5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

Sorry for my weak english but idc about my grammar in a tierlist XD


Lian Lian
Torvald Torvald
Ash Ash
Jenos Jenos

Eminence Lian. Torvald needs to get reworked asap. His shielding bonus damage is just too much, especially with Jenos luminary. Ash: "Ok, ill just ult the support or dps and see what i can do :)" BOOM 600 damage, 2 seconds stun + immortality for 8 seconds. Free kill in 80% of the cases. Ash is also very good as an off tank and creates a lot of space and pressure with her AoE. Jenos luminary with tyra hunting party is the new guide how to get GM :) He is very good with a 2. support like pip or grohk for the extra heal.


Barik Barik
Inara Inara
Terminus Terminus
Khan Khan
Makoa Makoa

Barik and Inara are probably the best point tanks with luminary Jenos since both can sustain themselves very well. (Barik turrets, Inara free rejuv and a lot DR) Terminus is so high in this list bc of his invisibility :) And he is also not bad against Inara/Barik on point and also hard counters blasters. His ult is also pretty good. Khan creates a lot of pressure and can heal his dps/support and cancels every shield and a few abilities with his grab + can use his shield whenever he wants (helps to avoid lian eminence damage+cdr) + his ult is very strong since its a free kill or puts enemies out of position) Makoa has a great shield and can put anyone out of position with his hook (Free kill most of the times with a good team). His ult is also extremely good bc it literally revives u and gives you 10k HP and it creates a LOT of space for your team.


Viktor Viktor
Talus Talus
Atlas Atlas
Ruckus Ruckus
Grover Grover

Viktor is very good on console bc of his headshot aimbot feature ;) He is an overall good dps in most comps but is also a very easy kill when out of position. Talus has the same feature like viktor and is maybe one of the better flanks bc he can go in but also come back again in safety (like what Zhin used to do). I also noticed that most console players cant keep up with the MS in his loadout..


Tyra Tyra
Vivian Vivian
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Seris Seris
Imani Imani

Tyra is a semi anti-flank bc of her reveal and bonus damage. Revealing flanks will not allow them to flank normally and the team will aware of their position. She is extremely good with Jenos bc of the damage boost combo. Vivian can reveal common flank routes and can be real tanky with loadout cards (for example, damage dealt to you goes to shield + increase shield HP) so flanks are supposed to get wrecker just for vivian. Means they dont have enough caut to deal with the support pocketing vivian. Solution: Remove the "damage dealt to you goes to shield" card and vivian wont be as annoying anymore. +dont let her gain ult charge while ulting and give her ult a timer (for example: Ult lasts 20-30 seconds) Damba is the most skilled support and can actually be very good on console if played by a good player. The problem is that its harder to hit a heal on an ally bc of the aim assist. Seris is a good healer and can escape flankers easily and her ult is not bad at all. Imani does a lot damage and her root and ult are also pretty strong. Enemy is forced to buy bulldozer AND resilience bc of her root ability and ult.


Bomb King Bomb King
Drogoz Drogoz
Strix Strix
Evie Evie

BK does a lot damage and has good CC and his ult is mostly a free kill and his poppy might help against flankers. Drogoz wyrm jets is so dumb bc you can abuse roofs on a few maps. Gets countered by hitscan but is very good against stacked comps or against no hitscan. Strix is very good on open maps and is also an anti-flank. Better version of kinessa. Evie is probably the best flank when played by a very good evie main. But the problem on console is that the fps is capped and the things you can do as evie with a controller are limited compared to pc. On pc she would probably be SS or S+.


Furia Furia
Pip Pip
Grohk Grohk
Kinessa Kinessa
Cassie Cassie
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Lex Lex

Furia is a very good support when communicating with the team but she isnt so good when played with randoms. Her ult is pretty strong tho and does a lot damage as a support. Pip is mostly used as a damage with the talent "Catalyst" and is very good in the right hands. His ult is one of the best in the game and he is working perfectly as 2 support with Jenos for the extra healing burst. Moxie on level 5 is also pretty broken. Grohk is also mostly used as a damage with the talent "Maelstrom" and does a LOT damage especially against comps who have a lot deployables. His ult is also very good and is mostly securing the win of a team fight but gets countered late game when enemies have more caut to kill him while he ults. Kinessa can win sometimes against strix if the player has a very good knowledge. Her ult is a lot better than Strix ult and she can also reposition with her teleport but she isnt an anti-flank and is a lot easier to kill than Strix. Cassie is supposed to be at Lians level but the aim assist doesnt allow it. Anyway, if you practice her enough you can make use of her big burst damage. She has 3 very good talents and has very good survivability and her ult is also very strong and charges fast. ShaLin is at the same spot like cassie just that he is a bit easier to master on console. His explosive arrow talent is the most annoying thing when he spams it on u and puts u out of position every single time. He has a very good ult and has 3 good abilities. He might be a bit worse than other dps but if you master him you can even make him work in ranked with the right comp. Lex discovery needs to be removed from the game. It doesnt even tell you if you are revealed from him and he can literally 5-6 shot you and he outdamages most of the dps. With the MS on his loadout he will be an even harder target for console players for some reason.. they just cant deal with it so it seems like he is always overpowered when u get killed by him when the truth is that you simply missed him bc of the MS. I gotta admit i also have trouble sometimes to hit him but ill always be glad to play against a lex so i can practice to constantly hit him until he isnt annoying anymore. The big lex counter is Jenos bc Lex cant slide out of the grab. So to counter lex you need to play with your team and not let Lex kill you alone out of position bc you simply cant outdamage him with most dps champs.


Skye Skye
Androxus Androxus
Fernando Fernando
Ying Ying
Zhin Zhin

Skye is a very bad flanker. No mobility, gets countered completely by the cheapest item and is very easy to hit. People who complain about skye being OP are probably some tank players or simply players with a bad game sense. She might be useful against makoa, vik, nessa, ruckus and some other tanks bc of her debitilate talent but even with that you should learn to play around a skye and expect her from flank routes. Andro gets countered by more than half the champions and can be useful against deployables, blasters or easy-to-kill damage dealers. In the right hands he can be good but even then he gets countered by so many champions so you better not use him in ranked if you play with randoms. Nando is a very bad tank compared to every other tank and is probably the hardest tank in this game. He can be good with a good team and if you are a good nando player. Ying is healing a lot but she doesnt bring anything else to the game than heals. Other supports have more damage or CC. Zhin got a huge nerf to his billow and now he wont be able to go in and out like he used to do. He can be good if you play him differently but it will just be a lot harder.


Maeve Maeve
Buck Buck

Maeve is a very hard to master champion on console but she is a very easy target anyway and is a very bad flanker. Can be really good in MartyMistiks or Vyktoryahs hands :) Buck has a huge hitbox and is just a bad champion against mosty of the comps. Can be good when played by a good player.


Dredge Dredge
Moji Moji

Dredge is very easy to kill bc of no mobility and range/mobility counters him hard. Can be good in Jaguar Falls, ice mines or even brightmarsh. Moji got this damage buff but she is still a very easy target and has bad mobility. She got some self sustain but is still a damn easy thing to kill.


Koga Koga
Willo Willo

No One:

Literally not a soul:

HiRez: Nerfs Koga agility and leaves Lian eminence

Willo can be good against stacked comps like Grohk heal or Furia beam but apart from that she is so easy to kill and gets hard countered by Range and mobility.

Unranked Champions
17 Champions
Io Io
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx