1 year ago
Patch 5.7

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Free Agent - NA

Heavy CC and Cauterize meta, with some champions being able to move around like flies.


Atlas Atlas
Khan Khan
Raum Raum
Seris Seris
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Imani Imani
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lian Lian
Vatu Vatu
Vora Vora

All the tanks here have the potential to dish out crazy damage while sustaining a boatload. The flanks have super high movement capabilities, while the damages either have adequate CC in their kit, or just a ton of dps. The supports here have CC, a wide range of healing and good damage here.


Fernando Fernando
Barik Barik
Azaan Azaan
Inara Inara
Corvus Corvus
Jenos Jenos
Furia Furia
Cassie Cassie
Viktor Viktor
Strix Strix
Tiberius Tiberius
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Evie Evie
Zhin Zhin

These champions are the same as the SS tier, they just have less dps, support, movement or sustainability overall.


Makoa Makoa
Torvald Torvald
Ash Ash
Lillith Lillith
Io Io
Rei Rei
Pip Pip
Saati Saati
Bomb King Bomb King
Drogoz Drogoz
Kinessa Kinessa
Androxus Androxus
Caspian Caspian
Maeve Maeve
Talus Talus
Koga Koga

The tanks here are very good off tanks, but lack survivability like the others. The supports are good as well, yet lack good CC and have less movement. The flanks don't have the ability to move across the map like Vora or Vatu, and the damages require a lot of effort and perfect positioning.


Yagorath Yagorath
Terminus Terminus
Ruckus Ruckus
Ying Ying
Grover Grover
Grohk Grohk
Dredge Dredge
Willo Willo
Lex Lex
Moji Moji

Ruckus does a ton of damage and is a great off tank, but requires a lot of attention from a support to succeed. Grohk needs a very attentive team and player to be good. Dredge and Willow are great, they just have very limited movement.


Buck Buck
Skye Skye
Tyra Tyra
Octavia Octavia

Buck is naturally countered throughout the match by Cauterize, and Octavia, while boasting great team utility and a ton of damage, has awful movement capability. Skye is so easily countered by Illuminate.


Vivian Vivian

Vivian is just Tyra, but with even less survivability despite having a shield.


Kasumi Kasumi

Kasumi is broken, functionally and powerfully.




Unranked Champions
1 Champions
Nyx Nyx