4 years ago
Patch 3.1

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Free Agent - NA


Io Io

Io: Luna.


Bomb King Bomb King
Viktor Viktor

Bomb King: Insane burst damage. Oh, you're on full health and ready to 1v1? Not if they have semi-decent aim.

Viktor: Only with Burst Mode and Predator V.


Barik Barik
Inara Inara
Tiberius Tiberius
Furia Furia
Strix Strix
Vivian Vivian
Jenos Jenos
Grover Grover

Barik: Strong frontline, very versatile. Good self-healing, works great with Jenos. I often get top damage as Barik.

Inara: Probably the most boring tank imo, but she's pretty hard to kill.

Tiberius: Getting flanked? Just press Q. Can unload a LOT of damage on pretty much anyone, main downside is that he isn't quite hitscan so it's kind of hard to aim at targets moving quickly (Maeve).

Furia: Very versatile support with good damage output.

Strix: A good Strix is very difficult to deal with. If you've ever had one spawncamping half your team you know what I'm talking about.

Vivian: With her four abilities, LMB, LMB+, LMBprotection, and LMBrevealing, (plus her ult LMBbonusdmg) Vivian has a lot of damage output.

Jenos: Only with Luminary. Damage boost is strong and healing is not bad.

Grover: Solid support. With the right positioning, his healing output can be outstanding and his damage isn't anything to scoff at either.


Zhin Zhin
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Khan Khan
Ash Ash
Androxus Androxus
Cassie Cassie
Ying Ying
Kinessa Kinessa
Corvus Corvus
Terminus Terminus
Dredge Dredge



Zhin: My main. Feels like he's in a pretty good place right now, but def not overpowered.

Mal'Damba: If you can hit your heals and your reload, Mal'Damba is a very versatile support with incredible healing. Skill-intensive though.

Khan: Versatile tank with a good stun ability. Hate his shield though.

Ash: Excellent for gaining space. Kinetic Burst to knock people off the map is very fun.

Androxus: Basically the definition of the flank role. A good Androxus can single-handedly carry games.

Cassie: Excellent damage output if you can hit your shots. Not quite hitscan.

Ying: A good Ying can be a nightmare to kill, a great Ying makes her teammates a nightmare to kill also. Very skill-intensive, however.

Kinessa: Better at sniping than Strix, but worse at getting flanked. Since a sniper should almost always be getting flanked, I put her below Strix.

Corvus: So far, Corvus is performing pretty well. His ult is underwhelming, however.

Terminus: Annoying, but imo worse than Inara/Barik. Despite the simplicity of his kit, it is very hard to play Terminus effectively.

Dredge: Flanking him is pain, standing on the point is pain, but if you're high mobility it'll be hard for Dredge to kill or hit you.


Buck Buck
Raum Raum
Maeve Maeve
Evie Evie
Makoa Makoa
Tyra Tyra
Ruckus Ruckus
Drogoz Drogoz
Willo Willo

Buck: Solid flank with good healing and good damage output.Ruckus

Raum: A very solid offtank with good damage and a very versatile movement ability. Solo tank Raum is probably B though.

Maeve: Very mobile, playable in all maps. Can either be a huge asset or entirely useless.

Evie: A good Evie can single-handedly carry games as nobody on the enemy team can see her for long enough to kill her.

Tyra: The lack of a movement ability is irritating, but excellent damage output definitely helps.

Ruckus: B if going for Flux Generator or playing as point tank. Surprisingly versatile offtank.

Drogoz: Situational, but very effective if they don't have any hitscan, hence A+.

Willo: Very irritating to play against, especially as a support when your tanks won't get out of the Dead Zone. Tricky to hit also.


Imani Imani
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Seris Seris
Lian Lian
Atlas Atlas
Pip Pip
Talus Talus

Imani: Prob one of my most controversial choices. To me she seems a bit tricky to learn/master, but very versatile and interesting when you have enough experience with her.

Sha Lin: In the hands of a really good player with excellent aim he can be nearly unkillable, but that's sort of the same thing as for other damage champs.

Seris: On small maps with Soul Collector, she's S-. Otherwise, prob below A. I play Seris a lot, and on small maps you can really feel the difference in how much you can actually impact the game.

Lian: Autoaim can be annoying at times, but overall Lian feels a bit underwhelming.
Atlas: Shield is annoying, seems tricky to use otherwise and kind of underwhelming. Bad Atlases can be hilarious to watch, as a sniper I once got Rewound from my sniping perch at 1k health... to the same sniping perch, still at 1k health.

Pip: Buff his healing and reduce the size of his head hitbox, and maybe I'll put him higher.

Talus: I like playing Talus, but his "hit-and-run" playstyle is objectively subpar.


Koga Koga
Moji Moji
Fernando Fernando
Skye Skye

Koga: In my entirely unbiased opinion as a Zhin main, I think that KOGA IS A TRAITOR TO THE THOUSAND HANDS AND MUST BE PUNISHED FOR HIS INSOLENCE- oh you mean balance-wise? slightly underwhelming but still irritating in the hands of a good player

Moji: Good on specific maps (and against specific champs) but VERY situational

Fernando: C as point tank. Decent offtank if you're going for a speed-based build, but there are usually better picks.

Skye: Literally the only character I am not happy to see Skye on the enemy team as is Kinessa. Illuminate is often a hard counter.


Torvald Torvald

Torvald: Underwhelming. Gets worse as opponents buy Wrecker.


Grohk Grohk

Grohk: The only reason he isn't in D is because a Maelstrom Grohk makes a semi-decent off-support. I have been seeing this guy in all of my games and he never does well, please GO AWAY


Lex Lex

Lex: I played this guy on my first day in game so I could fill the flank role, and never touched him since.

Unranked Champions
13 Champions
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx