3 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - NA

In each class I did place at least 1 character in the S- tier to say they are the best in their class. If there is more or less reasoning I'll specify. Yes Ik the paladins guru doesn't say my rank is that high (oh no!), but before u just exclude me, I don't really play ranked all too often. I basically play one match every occasion when i'm bored, and feel like changing it up a lil. Other wise I'm not playing it. But that doesn't mean I don't pay attention on what to ban or how ranked is. I have never struggled with ranked play let's make that clear, ever since I got out of being new, just not something I'm willing to solo que and since normally I play this game with friends, ik once I hit a certain rank at most I can duo que and not something I see the need to do. (not counting all the easy to do exploits to get u to high ranks like diamond, master, and GM).

No yago won't be here but I will make a prediction for her in the tier I think she will be in based on what I've heard and seen of her.

Any unranked champ is in progress i'm saving it in case something happens so I don't lose all the progress


I think of SS as T0 so there won't be anyone here as I don't find there to be a char, that just outright spells I win if they are picked.


Corvus Corvus
Inara Inara
Jenos Jenos
Tyra Tyra
Vivian Vivian

Corvus: Still gonna be a T1 support. His stun talent, contrary to popular belief (at least now), isn't that bad. He can play an amazing damage game and I've even seen him on multiple occasions both as and with or against, 1v1 even most tanks including Raum. His Dark Gift talent is a good pocket talent, and his spreading influence without a organized team can already do a ton, let alone a organized team that knows how to maximize his LR and heal with marks. He can make a organized team basically unkillable on his own, and I don't think the nerf to influence is going to stop this strength of organized team play. Maybe in pubs, but definitely not in an organized group. The buffs he is getting is only making already decent or good talents, into even stronger options. He can do stuns better than Damba and Seris, he can do more healing and damage than them both, and his ult can really control a point and completely kill anyone who gets stunned in it. His DPS is good as well which is just icing on the cake at this point. I don't see him leaving the meta at all unless they really gut him. He is good in any team comp, but his sheer utility and other aspects just make him easily one of the best healers next to only one other.

Inara: As much as I don't like to play her, I don't think anyone can deny she is the best point tank. Her DR is crazy high, she has built in rejuv and can get even more, she can go CC immune and a ult that can basically win a team fight by itself due to it's long stun in the early game. She also can be an amazing off tank too and a great counter to many other off tanks that would dare be played against her. Most matches I see players choose to ignore inara and kill everyone else first then kill her if she is point tank and usually will try to get her separated from her team if she is off tank. She has so many good builds an ways to use her it's hard to really get a much better point tank that she is.

Jenos: I don't see him ever leaving this tier just like Corv. Even as they have tried to nerf him, and even power creep him with Corvus, he just is too useful. Unless they do to him like they did to Torv and now Io and remove his mechanic to heal through walls, I don't see him losing this tier and even then he likely will still be a solid pocket healer so he may go down 1 tier to S instead of S+ but I don't see him dropping any lower. He has good damage, good buffs, good CC effects. Even tho he lacks in the healing department he more than makes up for it with everything else. Even his ult can completely screw a team with a good Jenos who knows where the team is positioned and certain comps can even make this even easier.

Tyra: Tyra is looking really good this coming up split. She is great for point control with burn monster, great as a support mid damage with double mark, and has a good burst damage with grenade builds. None of her talents really are bad and all are pretty solid talents. Sure she lacks mobility but with above avg HP at 2400, and a built in 15% LR in her gun, she is a pretty solid pick for near any map and against near any comp if you need a better point presence or a good versatile pick in your back pocket. Just be careful of overextending.

Vivian: Even after her nerfs she still feels like just vomits damage. It's hard to be on point or flank her when she has a 1200 HP shield, the shield can give her DR, in deck LR, can get herself a infinite clip, a built in Jenos buff, and more. She may lack an escape if you don't go into her nimble card but even nimble 3 can get you out of some decent situations, and in a team fight when positioned well, she can be quite the nuisance to kill. I see her banned a lot and ban her often myself as often other champs I could ban, would be less troublesome than this champ that we REALLY need to keep in check or else she will just kill us all by herself.


Androxus Androxus
Atlas Atlas
Evie Evie
Furia Furia
Grover Grover
Terminus Terminus

Andro: Nothing to really say here that most don't already know. Cursed revolver is a great talent and Godslayer isn't too far behind with proper builds. He has great mobility, great damage, great versatility, etc. Easily the best flank overall, and to my experience has even managed to outdo some damages in some matchups. Only real weakness is low mag size which is easily fixed with a quickdraw card, or using ammo regen.

Atlas: I don't see many talking about this smug bastard, but seriously damn is it annoying to fight him. Excellent point control a good Atlas I've seen basically control the whole game. Both in and out of ranked play in the few ranked matches I've actually participated in. High skill barrier but damn is it worth it. His sustain isn't too bad, he has good damage overall, a good self heal, can get a built in rejuv to stack both helping his sustain and healer Eco. Not many things I can dock him for. Then that shield. A one way ability to shoot through a shield unaffected by wrecker, damn have I seen that basically win matches with certain matchups and maps. Even outside those matchups and maps is it a great shield.

Evie: I put her here because of many factors. High mobility, good amount of maps to be selected on, not many bad map picks unless it's basically a sniper heaven like Timber Mill. Good use on PC from what I've seen and heard, and a good Evie on console, can definitely make being in backline a living nightmare. Only real downside being her really low health pool but with so much mobility, it's good her HP isn't able to get much higher. Good Damage, good ability to kill supports and dodge stuns, high skill barrier, but once mastered, damn are people going to hate you.

Furia: Good damage, getting a buff to damage talent, a fantastic ult, a beam that can make a teammate near immortal with a coordinated team, another talent that is still solid for playing with randoms and even good as a off healing talent, good cards to support all these and getting one card buffed which will make her healing beams even stronger, she has almost no draw back except for the fact some other healers have just a bit more utility than she does. But if just raw healing and decent damage is what you are looking for and your team needs a decent DPS boost to boot, you would be hardpressed to find someone better than she is.

Grover: If you want healing, healing, and more healing, then Grover is definitely fantastic. An ult that basically is like Furia's solar blessing beam when active, a good chaining cripple, good damage, and solid healing despite the talent he takes, grover is a very well rounded healer that can play with near any team comp and be successful. Not many maps I would even say he can't play on. Good anti sniper with his damage talent since he can hit so hard with those axes and with no reload means if you can aim, anti sniper grover is gonna really be bringing some pain to their backline by being a sniper himself.

Terminus: I've heard on PC he isn't as favorable, but even with that he still is a good tank for multiple things. He is a great point tank being able to farm siphon off shields and deployables, has a stun, or extra damage, or even more DR depending on talent. Can run faster than hell and is terror incarnate when charging at you. He can protect teammates through walls and doesn't have that bad of damage once you get into it. Can attack through andro reversal and even without DR talent, can have a DR card to give him solid sustain. Add that to a increased healing card from all sources and it's a pretty nice card set. Add a literal revive to his kit to keep him in the fight and you got one of my favorite tanks, and a solid choice for a good amount of team comps.


Barik Barik
Cassie Cassie
Fernando Fernando
Kinessa Kinessa
Raum Raum
Torvald Torvald
Zhin Zhin

Barik: Haven't played him after his upcoming buffs in the next patch, but just with howTerminus he already was, plus the first buff to his HP, now another buff to turrets and other aspects, I could definitely see him being one of the best point tanks in game. His turrets if left unchecked can really start to add up in damage plus his own sustain, his shields aren't that weak, and a ult that is pretty good at helping him regain point control. Not many are gonna move this dwarf off the point.

Cassie: Yes, she is amazing on PC, I've heard, yes I've also played on a M+K before, even without the mouse on controller I've been able to use her better as I've started practicing with her. Her burst is solid great for killing flanks, her damage, solid great for backline DPS, her flanking capabilities also are pretty good making her a great hybrid champion. Where I have my issues with her, is her point control. Unlike some others in the game she just isn't normally a reason I find myself retreating point as tank or fearing her as an off tank. As a flank even a lot of the flanks I find to be pretty lethal tend to out cassie pretty well. She can deal with a lot and is a great well rounded pick, but there are some things I find she tends to lag behind, and I don't think a buff to her heal on roll is gonna be enough.

Fernando: Probably another confusing pick for up here, but based on personal experiences I would definitely list him as my 3rd to 4th pick if I'm looking for a good tank to bring as either a point or off tank. The cards he has can give his healer a lot more Eco and killing him with such high healing can be a nightmare especially if he buys defenses. Yes he lacks DPS, but with defenses and sustain that good, on a team that knows what they are doing, it's hard to say he isn't able to compete with Barik. As an off tank there are other tanks I would likely put above him. But For point tank he definitely comes into a solid 4th in my book.

Kinessa: Oh how I hate seeing you in any lobby I'm in. Idc where I am I hate seeing you as you always seem to know exactly where I am whether your sensor sees me or not (which SHOULDN'T DO DAMAGE BTW!), but to her utility. She can basically delete any squishy character in a matter of less than a second, even through haven 3 a 1800 cred investment which isn't cheap. On the maps snipers excel in ranked play I usually will ban her just because a nessa can easily carry a match by herself due to her large poke and burst potential. A ult that just makes this damage even larger and it's just shouldn't be something that exists. But it does so she definitely gets a clean spot up here at these higher tiers.

Raum: With amazing off tank capabilities and a good DR build that seems to just NEVER DIE, then top that off with a solid DPS, ult that destroys basically all shields and deployables, and you have a good recipe for disaster. Tho he has a huge hitbox and is easy to farm ult charge off of, and is weak to CC, in the late game once you get resil, and with a proper team comp, most of these downsides tend to fall off. Raum is great at causing pressure, making a distraction, and just forcing your opponent to deal with this massive beefcake.

Torvald: With the nerfs coming to his shield and the buff to wrecker this may very well change, but I think the shielding basically making your opponent need wrecker to deal with you and resil due to you stunning their abilities, makes him a great tank/support hybrid. There isn't another tank that can give you this kind of HP added and give everyone shielding with some heals. His added ability stun and decent DPS is just icing on the cake at this point.

Zhin: High sustain, trading offensive abilities for defensive, he can get out of a lot of situations. I find him to be one of the best 1v1 characters in the game especially with Yomi, and with a execute as another talent he has a solid kit. His cards are pretty versatile and he has a lot of ways to cleanse caut. While LR may not be the best healing item on him, basically any other (even vet due to billow being active for most of ur out of combat timer), will be.


Ash Ash
Bomb King Bomb King
Khan Khan
Lian Lian
Maeve Maeve
Strix Strix
Tiberius Tiberius

Ash: A solid tank pick overall, no real downsides. Good point control, good off tank capabilities, powerful shielding, good sustain. All things to check off for a good tank. My only real draw back from her is her lack of range with her weapon. (yes ik she has a talent to fix that but i hate using a talent to fix something like that unless it's also bringing something else). Then some maps she can basically win the whole game just by knocking people off the map if they don't have resil such as frog isle. But due to Resil basically shutting down half her kit, and it being so cheap, I have to put her lower.

Bomb King: Yes, I know, I am putting him rather low especially giving the buffs he is about to receive with Grumpy bomb, but hear me out here, I place him lower not because he is even bad or likely even this low, I place him this low as I noticed shielding seems to hurt his overall effectiveness. Both in and out of ranked I don't see him all too often, but having used him, fought him, and stuff like that, based on the heavy shield meta that seems to be approaching (and is to an extent here), he seems like he may actually lag behind a lil in comparison to other chars. I find better at ripping shields down and following up on damage before they come back. He can hurt yes, and he has a amazing stun that is getting buffed and great point control, but personally outside of his stun, I've found other chars that are better for fighting both flanks and point control in more matchups.

Khan: Khan is a fantastic off tank. With more DPS than a lot of other tanks with storm of bullets and even a stun talent he is a solid pick. But losing his ability to point tank to anywhere near what many others can, I can't put him any higher. He is a good versatile off tank, but with no real way to be a solid point without really devoting to it and even then not being anywhere near other the others, he just really falls behind.

Lian: A solid pick if you want a good anti sniper, anti flank, or anti arial. She is a solid pick on near any map with few exceptions and with a good burst loop she can put in her deck. She has a good flank build and even tho she has below avg. HP, her versatility definitely makes up for it.

Maeve: Maeve is in a weird spot imo rn. She is a bit more tanky than evie letting her fight snipers a bit better, but she doesn't have the same mobility. She is better at killing tanks or high DPS chars, but I just have never really seen nearly as much success with her. She is good if Evie isn't available, but basically any instance I would choose Maeve, I would rather have Evie. She can't dodge stuns nearly as well, and even with a good burst, will flat out get destroyed by CC and given the high amount of it in current high tier champs, I have to put her at the lower end of T1 and to me that's even being a lil forgiving.

Strix: The cross between Sha and Nessa, there isn't much to say about him. In a meta where hitscan has advantage, he is usually better than Sha outside niche situations, but in nearly every situation you would look at strix, Nessa is just the better option. He isn't bad, but he is basically the middle man of 2 others.

Tiberius: Combat trance making him very bursty, a good sustain in his kit, a ult good at stalling or escaping, he is a pretty solid champ. He can it you from so many angles you won't even know where the hell tony the tiger here is hitting you from. He is a good hybrid of a flank and DPS with proper builds using his ult as an escape, and he is also good at 1v1 against a good amount of the flanks.


Buck Buck
Imani Imani
Makoa Makoa
Pip Pip
Seris Seris
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Viktor Viktor
Ying Ying

Buck: I wanna love him, I really do. He is funny and love what he is trying to do. But I have never seen good success with him. And usually even fighting against bucks, I normally don't struggle with him to a huge degree. His burst, while very good, I think leaves him to open to punishment to opposing enemy backline. He won't have much of an escape and if he gets burst down, normally in late to mid game even his recovery ability isn't enough to save him. Solid Flank yes, but I think given how much CC is usually in the enemy backlines it's not easy to break an enemy backline when your only escape is the main tool to your burst.

Imani: While the dragon is a good ult, it makes imani so vulnerable that it can really screw her. If the enemy has a term and his ult is ready, once he gets close to her it doesn't matter if they kill term or don't kill term, the dragon is screwed as imani is just gonna die to term. Outside of that one enemy sneaking can kill her, but on maps and matches where none of these things happen, it can really turn the tide of a point fight. Her damage is good after all the buffs and with the upcoming buffs to cannon and ice bomb, I don't see her falling too far from grace. I just don't see her outdoing the other damages in the game that are higher than she is.

Makoa: Yes he does get a immediately to come back shield, I know, but with how many ways you can try to play around it, it isn't as impossible to get around as it may seem. A good point sky next to a point tank can definitely out this or a good Tyra with burn monster can really out this or any one else with high point control. Worst case scenario you either drop the shield and try to burst him down having your tank keep caut applied while ur DPS and flanks take care of shield and the enemy backline, or you wait out the shield. With only one really strong talent and a buff to another talent, unless I can make my "you challenge Makoa" build and make him play like Term but with a squeeking anchor, I don't see it being played as much nor as lethal. And even with a Anchor that can really get some good plucks and backline kills, outside of a few matchups I find it hard to say the anchor alone will be the reason for your death and will likely have several other things contributing to such before the anchor even becomes a factor.

Pip: Pip even prior to his healing buff already could heal a ton with combat medic. The mega potion being buffed is kinda just a "ok" moment if my team really needs that huge burst heal to try to counter caut in the mid game. He has a good flank capability, decent mobility, good damage, and a ult that can also win a team fight by itself at any stage of the game just like damba. Even tho he doesn't stun like damba, he can slow which in a lot of fights can make all the difference when ur damage is as high as his is. His only really big downfall is his massive headshot hitbox that is easy to punish in the current meta game. I can place him here tho, however, just due to the other positives you are gaining even tho you are taking such a huge negative with this drawback. Just don't play him into a heavy hitscan or sniper and you should be fine.

Seris: I do struggle to put her this high but given all the buffs to her escape that's coming, Mortal reach becoming better, and even stun Seris becoming better, I really find it hard not to put her at least here. She does more healing and damage than Damba and can get away much safer. Her ult combines well with nearly any team comp, and she is a very good jack of all trades healer if you need a lil bit of everything. If other healers that are more specialized are banned, or you don't need their specializations, this may just be the healer your team will need to get rounded out nicely.

Sha Lin: While a really good champion, good burst, good poke, and good CC, I find him to be a lil bit lacking and punishing. Much more than other poke champs in the game that come with much less risk and much less hard counters. Even Strix who is the poke champ most similar to Sha, really doesn't have as many draw backs as he has a better poke, better dps, better close range combat capabilities, and a better team fight ult. As a result I have to put Sha in mid tier 2, he is good if you need a poke champ, but only if Strix isn't available, you need to be really close to the point, or the map isn't good for Nessa and Strix.

Victor: I struggle to put him this low since burst is still a solid talent even after it's nerf. But with other hitscans being stronger, and other hybrid picks being stronger he kinda just get left in this limbo state. You could probably move him up to A+ or S- and I wouldn't really disagree. He has a decent ult for making the point clear out or even getting a pick or two, he has a solid damage range, in deck LR, and decent DPS. I think if he just brought a lil more utility to the table I could put him higher but since he brings little utility and just some high raw stats, but struggles to break shields, I can't put him much higher than this.

Ying: Possibly another unpopular opinion, I don't think Ying is what she used to be either. Having only a 700 burst heal every 2.5 sec and a 400 HPS on a mimic deploy, isn't all that much in a prolonged fight. Her ult is amazing and makes up for a lot of this, and her damage talent really does pack a punch. But with her wanting to be a healer, I feel both Furia and Grover, can accomplish what she is trying to do more effectively.


Koga Koga
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Ruckus Ruckus
Talus Talus

Koga: Oh how the mighty have fallen. On console this man used to sweep with his SMGs, but now I feel like I would be more effective with a marshmellow launcher for a weapon. His claws are as good as always so I won't put him down to dredge levels as he has still a lot of use and with a pocket can definitely still be a force to be reckoned with. Given the buff to his execute on his ult I think he will still be a pretty decent pick if Zhin isn't available.

Damba: A good stun support is never a bad thing, but with his lower healing, even with the buffs that's coming I don't see him competing with other supports that can do both when we have 2 that are also pretty solid now. His DPS isn't exactly huge either and once Resil is bought he really starts to fall off in late game. Before the buff I would say he was at least B or C but I can definitely put him at least up to a low T2 status before we see how he plays out.

Ruckus: Basically a power crept version of Raum, Ruckus also is in a tough spot. With Wrecker being buffed up his shields, even tho are also getting buffed, are gonna be ripped down pretty quick. He is a good pick if Raum is already taken or if you are thinking the enemy will have more CC and you wanna be a lil less punished as Raum would be. He also has a ult that can basically kill everyone rather fast and isn't to be challenged by near anyone except terminus.

Talus: With his DPS being lowered and Caut being more affordable, I don't see him as much risk anymore. With such a severe damage falloff, ult that is highly telographed and punishable, he really starts to fall behind. Granted he is great for getting maybe one pick once the team fight starts and he will snowball the enemy team. But with low HP and high healing to make up for it, once caut comes into play he really falls behind. He is a good cross between a DPS and a flank tho with better flank capabilities than skye, unless being played into snipers, but that's about all he has going for him currently. Many damages can basically destroy him once mid game rolls around especially other burst damages.


Dredge Dredge
Lex Lex
Willo Willo

Dredge: Another probably unpopular opinion, I don't really find dredge to be all that great. With the main characters I found him to counter mostly being nerfed into the ground now with the exception of one or two, I don't find him being overly needed anymore. Outside of a few maps where he can control point I don't see him being necessary and that's kinda what he excels in. Sure he is great at 1v1 against a flank, sure he has decent sustain, but he falls off pretty heavily in the late game once caut comes into play and with so few maps I see him really viable on as a strong pick, and even fewer matchups now, I don't see him being super high in comparison to other picks who also give good point control and other utility on top of it. I could be wrong as this is just my prediction for him so we will have to see but as it stands now, this is were I would place him.

Lex: Idk how good other see him in the current game, but personally I don't see him do much very often. With half his kit relying on RNG and a talent that solely relies on RNG, he falls quickly. Limited mobility outside his slide, and Death Hastens is basically another version of cursed revolver. Andro has a very similar weapon, but doesn't have anywhere near the downsides lex does with is kit. Which is a shame as I like the way he is wanting to be played, but unless his mark is able to have the target actually picked (and not just somewhat controlled like it is now), I don't see him ever becoming a lot better than most flanks in the game.

Willo: With her buffs coming she definitely will be much better than she has been before. Buffing her burst will really help her out in fighting against flanks and the cards they are buffing will really help her out in both escape and 1v1 potential. Her deadzone has a pretty decent point control basically stopping all healing. Bringing another DPS with her to make sure when Deadzone is down caut is still applied is something I usually would do since alone her DPS isn't normally enough to kill really tanky point tanks or off tanks. her ult is kinda just.... drogos... except temporary.


Drogoz Drogoz
Grohk Grohk
Skye Skye

Drogos: Oh drogos, how I've wanted u to be better. I know you are getting a buff to your mobility, but when you have so many maps that other damages are better picks, and then you start to consider Drogos, there are just too many counters to the poor lizard. Arial assaults are great, but when the meta has a lot of hitscans, and snipers are very effective on a good amount of maps, it just really makes it hard to want to use him. Even then if I want a good burst, there are other better burst champs, and if I want a good explosive point control, there is dredge, there is more so we will move on but he just really struggles in the current game I think and it'll take a pretty drastic shift to make him much better outside of a niche pick into a very few select team comps mainly having to do with the point tank you are fighting.

Grohk: I love you blue shrek, but unfortunately I can't really place you much higher than this. You aren't completely competitively useless, but your healing isn't very good even with your spirit domain talent, and even then raw healing numbers usually isn't enough for a support unless it's really high and not reliant on a lot of aspects. His ult makes him very vulnerable and even lowers his healing for a tradeoff of ok damage to anything that isn't a tank. In early game it does ok but once late game rolls around, a good team is gonna just slaughter you once your ult comes active. Even tho he does have good DPS to be a off healer, unless better healer DPS options are banned, I would likely take them over him. Even some off tanks can heal their team better than he can and unless you are aiming for a movement buff with his totem talent to just max a char. like term's speed, I don't see it serving much more utility. Others can heal through walls better, others can heal better, others can damage better, and others have a much better ult without making them so vulnerable to death.

Skye: With a strong early game and if pocketed can do a lot, she is a very niche pick in most situations. If you want a high damage off healer that is gonna be near point to help with killing the tank or even just heal, she is pretty good. You want a champ with a good early game flank presence then once again, not to bad. But once mid to late game shows up people have max caut, and max illum or even just illum 2, skye starts to quickly fall behind. Her damage is easy to outburst, her healing doesn't do much later, and her DPS, while high, only is if you drop the extra team healing that comes with it. So unless you need someone to really make up for lack of main damage and make up your early game in either healing or DPS, I wouldn't take Skye.


Io Io
Moji Moji
Vora Vora

Io: My main, my favorite character, yes I love this character. BUT I also know how bad of a state she is in coming next patch especially. Currently yes she is a solid low T1 high T2 champ, but once this next patch goes live I have no doubt she will be in this useless tier. While her healing numbers are pretty good, and LL is gonna be a good pick for her own sustain, she is losing basically all other utility. And as established with Grohk healing usually isn't enough unless it's extremely high. Even if you wanted a high healing support there are Furia and Grover who have her beat in every way. You want stuns you have Seris, Corv, and Damba. You want speed boosts, you have Corv and Grohk. There is literally no reason to actually pick her from a competitive standpoint, and even tho yes I'm damn straight gonna keep using her as I have a Luna to reap vengence with, even I can tell she is gonna basically fall from favor with the upcoming patch. With her DR talent being nerfed to near obscurity without very specific team setups, and Luna losing the ability to cap, the GB talent basically becomes useless. Luna will serve no purpose in the talent effectively losing half your kit for the tradeoff of 10% DR which won't be enough. Outside of GB Luna will just be a worse Grohk Totem that does less damage than Barik's turrets.

Moji: Moji nuff said. Anyway, for actual reasons there are just better flanks for what he offers. He only really hurts if you let him in close but other flanks can already accomplish that and with much less risk and even still kill faster and not be as easy to kill. His ult is really clumsy and even tho can remove a champ from the fight temporarily to let your team clean up other players or be used to get that one champ out, there are others who can do this easier and with much less risk. Without many really solid talents to choose from either, she kinda just falls here where no matter what instance you think of taking her, there is almost always going to be a better alternative.

Vora: Possible that this will also be a unpopular opinion, but I don't find Vora to really be great in any situation. With most shields needing to be bursted to not get punished for it she can't farm her charges, with her DPS so low she can be outhealed, she can't hit backline without another flank and is more just trying to play clean up crew than anything else. Most flanks already have the capabilty to clean up kills and 1v1 effectively. Vora sorely lacks a solid 1v1 capablility without a pocket and even then will struggle against a lot of other flanks or DPS. Her ult it better used as an escape for it's DR, I-Frames, and CC immunity more than it's good for a execute unless used to clean up a kill on a tank that won't die. But other characters can do that way more effectively.

Unranked Champions
12 Champions
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx