 / 3,865G
Grand Design

Grand Design

Mark of Fate

Grants Marked ally 2.5% Lifesteal and Corvus shares 100% of the Healing done due to the Marked target's granted Lifesteal.

Level 1

Crushing Expectations

Crushing Expectations

Mark of Fate

Increase the Movement Speed of any ally Marked by Mark of Fate by 12%.

Level 4

Shadow Tribunal

Shadow Tribunal

Mark of Fate

Mark of Fate now provides to its target an additional 15% of the Healing done to other allies with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 3

Ominous Relic

Ominous Relic

Abyssal Reconstruction

Generate 15 Ammo after Healing an ally with Abyssal Reconstruction.

Level 5

New Resolve

New Resolve

Mark of Fate

Grant a 80-Health Shield to an ally for 2s when you Mark them.

Level 2

Dark Gifts

Dark Gifts

Abyssal Reconstruction

Your Marked ally gains 15% Crowd Control reduction, 15% Cooldown reduction, 15% Reload Speed increase, and they are Healed for 75 every 1s.

Level 1

Normal: Team Deathmatch - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-206 SR
View Match
2 / 4 / 5
1.13 KDA
Level 53 / 2,215G
Arcane Manipulation

Arcane Manipulation


Reduce the Cooldown of Envelop by 1.5s.

Level 5

Leipori Prayer

Leipori Prayer

Chain Heal

Grant 50% Reload Speed for 0.5s to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.

Level 1

Aico Forces

Aico Forces

Chain Heal

Reduce the damage you take by 4% for 2s for each ally hit with Chain Heal. This effect stacks.

Level 4

Mystic Mastery

Mystic Mastery


Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1

Midnight Stroll

Midnight Stroll

Spirit Link

Reduce the damage done by any enemy you are linked to with Spirit Link by 16%.

Level 4



Increase the range of Chain Heal bounces by 40%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-66 SR
View Match
6 / 8 / 14
1.63 KDA
Level 53 / 3,260G
Waning Moon

Waning Moon

Blood Hex

Reduce the Blood cost of Swarm by 10% while an ally is marked by Blood Hex.

Level 2

Tainted Form

Tainted Form


Gain 2% of Max Health when hitting a marked enemy.

Level 2

Symbiotic Relationship

Symbiotic Relationship


Increase the Healing allies receive from Swarm by 20%, but increase its cost by {scale=4|4}%.

Level 5

Enriched Blood

Enriched Blood


Increase the damage and Healing of Swarm by 16%, but reduce its duration by {scale=0.35|0.35}s.

Level 4

Overflowing Delights

Overflowing Delights


Increase the Radius of Swarm by 4%, but increase its cost by {scale=3|3}%.

Level 2

Cursed Accord

Cursed Accord


Decrease the Blood cost of your abilities by 35% and increase your Healing done by 15%, but reduce the damage you do by 25%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+224 SR
View Match
13 / 21 / 22
1.14 KDA
Level 53 / 4,449G
Shadow's Perch

Shadow's Perch


Increase the range of Ambush by 30%.

Level 3

Memento Vivere

Memento Vivere


Increase your maximum Health by 40.

Level 1

Gathering Shadow

Gathering Shadow


Reduce the damage you take by 25% for 2s after Ambush ends. This applies to each Ambush in the chain.

Level 5

Final Sight

Final Sight


Reset the Cooldown of Ambush after falling to or below 30% Health.

Level 3




Increase the Radius and Effective Radius of the damage from Ambush by 45%.

Level 3




Your Ambush gains an additional charge and can now be used on allies.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 8 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+39 SR
View Match
11 / 4 / 18
Level 52 / 3,010G

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 3

Level 3

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 9 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+69 SR
View Match
2 / 0 / 8
Level 52 / 1,908G
Refreshing Break

Refreshing Break

Chain Heal

Grant 0.68% Ultimate Charge to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.

Level 4

Spring to Action

Spring to Action

Spirit Link

Increase the Healing Spirit Links provides every 1s to your linked friendly target by 40 Health.

Level 2

Arcane Manipulation

Arcane Manipulation


Reduce the Cooldown of Envelop by 0.6s.

Level 2

Leipori Prayer

Leipori Prayer

Chain Heal

Grant 50% Reload Speed for 1s to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.

Level 2

Magic in the Blood

Magic in the Blood


Reduce the Cooldown of your next Chain Heal by 0.5s after hitting an enemy with Sigil. This effect stacks.

Level 5



Increase the range of Chain Heal bounces by 40%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 9 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

-82 SR
View Match
2 / 8 / 5
0.56 KDA
Level 52 / 1,445G
Shining Example

Shining Example


Extend the duration of Sharp Momentum stacks gained by hitting with War by 36%.

Level 3

Rogues of a Feather

Rogues of a Feather


Heal for 30 after hitting an enemy with Love.

Level 2

Spin to Win

Spin to Win

Deadly Momentum

Increase the size of the reactivation whirl of Deadly Momentum by 16%.

Level 2

Swift Strikes

Swift Strikes

Deadly Momentum

Increase the travel distance of Deadly Momentum by 20%.

Level 4

Deadly Flourish

Deadly Flourish

Deadly Momentum

Increase the travel speed of Deadly Momentum by 32%.

Level 4

Measured Cadence

Measured Cadence

Fire a weaker copy of Rogue's Tempo forward from your crosshairs for every 6 Ammo consumed.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 9 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+70 SR
View Match
6 / 4 / 20
Level 52 / 3,244G
Arcane Manipulation

Arcane Manipulation


Reduce the Cooldown of Envelop by 1.5s.

Level 5

Leipori Prayer

Leipori Prayer

Chain Heal

Grant 50% Reload Speed for 0.5s to each player to which Chain Heal bounces.

Level 1

Aico Forces

Aico Forces

Chain Heal

Reduce the damage you take by 4% for 2s for each ally hit with Chain Heal. This effect stacks.

Level 4

Mystic Mastery

Mystic Mastery


Increase your maximum Health by 50.

Level 1

Midnight Stroll

Midnight Stroll

Spirit Link

Reduce the damage done by any enemy you are linked to with Spirit Link by 16%.

Level 4



Increase the range of Chain Heal bounces by 40%.

Level 1

Normal: Siege - 11 days ago

What is Elo+ (Elo Plus)?

This is our proprietary skill rating calculation. This has nothing to do with official game ranking or MMR.

The purpose is to show player skill levels relative to other players, not estimate MMR.

+73 SR
View Match
14 / 6 / 20
Level 52 / 3,845G

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 3

Level 3

Level 1