5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU


Buck Buck

Buck - Buck is Front Line, Damage, Flank and Self-Healer all-in-one.


Lian Lian
Lex Lex
Cassie Cassie
Tyra Tyra
Grohk Grohk
Khan Khan
Imani Imani

Lian is OP you need no skill.
Lex can beat almost all enemy tanks and destroy them in half a second. He is the perfect DPS (not flank).
Cassie is Cassie. OP.

Tyra won't let you play if she is covered properly.
Grohk is good as fuck since he can destroy all enemy teams with Inara.
Khan is the best tank since he allows you to do whatever you want.

Imani has her ultimate.


Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Grover Grover
Ash Ash
Terminus Terminus
Viktor Viktor

Damba is good in all the maps

Grover is also excellent but not in all the maps.

Ash takes no skill to do anything. Her ultimate is devastating. Low-risk High-reward champion.

Terminus is OP. He can steal strix stealth if needed.

Viktor is useful in almost every situation. Just take care of the enemy evie with any burst and ggez.


Talus Talus
Androxus Androxus
Zhin Zhin
Jenos Jenos
Vivian Vivian
Bomb King Bomb King

Talus is good enough. He is a nice 1vs1 champion.

A good Androxus can make you the match.

Zhin takes 0 aim to hit almost every projectile.

Jenos is nice.

Vivian too.

BK is the best blaster. The only one that can win 1vs1 in late game.


Makoa Makoa
Inara Inara
Barik Barik
Evie Evie
Ruckus Ruckus
Sha Lin Sha Lin

Makoa is good but he is a headshot with legs. Easy to kill with Lex and Tyra (they are op)

Inara is a fucking rock. It's the noobs' choice because you don't need nothing to be useful. Just stay on point and press RMB. She seems to be useful but if the enemy team has brain they will introduce their reproductive organs into your throat.
Barik is kinda stable pick. He can do a lot of things.

Evie is a bitch. She can be a star-pick but she can actually sucks hard too. It depends in the enemy aim.

Ruckus is nice. Not against cassie for example.

Sha Lin is a nice pick too. But he is bugged.


Fernando Fernando
Pip Pip
Furia Furia
Seris Seris
Moji Moji

Nando is cool. He is the only champ that can laugh in the face of the enemy team while he wins the match. Also his ult is awesome. But his base kit is poor.

Pip is a nice early-pick. But he will get a huge nerf so he is going to stand here. He can win 1vs1 easy in early, but has no chances in long distances or in late-games. Buck can destroy him.

Furia can work nice if she hit all the solar blessings.

Seris is a very good healer. She can heal up an enemy in your face while you are hitting them. Great burst healing that loss effectivity in late-game.

Moji is a nice pick. Much burst damage can take down tanks as easy as Lex, but not that good.


Kinessa Kinessa
Strix Strix
Skye Skye
Dredge Dredge
Maeve Maeve

Kinessa and Strix are snipers. Swear they don't will be countered. If not countered by anything and well protected, they are strong. Very solid against the lizard.

Skye can burst tanks. But she will not play the game against Tyra or Vivian.

Dredge is a baboon with very high burst damage. But he have to spend credits in deft-hands to reach its full potential. Can be countered but is very good in some maps.

Maeve has no tits so she is not good enough in this game. She can do many things but nothing actually better than the others.


Ying Ying
Torvald Torvald
Koga Koga
Drogoz Drogoz

Well Ying is not that bad. But...

Torvald is a fucking shit. He makes the enemy team to priorize wrecker. If the enemy team has enough wreckers and they shoot at Torvald, he will hide and don't put much shields. Also he need to play in proper maps to work.

Koga is a bonobo and for bonobos. Just spamming shit but would be destroyed by many picks suck as Buck.

Drogoz is nice because of the ultimate. If the enemy team focus him while ulting he is fucked. He can't win any 1vs1 against any decent player (no matter in your skill) and rely much in luck.


Willo Willo

Willo sucks. Is pink.


Atlas Atlas

Atlas is bugged but he has an interesting kit. Playable champion but has to be trained.

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx