5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU


Khan Khan
Jenos Jenos

Jenos is the best champion in this game, he deal damage, he have a nice control spell, a good heal with a gamebreak boost damage, he can use third person view, and he can take kill with his ultimate.

Khan is one of the best offensive tank (approved by baroudi) he can deal high damage, he have one of the best shield in this game, he can self healing 1000HP and ignore damage for 1second, and he can break shield and cancel some spell, his ultimate can literally make one free kill, khan is life.


Atlas Atlas
Barik Barik
Viktor Viktor

Atlas have no counter, he have high cc setup, with a unbreakable shield, his weapon is a sniper, atlas have a rewind, nerf this pls.

Barik deal high damage, and he have many shields, he have mobility, and his ultimate is a shield arround him with 20 000 HP, his ultimate counter 50% other ultimate in this game (Ruckus, Inara, Damba, Ash,Tyra, Grohk and more..)

Viktor on console is beat damage dealer, he burst and have high mobility, with a nice ultimate, to agree we just need to see statistics of viktor in console scrims.


Ash Ash
Pip Pip
Evie Evie
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba

Ash can do all, she can play point, and she can play off tank, she have life steal, his mobility spell is really good to touch the point but is bad escape, and she have a great ultimate.

Pip is one of the best duellist, he have self healing, and high mobility, and is ultimate is the best in this game.

Evie is hard with sticks but she is the best flank in this game.

Damba is the best healer when jenos is ban, he have a stun after his reload, he have double heal, with a really op escape, and his ultimate is good too.


Torvald Torvald
Makoa Makoa
Vivian Vivian
Tyra Tyra
Maeve Maeve

Torvald is S- because he is always ban but we can win vs torvald, exemple: ppl.

Makoa is SS if u always success hook, he have an escape and a good shield, his ultimate is gamebreak (like the hook lol)

Vivian is op like viktor, she have a shield, and an very very op ultimate, if she play behind his tank, she is devil.

Tyra is very good with hunter party.

Maeve is good with sticks, not hard and very good with his high mobility, she don't have damage fall of, so she can deal high damage.


Inara Inara
Lian Lian
Imani Imani
Drogoz Drogoz
Talus Talus
Grover Grover

Inara is nice tank point, but she is no't gamebreaker, she is balanced i think but very good if u playing it well.

Lian since the nerf is good bu't not like before, but she continue to be a good anti flank.

Imani have a OMEGAOP root, and his frost auto attack is op, his ultimate is like a makoa ultimate, all ennemy instant back.

Drogoz, its no't easy to carry with drogoz, but he can fly high and he have a very op ultimate, his burst is insane.

Talus is devil i don't speak about this son of the bitch.

Grover is op because he have a burst heal through the wall.


Bomb King Bomb King
Strix Strix
Kinessa Kinessa
Koga Koga
Grohk Grohk
Ying Ying

Bombking is nice antiflank and godlike on some maps, he have a stun, and a good escape, his ultimate deal high damage and stun arround him.

Strix and Nessa is good but hard to have teamplay with them.

Koga don't deal high damage, it's pretty hard to carry with him.

Grohk deal high damage but dont take kill, he have a bad escape, his ultimate is an S+ ultimate.

Ying is good.


Ruckus Ruckus
Fernando Fernando
Cassie Cassie
Lex Lex
Androxus Androxus
Seris Seris

Ruckus have no teamplay but he is very very good, i love it my babe.

Fernando suck he is good only for his ultimate, suck escape, suck range, suck shield.

Cassie hard on sticks.

Lex no mobility.

Androxus: Bad mobility. :/

Serris is very bad against cauterize 3, but she have a gamebreak ultimate and a nice escape, but NEED HEALING!


Sha Lin Sha Lin
Willo Willo
Skye Skye
Buck Buck

Sha' is hard.

Willo need up on his damage.

Skye fuck off.

Buck hard to deal damage but good in ranked.


Dredge Dredge
Zhin Zhin

Dredge i think he is meta but nothing play this, all people see him like a braindead champion but since hirez have removed the card in deck with reload speed, nothing play him but i really think if u have aim dredge deal same damage.

Zhin suck suck suck escape for a flank.


Moji Moji


Unranked Champions
19 Champions
Terminus Terminus
Furia Furia
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx