4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

Its my own tierlist for low level ranked games. Hope you like it :)

Sorted by role Tank-->Damage-->Flank-->Heal


Makoa Makoa
Strix Strix

1. Makoa - what can I say, for me he is the perfect tank . Often banned.

2. Strix - one ugly broken champ. In good hands and with some aim he is unstoppable.


Atlas Atlas
Khan Khan
Barik Barik
Maeve Maeve
Evie Evie
Io Io

Great champs, always giving adventage to your team

Atlas - great offensive tank, needs some skill to play

Khan - another perfect offensive tank, Can easily outdamage a lot of champions

Io - great healer, but most importantly Luna gives her place here.

Evie - in good hands she is a game changer

Maeve - she can give even more than Evie, but i think they are on the same level.

Barik - The one and only waifu, probably the best point tank in the game right now


Raum Raum
Inara Inara
Cassie Cassie
Zhin Zhin
Jenos Jenos
Furia Furia

Very solid picks for your team.

Raum - offensive tank, with A LOT OF tankiness. Im putting him here for one reason - he gets countered hard by some champions or champions compilations

Inara - On the level of Barik, but without any escape ability he gets easily countered

Cassie - For now she is the number 2 in terms of damage dealers. She would be on level of Strix, but the 680 dmg is nothing compared to 1200. Also she can do a hard carry

Furia- for me the best healer. Burst with cherish, nice damage great ult

Jenos- one scary boi, healing through walls... what more

Zhin - one sneaky boi. He is really hard to kill when nobody looks at him during flanking. On lower levels he is very strong cause people dont know most of his abilities


Lian Lian
Willo Willo
Viktor Viktor
Androxus Androxus
Buck Buck
Grover Grover
Ying Ying

Good pick, but won't work in every situation.

Lian - Aim-Bot placed here after few nerfes. But she is still a great damage

Willo - I think the best blaster right now. Good mobility, insane ultimate, good pocking damage, but still countered by some champions

Victor- run shoot, run shoot... throw a granade. Great ult, but flanks are just pain to ass for him

Groover - on lower level he is still a great healer.

Androxus - full skill dependent champ. Great mobility, damage with cursed revolver is insane

Buck - big fat mother**cker. Burst and his mobility are insane

Ying - Really snaps when you play her for a long time. But on lower level she doesnt have so much influence


Ash Ash
Kinessa Kinessa
Bomb King Bomb King
Talus Talus
Lex Lex
Moji Moji
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba

Average champs

Talus - yes he is average ! If you know how to play him, he can easily give you the whole match.... but that happens rarily

Bomb King - great in small maps, and when someone knows all rules for him. He is too predictable for me.

Moji - great DPS. She can ruin or win the whole game.

Lex - great burst, but he is only good in 1v1 or 1vs2 when opponents are low health.

Damba - on lower lvl, people forget that damba exists, but in good hands he can be the best healer in the game

Ash- good pont or aggresive tank. She can really make a difference but with a good support nearby

Kinessa - she is weaker than Strix that is obvious, but still a good pick on long maps


Terminus Terminus
Ruckus Ruckus
Torvald Torvald
Drogoz Drogoz
Vivian Vivian
Skye Skye
Pip Pip
Seris Seris

Below average champs

Pip - I would say that healiong isnt his role.. In terms of damage playstyle he can be placed in S-.

Seris - Great till opponent team gets caut 3. She doesnt have any good defense against flanks... you can just run

Torvald - more like a support, can give adventage until wrecker 3

Terminus - Yeah... he is made of stone. Good support point tank, but without healing he is useless

Drogoz - only Wyrm Jets gave him this position. Very situational

Skye - on lower level she could be in SS rank, but Illuminate.... ahhhh

Vivian - only works when she has a support. She is good on lower level players

Ruckus - Its not the same Ruckus from 2017/18. Mobility isnt his best part. He is a good damage tank


Sha Lin Sha Lin
Dredge Dredge
Tyra Tyra

It can work... with some effort and skill...

Sha Lin - direct massage above

Dredge - great in the beggining, good aoe point damage, on lower levels he can be very strong

Tyra - a good counter for some champions, but she is too vulnerable to flanks and burst dmg's


Fernando Fernando
Imani Imani
Koga Koga
Grohk Grohk

If its your main... do whatever you want

Imani - she is just.. .hmmm not for all players. Easily countered

Fernando - he needs a BUFF. Really situational offensive tank

Koga - only a great Koga player will know how to carry the team.

Grohk - he is a very hard to play healer, but works fine when played as dmg... but mannn he is just weak


(im skipping this lvl)


( im skipping this aswell)

Unranked Champions
15 Champions
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx