4 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - Brazil

Hello! I am just here to say that is based in my opinion, you can maybe disagree with something and dont forget that sup tierlist is in radiant stars patch, this list can be changed in the future.

SS - Best sup one, you can ban if you want

S+ - Is doing so great in the meta, you shoud pick it.

S - Its so good, but is situational.

S- - Io tier

A+ - Seris tier

A - "No sup" tier


Corvus Corvus

This champion is like a new jenos, he heal his team safe, if he use the mark talent he will heal 3 people, so , corvus is a bit of jenos, he is so safe, he can heal a lot, have a crowd control, and he's ult got a buff. He is a really good pick in this meta.


Ying Ying
Furia Furia

Ying: She is literally a grover that is not situational, Ying cause a good damage, have a lot of heal, and have a super good ultimate, you should pick her up.

Furia: She was nerfed in some last patchs, furia is a good pick, she can heal a lot, have a good damage, and a good mobilty skill, and she's ultimate is so good, more dps for the team


Grover Grover
Jenos Jenos
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba

Grover: In my opinion this is one of the best support in the games, but before you say "why he is not higher?" Because grover is a situational pick, he cannot go in every map, some maps is a quite a big, and big maps are bad to grover.

Jenos: Jenos in the past was always the best sup, he was nerfed a lot, and he finally down in the meta. But, he heal safe, he have a good DMG, and he is a support that you literraly dont need to see your allies 100%, I think you should pick him, but he can be counter maybe in a big map too.

Mal'Damba: Evil mojo buffs a lot Mal'Damba, Mal'Damba is a underrated pick, he have a great heal, with unlimited distance, have a lot of crowd control, but he will be exposed him, not like grover, but he will maybe be a great kill for snipers , and we have anti crowd control itens, this will stop a lot mal'damba job, but he is a really good pick.


Io Io

IO: In the last patch, IO was the best support, but Evil mojo nerf IO so well, she is not a horrible sup in this meta, she is just a bit weak because of the nerfs. The good part in IO is when you have IO in your team you can prob try a triple damage, damage reduction, and Luna, but you need to be carreful with luna, luna was nerf in last patch.


Seris Seris

Seris: Seris was so nerf in the past, even with a minor buff in her heal talent, she dont do what she does in the past. Seris have a easy counter play, you do anti heal, her heal is a lot weaker, you do illuminate item? She will apear when she uses her escape, you see her ult? You can go in the inara barrier to protect your self. She is so counterable.


Grohk Grohk
Pip Pip

Grohck: Even he's last buffs in support role, people don't see grohck as a support, people see more him as a damage that can heal himself, buffs not help a lot he support part, so if you play with grohck you maybe will see him better doing damage, and heal a bit he and his team.

Pip: Pip is a fun pick, but he is literraly, a buck that launch potions, people dont see utility to heal with pip, you can pick a furia and can heal people so far, pip will try to launch his potions and people will heal a bit for 1 potion. Pip have more DMG and potential to be dmg than Support. His support part is really bad , who knows some buff in future?





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