4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU


Atlas Atlas
Ruckus Ruckus

Atlas has 4s active cooldown on stasis shield with a build that's now possible
Ruckus has more DR, more dive potential and vertical mobility while still doing a lot of burst damage


Inara Inara
Makoa Makoa

Inara will be unkillable with Mother's Grace with the caut nerfs

Makoa is Makoa and hook still exists :)


Terminus Terminus
Jenos Jenos
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Ying Ying
Buck Buck
Maeve Maeve
Lian Lian

Term's siphon on RMB card got changed from 1% per level to 3% per level while every meta loadout already ran it at level 5. He'll have infinite siphon on small maps.
Jenos did not get nerfed meaningfully
Damba with his new talent has more healing potential than he currently has and CC is stronger now with the resil nerf
Ying did not get changed while caut got nerfed
Bulk Up did not get nerfed while caut got nerfed, Buck now has 0s leap cooldown after killing someone for Bounce House
Meave did not get nerfed meaningfully
Lian did not get nerfed meaningfully and got precision buffed, which is now probably the meta talent on small maps


Barik Barik
Grohk Grohk
Grover Grover
Io Io
Evie Evie
Bomb King Bomb King

Barik can use a new loadout with architectonics which has insane sustain, he'll be map dependant though because no tinker
Grohk can be used as a Furia on small maps with Furia being nerfed so hard
Grover ult is stronger now due to the caut nerfs, he'll still probably be the best healer on small maps
Io's doggo will not be killable on some maps due to the dozer changes
Evie's sustain got nerfed slightly but that's all
BK is stronger now due to the caut nerfs and the cassie nerfs


Raum Raum
Androxus Androxus
Moji Moji
Drogoz Drogoz
Kinessa Kinessa
Viktor Viktor

Moji can make a build now with a mix of 40% DR, 50% increased healing below 50% hp and 40% lifesteal and will probably be meta on small maps


Ash Ash
Fernando Fernando
Pip Pip
Lex Lex
Zhin Zhin
Cassie Cassie
Strix Strix
Vivian Vivian

Ash got hurt hard but is probably better than Khan now
Nando can have a viable offtank build with scorch on some maps due to the card changes and might be played with a pocket comp where people hide behind his shield since his shield got nerfed the least comparatively and the MS with shield card got buffed
Cassie got absolutely shafted, 7s cooldown on roll is massive


Khan Khan
Tyra Tyra
Willo Willo

Khan got nerfed super hard, might still be picked just because of his ult or in pocket comps with his stun talent on small maps


Furia Furia
Skye Skye
Talus Talus
Dredge Dredge


Koga Koga


Torvald Torvald
Seris Seris
Imani Imani
Sha Lin Sha Lin

No fucking idea, need to test these before I rate them

Unranked Champions
15 Champions
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx