5 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - EU

Ranked Tierlist. Please don't mind my Pepega english.


Atlas Atlas
Makoa Makoa
Torvald Torvald

Best off tanks in the game. Makoa's hook, Atlas kit and Torvald bubbles are the best abilities in the game.


Jenos Jenos
Tyra Tyra
Barik Barik
Willo Willo
Evie Evie
Maeve Maeve

Jenos and Tyra are a force to be reckoned with. Their damage boosts are insane for the team.
Willo is great with her new mobility. If hitscans are blocked she gains a huge carry potential.
Evie/Maeve are the best and only viable flanks at the moment since they got the engage/retreat thing that other flanks lack at the moment.
Barik is the only tank who really plays great with Jenos compared to the others, he deals way too much damage and has a great survivability with Bowling ball.


Ash Ash
Khan Khan
Lian Lian
Cassie Cassie
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Inara Inara
Pip Pip

Ash creates the best space for her team since the "SS" offtanks are mostly banned.
Khan is a great pick while not being as great as Ash, but his ult is an instant kill button.
Lian and Cassie are solid picks as they always have been.
Damba is the best healer, but at the moment giving dmg bonuses to allies is too important so you may prefer Jenos over him.
Inara is immortal on the point (Bad with Jenos) .
Pip has one of the best Ults in the game and he's second to Willo as a blaster.


Ying Ying
Furia Furia
Bomb King Bomb King

Ying can be both great as a dps and a healer champ in this patch. While not being as effective as Cassie/Lian as a damage, she still heals a lot and has a way better ult than both of them. She's also a Godly heal bot.
Furia is great since she got a buff. She deals lots of damage and her strong ultimate can be charged really quickly since she doesn't really need Chronos while using Cherish.
Bomb King is the only Blaster who's decent at dealing with hitscans. His strenght is being an antiflank while also being good at flanking.


Strix Strix
Kinessa Kinessa
Viktor Viktor
Dredge Dredge
Lex Lex
Terminus Terminus
Drogoz Drogoz
Vivian Vivian

These champs are situationals.
In sniper maps Strix and Kinessa are really strong to not say the best picks.
Viktor is second to them at doing high range dmg.
Dredge is the best at not letting anyone pass trough his spam.
Lex with his new Fire rate is really strong with a pocket, but he's really weak to CC.
Terminus can be played as an offtank and a main tank and he's great at both imho, he's the best counter to blasters. (he's bad with Jenos)
Vivian is a spammy hitscan champ, she can be so strong against shields.
Sha may be a great champ, but his bugs make him a really hard pick to make.


Ruckus Ruckus
Grover Grover
Sha Lin Sha Lin

Ruckus can be great in the right hands, but he doesn't make a good partner to the damagers who usually take space with an offtank since he has no protection for them.
Grover is a solid healer, but the team has to play around you which can be hard in competitive play.

Drogoz shines when the biggest hitscan treaths are picked by your team or banned but I'd consider Willo a way better pick as long as she's open.


Androxus Androxus
Buck Buck

Andro is a great counterpick to Drogoz, Willo and Dredge, but he's not great at surviving once he gets a pick.
Buck can be great against low mobility heroes. With Willo being meta tho I don't see him being any good.


Skye Skye
Seris Seris
Fernando Fernando
Grohk Grohk

Skye is good at countering Makoa, but she's too weak to illuminate since she has no range compared to other stealth champs.
Seris is good during the 1st round when she can heal the most. Once Caut is on the board she's really bad.
Fernando is okay in a stacked team when he can babysit his team with his strong ultimate. He doesn't make anything great in soloq.
Grohk is okay against deplos, but he's bad at duelling in 1v1s, literally anything pushing you in a 1v1 will most likely kill you.


Imani Imani
Moji Moji
Koga Koga
Zhin Zhin
Talus Talus

Imani can counter Lex, anything else she does can be done better by other champs.
Moji has a huge hitbox, she's easy to counter with CC and her ulti is too hard to confirm to make use of it.
Koga can be good with a pocket and he can couner makoa's ult pretty easly with his talent. but anything else is pretty bad.
Zhin's Billow is now too short to make any engage/retreat action. He's now a bad flank I'd say, but he's good with Torvald pockets.
Talus is all about his Overcharge. Once that is offcooldown he can't really do much. You can force his TP and he's gonna wait the cooldown to push again.


Io Io

I don't have any Data for Io yet, but I expect her to be good.

Unranked Champions
16 Champions
Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx