2 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - EU

This tierlist is mostly accurate in the eyes of someone who's played this game for too many hours in diamond-masters elo. I've played all of these characters a lot in a variety of scenarios in every map. I'm basically lvl50+ in every character except Azaan, this should speak for itself my experience in this game.


Azaan Azaan
Lian Lian

Completely broken, these characters ruin games.


Fernando Fernando
Barik Barik
Inara Inara
Cassie Cassie
Vora Vora

Extremely strong, these characters are definitely first-pick-worthy or worth banning in ranked.


Terminus Terminus
Khan Khan
Ash Ash
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Androxus Androxus
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Zhin Zhin

Also very strong, these characters are worth picking as they are all-round great characters in a majority of situations on almost every map.


Makoa Makoa
Ying Ying
Seris Seris
Furia Furia
Maeve Maeve

These characters are very good in most situations.


Yagorath Yagorath
Ruckus Ruckus
Grover Grover
Corvus Corvus
Io Io
Jenos Jenos
Kinessa Kinessa
Evie Evie
Tyra Tyra

These characters are only very good if they aren't countered by enemy picks.


Raum Raum
Atlas Atlas
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Bomb King Bomb King
Drogoz Drogoz
Strix Strix
Imani Imani
Viktor Viktor
Willo Willo
Buck Buck

These characters are decent if they aren't countered, although they also require certain maps to be good on.


Vivian Vivian
Koga Koga
Torvald Torvald
Octavia Octavia
Tiberius Tiberius
Lex Lex
Talus Talus

These characters are mostly underwhelming in most situations. Ideally avoid picking these characters in the current state of the game, unless you want the game to be purposefully difficult for yourself and your team.


Pip Pip
Grohk Grohk
Skye Skye
Moji Moji
Dredge Dredge

These characters should be avoided in any game. They can be fun, but definitely avoid picking in any ranked game as they will put you and your team in a severe disadvantage in almost every instance.



Vatu Vatu

This character is the definition of trash. It's by far the worst character in the game in every aspect. This character is instant-throwing if picked. The fact this character exists in the game at all is just a meme. If this character gets locked in your ranked games on your team, do consider the alternative solution of leaving your match instantly to dodge the game, rather than having to suffer the next 10-30 minutes having a completely useless character on your team; it's worth the loss of TP to not suffer having a person throw your game with this on your team.

Unranked Champions
6 Champions
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx