4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - Unknown

the higher it goes the harder the champion


Evie Evie
Androxus Androxus
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Grohk Grohk

Evie: has low hp and has to know the right time to use her abilities

Andro: reason similar to Evie and aim

Sha lin: know how to aim

Grohk (heal): only have totem and it has a big cooldown (dmg at S-)


Cassie Cassie
Pip Pip
Atlas Atlas
Torvald Torvald
Inara Inara
Ash Ash

Cassie: aim

Pip: (healer): dmg and heal (dmg pip at S-)

Atlas: abilities at right time

Torv: after nerf he's hard

Inara: same as Atlas

Ash: same as Atlas


Io Io
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Furia Furia
Terminus Terminus
Buck Buck
Ying Ying
Imani Imani

Io: deal dmg and heal and the same time

Damba: aim to heal

Furia: same as io

Term: low dmg and has a short range

Buck: aim and same as io

Ying: know where you need to position yourself (same as most healers)

Imani: aim and same as Io


Drogoz Drogoz
Strix Strix
Kinessa Kinessa
Bomb King Bomb King
Maeve Maeve
Makoa Makoa
Khan Khan

Drogoz: abilities at the right time

Strix: aim

Nessa: aim

BK: same as Drogoz

Maeve: same as Drogoz (street justice would be an A+)

Makoa: aim and same as Drogoz

Khan: same as Makoa


Fernando Fernando
Willo Willo
Barik Barik

Fern: know when to uses what

Willo: same as Fern

Barik: same as Fern


Skye Skye
Seris Seris
Grover Grover
Raum Raum
Tyra Tyra
Lian Lian

skye: know when to invis

Seris: easy heals and an escape ability

Grover: only dmg and press Q and F to places

Raum: spray, Q,, F

Tyra: know when to use abilities and aim

Lian: auto-aim


Viktor Viktor
Zhin Zhin
Koga Koga
Lex Lex
Talus Talus

Vik: easy to play burst mode would be at A+

Zhin; know when to use abilities

Koga: same as Zhin

Lex: aim (death hasten would be A+)

Talus: spray and teleport


Jenos Jenos
Ruckus Ruckus

Jenos: easy heals

Ruckus: easy to play


Moji Moji
Vivian Vivian

Moji: spam

Viv: spam


Dredge Dredge

dredge: spam

Unranked Champions
15 Champions
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx