5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

My tier list of the Diamond playthrough.

It's different from current Master and GM's playstyle or platinum and below.

Here are my thoughts about the best heroes and their Talents (Legendary Cards as old folks say).

Maybe if it gets some love, I will add why some talents are crappy and why some heroes are where they are.


Cassie Cassie
Lian Lian
Jenos Jenos
Khan Khan
Makoa Makoa
Atlas Atlas

A rare game without these guys picked or banned. Op heroes.

Cassie - Big Game (to deal with off tanks incredibly fast) or Impulse (to deal with flanks or dd better)

Lian - Eminence (still the best one for the common players)

Jenos - Luminary ( damage boost especially good for flanking, even not heal mains can do good on him)

Khan - Storm of Bullets (mostly this, insane damage), sometimes Vortex Grip (but you need to have a proper loadout with DR and time it correctly to not being bursted in a sec, however, it's making the enemy team take an early resilence and this making your ult weaker).

Makoa - Leviathan (still the best around because of CC immune and health), rarely Half Shell (with a proper deck vs. some team comp)

Atlas - Deja Vu (AOE can target multiple people and easier to hit) rarely Temporal Divide (vs long-range burst characters)


Barik Barik
Ash Ash
Inara Inara
Io Io
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Furia Furia
Bomb King Bomb King
Willo Willo
Strix Strix

On the half tier below. Very good usually picked if SS banned or smth.

Barik - Tinkerin (make him a good damage dealer even on a mid-range)

Ash - Battering Ram (some people say that it's only viable talent because of insane DR, I can't agree), Fortress Breaker (with a proper deck and positioning you can have your shield always up very useful)

Inara - Mother's Grace (insane helper to be a point tank number one with DR and CC immunity)

Io - Goddess' Blessing (Damage Reduction what more can I say), Life Link (more heal, more sustain)

Mal'Damba - Spirit's Chosen (more instant heal)

Furia - Cherish (can sustain all team with this talent), Solar Blessing (only if you can communicate with your tanks good enough, by some voice, VGS chat, or through telepathy level of skill).

Bomb King - Royal Subjects (even more AOE, easier to hit, easier to kill), rarely Chain Reaction (more damage but requires more consistency with sticking bombs)

Willo - Blastflower (even more damage), Nightshade (sometimes still used vs flanks, but it's weak now and usually flanks vs Willo are Andro and Maeve who are flying at her)

Strix - Unauthorized Use (bursting people down with hit+flare in a sec), Crack Shot (usually taken for vision on the flare).


Grover Grover
Grohk Grohk
Pip Pip
Drogoz Drogoz
Viktor Viktor
Tyra Tyra
Maeve Maeve
Evie Evie
Androxus Androxus

Still good but very situation and pick/map/skill dependent champs. Even burn monster Tyra can be good sometimes.

Grover - Rampant Blooming (got fixed but still good), Crippling Throw (sometimes it's can be good but depends on how much CC your team have, and how much it needed [rarely])

Grohk - Maelstorm (GURK THE DAMAGE GUY, especially vs Barik, Ying, Inara, Ruckus), Totemic Ward (it's here just because I had a couple of good teams that knew how to play around this totem, but usually it's a throw)

Pip - Catalyst (rare but very powerful dd), Mega Potion (only usable when both tanks and pip know how to get out\heal out of caut)

Drogos - rare occasion when all talents are good, however, I mostly see the W.Y.R.M. Jets (flying lizard who can flank and just be super annoying without good counters and on a certain maps) and Combustible (when people scared to fly because of their counters).

Viktor - Burst Mode (very good damage if executed right), Shrapnel (for good old CS Viktors who wants to pew-pew-pew-pew-pew, and throw a huge Koby nades)

Tyra - Hunter's Party (incredibly good, help your team to focus some target you marked, and make it much easier with amplifying damage)

Maeve - Cat Burglar (more damage help you to kill targets faster)

Evie - another situation when all the talents are good, I mean if you can play Evie in different styles and each style is harder. usually it's Wormhole (easiest way to play. jump hit jump back repeat)

Androxus - Godslayer (you can always reset your dashes, HIT THAT REVERSAL DUDE), Cursed Revolver (more damage slower rate can be automatic)


Ruckus Ruckus
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Imani Imani
Vivian Vivian
Dredge Dredge
Kinessa Kinessa
Lex Lex
Talus Talus
Zhin Zhin
Moji Moji
Skye Skye

Still can be a good pick in certain situations, but usually worse than heroes above.

Ruckus - Rocket Barrage (more damage for damage tank)

Sha Lin - Explosive Arrows (more damage, AOE, easier to hit), Recurve (if you want to have a stun, instead of explosive)

Imani - Splitting Ice (make your attacks almost AOE, more damage, easy to do)

Vivian - Opportunity in Chaos (more damage GURL), sometimes Booby Trap (to control important points of the map and last hit people)

Dredge - Hurl (now you are a Sha Lin and you can fight vs Drogos and stuff, direct projectiles that make you even a more damage machine), Scuttle (reload that give you even more burst, make a point living hell for the tanks and healer)

Kinessa - Steady Aim (good consistent damage if you can land shot properly), Eagle Eye (it was nerfed but still good, no need so much consistency like in the first one)

Lex - mostly here on the upper bottom because of recent buff(and then nerf to) Death Hastens (crazy amount of damage when you land your shots)

Talus - Inner Strenght (reset of cooldowns is dope)

Moji - Toot (good for self sustain even after nerfs), Boom Boom (after recent reworkings, it's can be very great, so much burst now)

Skye - Debilitate (crazy burst, tanks die in a sec, even after nerfs, but requires a good positioning)


Torvald Torvald
Fernando Fernando
Terminus Terminus
Buck Buck
Koga Koga
Ying Ying
Seris Seris

Almost a disadvantage in the team nowadays, rare players can shine on these heroes usually mains on them.

Torvald - Thanks Grandpa (shield stays longer), Field Study (amplify damage, nerfed but still can do the job, especially with Jenos in the team)

Fernando - Formidable (more self-sustain), Scorch (can be useful sometimes, but overall worse than Form)

Terminus - Decimation (make more damage and more range damage)

Buck - strange thing is that people say all talents here are good enough for Buck mains. Bulk Up (more self-sustain, more DR, HP, etc.), Ensnare (more burst for 2 shooting squishy targets), Bounce House (DR, Intraption of skills, CC, look the last video of Helvian where he shows how broken that is)

Koga -Adrenaline Junkie (restore energy, therefore infinite dashes etc.), Dragon Fangs (got nerfed hard but still can be good with proper healing)

Ying - Life Exchange (Burst healing that many of us wanted, the only thing makes hear a good enough healer to not instantly lose a game)

Seris - Mortal Reach (range and duration is a key)






Unranked Champions
16 Champions
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx