1 year ago
Patch 5.7

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Free Agent - NA

only the girls because im not gay


Ying Ying
Lian Lian

YING shes absolutely perfect down to the last minute detail I love ying

LIAN she is the princess so I would be a king plus shes hot and would be a good partner


Cassie Cassie

CASSIE no comment


Maeve Maeve

MAEVE shed put on some good tunes very sexy and would do some crime we would make good partners


Inara Inara
Io Io

INARA she would be a perfect mother of my kids but she is a rock soooo

IO she comes with a dog and would be very nice person


Skye Skye
Rei Rei
Seris Seris
Furia Furia
Kasumi Kasumi

SKYE it would be good sex but i feel like she would not care for me very much

REI shes kinda hot and is a nerd but would be kind to me

SERIS goth mommy

FURIA she is always mad wouldnt be able to live with her but maybe a side hoe

KASUMI goth mommy


Kinessa Kinessa
Saati Saati
Imani Imani
Vora Vora
Octavia Octavia

KINESSA she seems traumatized and I dont want to deal with that

SAATI shes super hot shed be my side hoe but not a wife

IMANI she is not my type and I dont think i would get along with her

VORA kinda hot and seems nice until your realize she is possesed so she could be my side hoe when she is not being controlled by a demon

OCTAVIA she would not be any fun and she is not very hot


Evie Evie
Lillith Lillith
Tyra Tyra
Vivian Vivian

EVIE she got corona

LILLITH shes a vampire fuck that and she aint even that hot

TYRA she is a cutthroat and I think shed burn the house down wed probably make good friends

VIVIAN I would not try to get to know her just not my type of friend or lover


Ash Ash
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba

ASHE she looks fat and opinionated no fun

BETTY LA BOMBA she is annoying fat and self centred fuck that



Willo Willo
Moji Moji

WILLO what is this thing I dont want animals

MOJI ew gross icky and bad

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