5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA


Skye Skye
Makoa Makoa
Terminus Terminus
Vivian Vivian

skye- this ult can destroy pretty much anything if im not wrong.
makoa- when his hook comes out, he regains all the health he has lost and he can pretty much kill every champion.
term- when he dies, his ult can help him regenerate back to life. This tank will help push the payload when you have over time.
vivan- this ult lasts basically the whole game if you dont kill her.


Imani Imani
Jenos Jenos
Pip Pip
Seris Seris

imani- Ah, her dragon. its very op indeed, but you cant either kill the dragon or kill imani. Either way, the dragon will die.
Jenos- "step into the light, and perish" thats all i gotta say.
pip: ulting makes pip's opponents little chickens with low health. even pip himself can kill 2 in a few seconds.
seris- once she ults, she throws her abyss thingy and it sucks the people near it. But this can be easily avoided.


Inara Inara
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Ash Ash

inara and ash: both stuns and helps the team kill the other team.
md: so, i had this experince where my team was pushing the point and there was overtime and this md ulted and we lost it.


Torvald Torvald
Viktor Viktor
Grohk Grohk

torvold: you can fall off the map , but only in certain maps.
viktor: uhm, ive died so many times bc of this. he brings out his gadget and looks through it and you aim at the person you want to kill and theyre probably dead.
ghrok- this ult slows and cripples ( i think) your opponent.


Willo Willo
Moji Moji
Androxus Androxus
Evie Evie

willo- pretty useless, but its more for flanking in my opin. This ult causes willo to go up into the sky and blast everyone.
moji- with this, you can kill someone or use it and escape. But the shots of hitting someone with it is pretty low.
andro- uhm, you need aim for this one. he brings out his gun and around it has a dragon or some sort its 3 shots. (deals 1000 dmg i think)
evie: its a ice storm that slows people and cripples. (i think it cripples at least)


Io Io
Zhin Zhin
Ying Ying
Talus Talus
Koga Koga
Grover Grover

io- pretty weak only does 800 dmg. its a little image of luna that pushes an opponent back.
zhin- you can easily get out of this. or a healer can just heal you. he basically brings out his sword and tries to slice you up and once hes finished he pushes you back.
ying- not the worst but, her ult and heal each teammate 120 health per second. for example you can save your dying front line!
talus: weak aswell, he screams and teleports to the person he wants to kill and knocks them back which deals 800 dmg i believe.

koga- pretty ok, but you can easily get out of it. he makes like a cyclone and it can kill alot of people.
grover: tech like yings.


Lian Lian
Drogoz Drogoz
Bomb King Bomb King
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Khan Khan

lian: i didnt like her old one but her ult got buffed . Her body moves in a weird postion and she says "kneel" (iconic) it used to deal 800 dmg now it deals 1000. fun favct if you can kill someone with her ult her ult gains 50% after.
drogoz and bk : basically the same ult.
shalin- he goes invisible and he can shoot arrows. a bit of illu and help
khan: his grab can only work in a few maps. he grabs the opponent and throws them out of the map, if there is no open space he grabs the opponent and throws them back on the floor and it stuns them.


Fernando Fernando
Ruckus Ruckus
Lex Lex
Dredge Dredge

nando: his ult can save the team and the team by sitting there. his ult gives him cc immunity which means he doesnt take dmg for a few seconds.
rukus: he brings out very big guns and blasts them in everyones face.
lex: pretty ok, he moves his pistols and pulls them apart and it will deal a few hundred (im prob wrong)
dredge: uhm, you can walk away from this one. anyway he uses his hand to make this squid thing and it can kill a lot of people. (tip: put dredges ult when theres a lot of opponents there.


Tyra Tyra
Maeve Maeve
Strix Strix
Kinessa Kinessa
Cassie Cassie
Barik Barik

tyra: her ult gives her weapon a reload that deals a lot of dmg. you wont need to reload the whole time. pretty lame.
maeve: one of my mains, its a pretty weak ult. all it does is make it dark for a 3 seconds and you can kill a few people with the help of your teammates.
strix- flash bang basically makes makes your opponent blind for a few seconds but with the help of andro reversal you will not be blind suprisingly.
kinessa: boring ult , it makes your weapon stronger and deals more dps and it doesnt cost ammo (im not sure about this one)
cassie: pretty nice her ziggs reveals all the locations of cassie opponents it can help your teammates too!
barik- makes a fire machine that blasts fire, there is a sheild abover it. pretty powerful, although it can be destroyed pretty easily,


Atlas Atlas
Buck Buck
Furia Furia

atlas- i honestly have no idea the reason for this. all it does is stop 3 players for 3 seconds. lame.
buck - it gives movement speed (i think ) i can make buck players jump higher and it gives his weapon more dmg.
furia- probably the worst ult. it only gives furia and her teammates movement speed and just a little more dmg.

(note this took 2 hrs!)

Unranked Champions
16 Champions
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx