4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU



Cassie Cassie
Strix Strix

Cassie is a great damage character for many reasons: all of her 4 talents are viable, she has a fairly good F ability and her right-click and Q can be used in a combo to deal massive burst damage to the enemy. A weapon shot + Q + RMB deals a base total (base because loadouts are not taken into consideration) damage of 1330. If you add another weapon shot, we're looking at an ACTUAL total of 2010 damage, which is enough to kill low hp characters like Maeve and Evie.

Strix is SS tier for now (there's a nerf coming out soon, will look out for that) because of his utility. If he headshots he can one-shot a Maeve and a Evie, and unlike Kinessa he does not need to charge his shots + he gets a pistol for close quarters engagements. This makes him a more viable sniper than Kinessa. His flare allows you to see enemies through walls and while your cloak is countered by illuminate you can still play around the team's weaknesses to take advantage of them.




Tyra Tyra

Tyra is a great damage character due to her mark, her area denial and her burst grenade. Her talents are the big winner though, "Hunting Mark" causing the team to massively benefit from her marks and "Burn, Monster!" allowing her fire bombs to cripple and deal 50% more damage, which makes it even more of an area denial ability causing the enemy team to fall back. Due to her grenades' massive damage (700) she can easily finish off kills and her ultimate allows her to run faster, use no ammo and upgrade her fire rate by 40%, which can be used to melt shields, flanks and overall pressure. Her mobility or rather the lack of it is what puts her lower.


Willo Willo
Lian Lian

Willo is a great damage overall, her kit is very complete: she has mobility, damage, a "no heal" deadzone and a area denial ability that can kill a lot of the roster. Her ult allows her to fly and have infinite ammo. The only issue is characters like Viktor, Cassie and Strix being meta characters that are hitscans and can easily kill Willo out of the air or even on ground. She can however fly away from flanks and so it makes her a viable pick and a viable ban as well in some maps.

Lian is a great character, her F is great, her damage above average and everything else being really good. But she is no longer immune to damage during her ult after a nerf, so that drastically removes some of her utility as her ult could be used to escape sticky situations and finish off kills to get the ult charge.


Drogoz Drogoz
Bomb King Bomb King

Drogoz, besides from the fact that he has the same weakness as Willo (which is hitscan enemies) is a great damage. The ability to fly can open new windows to flank and surprise enemy backlines and his Q is a good way to poke a tank or end a kill. His ult can execute a target, but can be interrupted by killing him.

Bomb King is good for pressure and damage. He is not a good flanker though, so you'll see him either playing alone on the side or pushing with the team. You'll rarely see him flank when he's looking to ult or Q the enemy team from behind, and maybe get a pick on the support. His F is good to get highground but does not give him any major mobility so he's easily punishable.


Viktor Viktor

Viktor is very average. He has a lot of mobility and burst damage. All of his talents are viable depending on the situation. However, cauterize counters "Cardio" and while he can run endlessly, his speed does not go up massively so you can still pursue him if you're a mobile flanker. His ult is great, nothing more than that since you can hide from his field of vision. Overall a decent character that has its use.


Vivian Vivian
Kinessa Kinessa

Vivian's damage is below average, but her ult helps her shorten that gap. She is great for pressuring the enemy with her shield and large ammo magazine and her drone allows you to scout for flanks, etc. She has no mobility though, which essentially makes her a sitting duck and while she can deal with flanks, if they know what they're doing they're gonna win the fight since they have the advantage.

Kinessa is a very "meh" character. If you click heads and know how to play her, she's great, but her talents are very underwhelming and some parts of her kit are very bad, such as her drone. Her teleport is VERY useful and her primary fire can save her very rarely in dangerous situations. She has to charge her shots, which takes time, something you must not waste at any cost and thus leaves her behind.


Dredge Dredge
Sha Lin Sha Lin

After his ult nerf a while ago, Dredge never was the same character. His damage is great and his zoning capability is very on top, but his only mobility is his teleport, which make flanks impossible (damage characters are not supposed to flank but some are still viable picks for flanking). If a flank comes close he's pretty much dead, after using his tp he's vulnerable and he cannot efficiently hit a Maeve above him, for example.

Sha-Lin itself and the concept around him is great, but illuminate counters both his F and ultimate, rendering it useless. That's really the only flaw (maybe he should be able to headshot with his arrows but sadly he can't) but it's a really, REALLY BIG ONE.


Imani Imani

... is an explanation even required? Imani is really buggy as of currently and she has a lot of flaws that leave her behind. Her ult gets destroyed by bulldozer (and one-shotted by Raum's ult, for example) and besides her F she does not have any mobility.

Unranked Champions
45 Champions
Pip Pip
Skye Skye
Fernando Fernando
Barik Barik
Grohk Grohk
Evie Evie
Buck Buck
Ruckus Ruckus
Androxus Androxus
Grover Grover
Ying Ying
Makoa Makoa
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Torvald Torvald
Maeve Maeve
Inara Inara
Lex Lex
Seris Seris
Ash Ash
Zhin Zhin
Jenos Jenos
Talus Talus
Terminus Terminus
Khan Khan
Moji Moji
Furia Furia
Koga Koga
Atlas Atlas
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx