5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

This tierlist is based on PC, above platinum rank players.


Atlas Atlas
Makoa Makoa
Barik Barik
Cassie Cassie

Atlas: High dps, high survivability, no counters.

Makoa: Has been there since born, no surprise.

Barik: High survivability along with high dps, best point tank this patch.

Cassie: Safe pick with consistent damage output, great burst damage.


Khan Khan
Torvald Torvald
Imani Imani
Lian Lian
Evie Evie

Khan: Would've been higher if he was bit smoother. Grab and ult bugs out sometimes. Otherwise great dps, great zoning potential also high survivability.

Torvald: Bubble boy. Can be countered greatly by Tyra,Jenos combo. Still annoying.

Imani: Consistent damage with great CC.

Lian: Consistent damage and great burst.

Evie: Only viable flank in high tier.


Inara Inara
Ash Ash
Bomb King Bomb King
Jenos Jenos
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba

Inara: Great point tank. Almost mandatory if you can't get Barik.

Ash: Great poking potential, aggressive tank.

Bomb King: Always been a consistent blaster.

Jenos: Damage amp made him S tier.

Mal'Damba: No surprise.


Grover Grover
Pip Pip
Maeve Maeve

Grover: There are some issue with vine, otherwise would've been higher.

Pip: Only viable as damage/flank.

Maeve: Only viable flank in high tier after Evie.


Terminus Terminus
Ruckus Ruckus
Seris Seris
Ying Ying
Tyra Tyra

Terminus: He should've been lower due to huge bugs. But still great point tank.

Ruckus: After itemization change, he kinda fallen out of meta. Easily countered.

Seris: Not much utility, great healing potential.

Ying: Same as Seris.

Tyra: The damage amp made her this higher. Beast if paired with Jenos.


Fernando Fernando
Kinessa Kinessa
Strix Strix
Viktor Viktor
Drogoz Drogoz
Zhin Zhin
Sha Lin Sha Lin

Fernando: After nerf, he fallen out of meta pretty bad but still solid tank if above not left.

Kinessa: Situational pick.

Strix: Same as Kinessa.

Viktor: Solid dps, can be countered easily.

Drogoz: Easily countered by any hitscan. Beast without counter.

Zhin: Nerf hit him hard, still solid as dps.

Sha Lin: He would've been higher without fps issues.


Androxus Androxus
Furia Furia
Grohk Grohk

Androxus: Not much escape potential.

Furia: Doesn't work without good communication. Heal indicator might bring her higher.

Grohk: Good in some close maps as dps.


Vivian Vivian
Buck Buck
Talus Talus
Skye Skye

Vivian: Easily countered.

Buck: Lacks survivability.

Talus: Rough in early match without cauterize 3.

Skye: Easily countered.


Dredge Dredge
Moji Moji
Koga Koga

Dredge: Easy to take down.

Moji: Huge hitbox, easy to kill.

Koga: Nerf hit him hard.


Lex Lex
Willo Willo

Lex: No reason to pick him.

Willow: Lacks survivability.

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx