4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA



Torvald Torvald
Zhin Zhin

Very confident in saying that these are the two strongest champions in the game at the moment.

Torvald: Wrecker was severely nerfed, so his shields get insane value despite their health getting dropped to 1000 HP base. Also his silence is completely debilitating with Resilience nerfs. Thanks Grandpa is insane. Just think of it as a 1500 uncauterizable burst heal. Direct Current is pretty solid if there is not a super solid pocket on your team and the enemy team has two hyper mobile flankers.

Zhin: Gullotine was always an insane talent, but the lack of poke kept it from being as nuts as it could have been. Now Zhin can poke safely, is an amazing duelist and has a safe nearly uncounterable insta-kill ult. Plus Billow was buffed to last longer. If Zhin is open and you need a DPS, there is no reason to pick him in this meta. He wins duels and point fights.


Barik Barik
Koga Koga
Terminus Terminus
Furia Furia
Sha Lin Sha Lin

Barik: Tinkerin is not OP anymore. Instead, Fortify is legitimately great. Again, the Wrecker nerfs mean that his Fortified shield gets stupidly high value. In addition, Barik acquired more self sustain cards this patch like Double Time and Field Deploy. Double Time specifically in insane and offers up to 3200 healing/4 sec. Once again Barik is the king of main tanks.

Koga: He doesn't bloody die, and his midrange DPS is nuts now. Koga is the absolute best duelist in the game right now. The only way to counter him is to get a high burst damage champion on him, and most high burst damage champions' mobility pales in comparison to Koga's, so that can prove to be very difficult.

Terminus: Term's siphon uptime is nearly permanent this patch. Not strong with Jenos and relatively weak against champs that can force him out of siphon like Makoa and Khan, but Term is an unbreakable shield in the right situations.

Furia: Burst healing is better this patch with cauterize nerfs and her ult is still a fight winner. They barely nerfed her healing at all this patch compared to every other support, so she's flourishing.

Sha Lin: Sha's utility is insane this patch. The crippling arrow is a big "screw you" to flanks, rapid fire being usable while moving gives Sha reliable close range dueling, lower CD on withdraw helps him play more safely, and new Recurve massively boosts Sha's DPS. All around, a really safe backliner that can really mess up any enemies that try to disturb him.


Bomb King Bomb King
Jenos Jenos
Skye Skye
Khan Khan
Maeve Maeve
Strix Strix
Grover Grover
Makoa Makoa

Ruckus: Gets both hyper mobility and Rocket Barrage DPS this patch if you pick Aerial Assault. Plus Ruckus gets even more DR with this loadout than he did with last patch's Rocket Barrage builds. His shield gets more value again with the wrecker nerfs, so Ruckus has an incredibly safe time inting into the backline, getting a pick, and getting out. Master Riding being cheaper also helps Ruckus' playstyle tremendously. If you need a champ to aggressively hold W into the enemy backline, Ruckus is the best pick right now.

Jenos: Pairing Jenos with Torvald and/or Skye should be an insta win because his low healing is offset by the extra off-supporting that those champions bring. Damage boost is as insane as ever, and pairs especially well with the meta DPS picks like Zhin, Sha, and Koga. I do not think Jenos is always the correct play. Sometimes your comp may actually need higher healing, but when Jenos flourishes, he is busted.

Skye: Support Skye is SS tier in the right comps on the right maps. She actually can enable deathballing to be a viable strategy just because of the insane healing, utility, and damage she brings to each fight. ALWAYS run her with another support.

Makoa: First patch that Makoa is not top tier. He is still a fine pick most of the time, but teams can not just blindly pick him into whatever and expect an easy game. He does not do enough damage to fight most DPS anymore, and the hook isn't always up when Makoa needs it. A good hook onto a squishy should still be an insta-kill though.

Maeve: Extremely powerful, safe pick. Great mobility, burst, and ult. She got the new Predation card, which is nuts but her DR got nerfed and there are a few other higher priority DPS picks.

Inara: Also never dies. Avoid picking Inara with Jenos because she needs extra healing badly. However when paired with a high HPS support, Inara lives longer than ever before with te cauterize nerfs since her innate rejuvinate wasn't touched. Plus her ult gets valuke at all stages of the game.

Strix: If Sha is not an option, Strix is still usually a great pick. Not great on every map like last patch because of the pistol and flare nerfs, but 1200-1800 dmg shots from the backline are still very strong.

Khan: He won't output the same level of DPS as last patch, but Vortex Grip is insane with the resilience nerfs so it doesn't even matter. Plus his battle shout and ultimate are still hyper OP and completely untouched.


Ruckus Ruckus
Inara Inara
Evie Evie
Drogoz Drogoz
Viktor Viktor
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Imani Imani
Raum Raum
Cassie Cassie

Ruckus: Gets both hyper mobility and Rocket Barrage DPS this patch if you pick Aerial Assault. Plus Ruckus gets even more DR with this loadout than he did with last patch's Rocket Barrage builds. His shield gets more value again with the wrecker nerfs, so Ruckus has an incredibly safe time inting into the backline, getting a pick, and getting out. Master Riding being cheaper also helps Ruckus' playstyle tremendously. If you need a champ to aggressively hold W into the enemy backline, Ruckus is the best pick right now.


Fernando Fernando
Buck Buck
Kinessa Kinessa
Lian Lian
Tiberius Tiberius
Androxus Androxus
Ying Ying
Moji Moji
Grohk Grohk


Atlas Atlas
Vivian Vivian
Willo Willo
Dredge Dredge
Io Io
Pip Pip


Tyra Tyra
Ash Ash
Seris Seris
Talus Talus


Lex Lex


Unranked Champions
14 Champions
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx