1 year ago
Patch 5.7

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Free Agent - Australia

I just wanted to share this with you all. Maybe you've felt the same way at some point? Please subscribe to my OnlyFans. also my name is Greg, nice to meet you all, also I am 15 and the toughest in my grade at school. i want to be an astronaut when i grow up


Barik Barik
Willo Willo
Terminus Terminus
Talus Talus
Moji Moji
Torvald Torvald
Bomb King Bomb King
Pip Pip

I could easily beat the sh*t out of them and spiral into an unhealthy power trip for the above mentioned 20 years before finally receiving prison time.


Inara Inara
Ying Ying
Maeve Maeve
Rei Rei
Io Io
Kasumi Kasumi
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Ruckus Ruckus

I'd have a good run. Then maybe 15 years later the guys in prison would have a good run on me.


Buck Buck
Atlas Atlas
Androxus Androxus
Corvus Corvus

Treat them like royalty in public, make it feel genuine, then show your true colours behind locked doors and blame it all on a bad week at work, every week. Mess with their head, especially Buck's bald head. 10 years eassssssyyyy.


Cassie Cassie
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Strix Strix
Evie Evie
Seris Seris
Jenos Jenos
Tiberius Tiberius

Just throw in some toxic mental manipulation too. At least 8 years.


Viktor Viktor
Grover Grover
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Tyra Tyra
Makoa Makoa
Lillith Lillith

Achievable. 5 years.


Dredge Dredge
Koga Koga
Furia Furia
Kinessa Kinessa
Drogoz Drogoz
Lian Lian
Caspian Caspian

They'd resist. Probably 3-5 years.


Khan Khan
Vora Vora
Saati Saati
Grohk Grohk
Vatu Vatu

It would be tricky. 2 years maybe.


Yagorath Yagorath

Unsure if I would be able to take on a 12 foot tall worm monster. 1 year at most.


Fernando Fernando
Skye Skye
Octavia Octavia
Imani Imani
Lex Lex

I'd need to wear a stained tank top 24/7, smoke a lot of cigarettes and learn how to box. 6 months if I am lucky.


Azaan Azaan
Raum Raum
Vivian Vivian
Ash Ash
Zhin Zhin

I'd be the one getting abused.

Unranked Champions
1 Champions
Nyx Nyx