4 years ago
Patch 3.1

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Free Agent - EU


Dredge Dredge

. : : F U N N Y G A M E : : .


Lian Lian
Torvald Torvald

Tilt in game, must use spam cards on lian. Torvald must harass a moji, lex or buck


Moji Moji
Lex Lex
Viktor Viktor

No words just HAVE FUN. Vik must emote after killing or play cardio, they will SOLO ULT you


Strix Strix
Fernando Fernando

If you go nando try to emote after kill. Strix must hide, dont care about the point just try to be hidden and get some kills


Koga Koga
Buck Buck

Vik must emote after killing or play cardio. Buck needs to go bounce. Koga with claws and fly


Terminus Terminus

Use your shield 24h per day, u'll note the results



Grover Grover
Vivian Vivian

root cards or no tilt. Vivian just try to say #skill at lobby after winning


Tiberius Tiberius
Talus Talus
Zhin Zhin


Unranked Champions
42 Champions
Pip Pip
Skye Skye
Barik Barik
Cassie Cassie
Grohk Grohk
Evie Evie
Ruckus Ruckus
Androxus Androxus
Kinessa Kinessa
Ying Ying
Drogoz Drogoz
Bomb King Bomb King
Makoa Makoa
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Tyra Tyra
Maeve Maeve
Inara Inara
Seris Seris
Willo Willo
Ash Ash
Jenos Jenos
Khan Khan
Furia Furia
Imani Imani
Atlas Atlas
Io Io
Raum Raum
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx