4 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - Brazil

This tier list will rank the Ultimate Voice Lines for each character. The most team encouraging and enemy frightening phrases shall be on top!


Fernando Fernando
Androxus Androxus
Drogoz Drogoz
Makoa Makoa
Terminus Terminus
Atlas Atlas
Corvus Corvus

Fernando: Don't hide it, everyone loves being saved and hearing that epic tone and that "Together, we are strong!". Or, if you are playing Fernando, nothing better than saving all your team with the iconic "I will not die, not yet amigo!". It just gives a hopeful vibe, your team is earning another chance to live, and that together, they can win. It does feel awesome to both the team-mate and to Fernando, to be almost dying, then hearing that hopeful voice saying that together we can do this, then turning the tables and killing your opponent. My favourite Ultimate, by far. 10/10. (It does not feel that awesome to hear Fernando when he is alone in a 1v5 situation, though.)

Androxus: Well, Andro is already scary enough, and with the "Death awaits you all!", just gives more of that creepy vibe that Androxus already has. It feels great killing that annoying enemy with the Ultimate. For me, what makes this Ultimate great in voice line, is the actual voice. That grim voice that Androxus possesses, just strikes that fear in your game that, if I do not find cover, I will die.

Drogoz: Not much commentary, everyone just freaks out when they hear Drogoz ulting, haha. And the voice line, is pretty frightening, love the voice actor.

Makoa: "YOU DARE CHALLENGE MAKOA?!" or "I will not be stopped!" just complements that strong and hard personality that Makoa has. You can almost feel Makoa's rage, just in his voice. Everyone gets a little jumpscare when he Ults close to you.

Terminus: Poor Terminus, all he wants is to die, but he always resurrects, in agony and pain. Hearing him screaming only wanting peace, is one of the things you feel bad for even be fighting him. His Omega skin shows even more of the sadness that is Terminus.

Atlas: Well, no way better of saying that time is in our side, than with Atlas's voice. Grandpa Atlas has that firm vibe, Not much to say here, I just think it's pretty cool.

Corvus: Corvus's voice actor is BY FAR one of the best in the entire game, if not the best. When Corvus leaps in the air, just gives that AWESOME badass feeling, that you're messing with the abyss. "Let me save you from yourselves." just shows who is in the command here, and no one else but him has to save the realm.


Barik Barik
Ruckus Ruckus
Bomb King Bomb King
Viktor Viktor
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Lex Lex
Zhin Zhin
Ash Ash
Buck Buck
Jenos Jenos
Khan Khan
Furia Furia

From here, I don't have much to say about the Ultimate voice lines. I tried to make them to my liking. You can make your own opinions about why I put them here. Thank you for reading.


Skye Skye
Grohk Grohk
Kinessa Kinessa
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Tyra Tyra
Maeve Maeve
Inara Inara
Lian Lian
Dredge Dredge
Imani Imani
Koga Koga
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Vora Vora


Pip Pip
Cassie Cassie
Evie Evie
Grover Grover
Io Io
Strix Strix
Ying Ying
Seris Seris
Willo Willo
Talus Talus
Vivian Vivian
Moji Moji

Evie: No

Vivian: No


Torvald Torvald

No one likes Torvald.






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