5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

My personal take based on my personal experience and the combination of the pick/win rates.


Jenos Jenos

Jenos has the highest win rate and the highest pick rate for a reason. His kit is just perfect for almost any kind of situation. You absolutely cannot go wrong with a Janos on your team.


Inara Inara

Inara is the most annoying and the tankiest tank in the game. The cripple is an insanely strong ability, deniyng the key points at wish.


Zhin Zhin
Terminus Terminus

The barrier of Terminus is one of the best protections in the game. His absurdly high damage for a tank is a force to be reckon with in tight corridors.

Zhin is the ultimate duelist. When properly built, hes is an extremly mobile flanker with alot of sustain and suprise burst damage.


Imani Imani
Strix Strix

Imani's base kit is one of the strongest out there and her dragon is an absolute powerhouse. It bursts like a world boss and wipes out entire teams in tight situations.

Strix is THE burst damage dealer. He can quickscope, go stealth, shoots the shiet out of you with a bursty pocket pistol... He can do everything a sniper hopes to do.


Lian Lian
Tyra Tyra
Vivian Vivian
Cassie Cassie
Furia Furia
Ying Ying
Seris Seris
Grohk Grohk
Barik Barik

Lian, Tyra and Vivian are the sustained damage dealers that are on top of the food chain. Tyra's Grenade build for AoE denial is absolutely a no joke.
Lian's mobile burst can wipe you out of the existance in mere seconds, while shes constantly harassing the point without an ease.
Vivian's slow movement completedly gets negated by her personal shield and her extremly annoying burst from her ult + 25% bonus damage talent.

Cassie is the second best burst damage dealer. She can wipe you out out of nowere easly while dashing around like a maniac.

Ying, Furia and Seris are our waifu supports. Each of them excells on diffrent things, while healing equally good.


Viktor Viktor
Makoa Makoa
Ash Ash
Talus Talus
Maeve Maeve
Fernando Fernando
Atlas Atlas
Drogoz Drogoz
Evie Evie
Bomb King Bomb King
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba

Viktor is my boi. While the raise of Tyra hit him a little bit, hes still THE sustained damage dealer. He can wipe out an entire team with a well put ultimate while heal the shiet out of himself just by running and juking around.


Khan Khan
Grover Grover
Willo Willo
Moji Moji
Torvald Torvald
Buck Buck
Pip Pip

Grover is one of the most annoying supports to play against, yet sadly, some of the other more dedicated supports outshines him in more aspects. His burst damage is still scary tho.

The issue with Buck is that, while hes an extremly annoying guy to deal with as a support, as long as one single soul is aware of his existance in the flank, he will be denied HARD.


Androxus Androxus
Lex Lex
Skye Skye
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Dredge Dredge

Sha Lin has fallen from the grace with the recent patches.

Androxus will be reverted to his old self soon. Hes weaker than the other options we have.


Koga Koga

Koga have fallen alot since the recent patches. He can be the Genji with dual machine guns, but he isnt as strong as him right now.


Ruckus Ruckus
Kinessa Kinessa

Ruckus has absolutely nothig to offer to the table as of now. He specializes on nothing and gets bursted quicker than any of the other options we have.

I am sorry Kinessa mains, but theres no reason for Kinessa to be picked in a competitive match as long as Strix outperforms her in every aspect.

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx