4 years ago
Patch 3.1

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Free Agent - EU

Sorry not sorry, not really intended as a tier list

I must also notify you that the tiers/numbers are not in order because I'm lazy ok? I just arbitrarily arranged them with 0 consistency and yes I am that lazy and dumb, this is just pure data in numbers, thanks for reading!.

>>>>>>>>These tiers mean nothing<<<<<<<<

This does not take actual skill into consideration, this is only using in game math with disregard to all self sustain cards and each champion will have multiple TTK numbers if they have multiple damage sources!.

No falloff taken into consideration either!

>>>> The HP used in all calculations is 2200 for no reason whatsoever <<<<

So this in essence is all theoretical and can be lower (but most likely higher) in practice!!!.

Also, this does not mean that a champion is good or bad, it is pure data for theory crafting only!.

The numbers are calculated on (most) champions without taking into consideration that the first shot is instant:

Time lapse example to explain this: Andro, before we start counting, an instant shot happens (600 damage), 0.5 seconds into our timeline, the second shot happens (1200 damage so far), once our timer reaches 1 second, the 3rd shot happens, and the enemy will die exactly at 1.5 seconds.

So to get the real numbers of a champion you like, subtract the time of the free 1st shot from the listed TTK here!.

The reason I've done this on purpose is that I'm assuming you need an extra 0.5 to 0.75 seconds to notice you're being shot at before switching to target that enemy, and then you will need that long to kill them before they kill you.


Discord: MacZeroFun#1978


Androxus Androxus
Talus Talus
Moji Moji

Andro CR TTK1 = 1 second due to 2 head shots and an instant Defiance (1800+520)

Andro CR TTK2 = 1.5 seconds due to 3 body shots and an instant Defiance (1800+520)

Andro CR TTK3 = 2 seconds (4 body shots)

Andro non CR TTK1= 1.44 seconds due to 4 body shots and an instant Defiance (520*4+520)

Andro non CR TTK2= 1.08 seconds due to 3 head shots.


Talus TTK1 = 2 seconds all body shots + no overcharge + no punch

Talus TTK2 = 1.4 seconds all head shots + no overcharge + no punch

Assuming Overcharge makes your rate of fire 0.075 (it's a fraction of a second faster than that).

Talus overcharge TTK1 = 1.5 all body shots + no punch

Talus overcharge TTK2 = 1.05 all head shots + no punch

The punch deals 600 removing about 0.5 seconds from all calculations (executed perfectly to finish the kill)


Moji deals 1500 in 0.8 seconds (perfectly timed LMB), after that, you can spam both to kill someone in 1.5 seconds.

(her DPS is 1850 btw)

Moji tech: LMB before being shot at > Q get shot before your LMB hits > get shot again > LMB

deals 2k damage and you deal the rest in 0.24 seconds, the tech happens over 3 seconds (you spend 2s in the barrier).




Vivian Vivian
Kinessa Kinessa
Viktor Viktor
Bomb King Bomb King
Lex Lex
Cassie Cassie


Timelapse on Cassie: Instant (shot+Blast+disengage) 2nd shot happens at 0.75s, and 3rd shot happens at 1.5 seconds

Impulse Cassie TTK = 1.5 ( a squishy will live after her combo of 2 shots 600 blast 200 disengage so she spends 0.75 seconds more to kill them)

Video proof : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/704760850178637895/707581021356425216/2020-05-06_16-11-53.flv

Exaction Cassie TTK = 1 second due to disengage having a delay on use

(1 buffed bolt + 450 blast + 1 normal bolt + 200 disengage )

Video proof: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/704760850178637895/707583982899822673/2020-05-06_16-24-25.mkv

Big game Cassie TTK = 1.7 seconds

(on that 2200 squishy, 8% is an extra 176 per bolt, so after starting with disengage and blast shot the remaining HP is 1550 which is 2 bolts), there's a short delay after using disengage and you don't get to start counting from the first hit this time.


A singular headshot from Vivian removes 0.14 seconds off these numbers, multiple headshots not taken into consideration.

Vivian no talents involved TTK = 1.82 seconds (no headshots)

Vivian 10% OiC TTK = 1.68 seconds (no headshots)

Vivian Booby Trap for 600 = 1.4 seconds (no headshots)


Kinessa 2 full charged shots = 2.6 seconds

Kinessa 1 full charged headshot + 1/3 charge = 1.69 seconds (0.39 seconds if you start counting after 1st shot)

Kinessa rifle mode VS AFK EVIE 1800hp no headshots = 1.5 seconds.

Same but all headshots = 1.05 seconds

Eagle eye = after the first shot (1.3 seconds), an instant shot will be enough.


Viktor Burst Mode deals 660 every 0.55 seconds (0.05 seconds between each bullet of the 3 shot burst and 0.4 seconds between bursts)

Viktor TTK no head shots = 1.83 seconds (enemy dies mid burst, practically 2 seconds).

Viktor TTK all head shots = 1.3 seconds (enemy dies mid burst)

Start with a nade to reduce the time needed by nearly 0.5 second.


BK TTK for 3 sticks = 2.1 seconds

BK after Grumpy stuns someone right on top of it (2 bombs) = 1.4 second

BK buffed by Jenos = 1.4 seconds (you must use poppy bomb for the remaining damage)


Lex no talent involved no headshots= 1.74 seconds.

Lex discovery VS your target no headshots= 1.5 second.

Death hastens body shots = 2.4

Deaht hastens 2 head shots + finish off with auto aim = 1.5 seconds

(reminder : point blank range calculations)





Strix Strix
Tiberius Tiberius
Tyra Tyra
Koga Koga
Drogoz Drogoz
Lian Lian
Skye Skye


Strix 2 body shots or 2 head shots = 2.3 seconds (1 bolt action animation)

Strix pistol only no headshots = 2.1 seconds (14 bullets)


Tiberius: No bounces taken into account, a singular instance of 1 bounce does not change the numbers.

Tiberius no trance TTK = 2.8 seconds (4 Chakrams or 3 Chakrams +Blade+Blade recall whatever talent)

Tiberius trance TTK = 1.96 seconds (4 Chakrams)

Tiberius ult Whirl headbonk only = approx 1.2 seconds for 3 whirls.


Tyra (Falloff means non of this is true remember?) but Tyra still is a sleeper pick and good as a support guardian + Luna eraser/point zoner even without burn monster

All body shots no abilities = 1.89 seconds

All headshots no abilities = 1.26 seconds

All body shots + hunters mark = 1.71 seconds

Mercy kill 3 nades 1 rifle shot = there's almost a full second between nades, bad idea, 3.09 seconds TTK

Burn monster = approx 1.8 seconds (you have the time to shoot 17 bullets after throwing the fire until they die, and the throw animation has a bit of lockout)

15 rifle shots into 1 Nade (end them with nade, don't start with it) = 1.4 seconds


Koga : 1.7 seconds all body shots and uses 56 ammo

All headshots : 1.14 seconds and uses 38 ammo

Klawga: 4 claws over 2.2 seconds


Drogoz Fusillade: 1.7 seconds ( 2 shots + spit)

Drogoz Combust : 1.7 seconds ( 2 shots + spit)

Combust Salvo: all 6 to kill with the spit


Lian: My brain stopped working when trying to figure this out, but I think her TTK is 1.4 seconds, sorry, I can't seem to get this one correctly, you do it and tell me plz.

no headshots in that but you use up every cooldown.


Skye: TTK without using poison bolts is 1.7 seconds (faster than talus by 0.3s when he's not using overcharge), using poison bolts will deal 30% of the enemy HP over 4 seconds, or 15% over 2 seconds, or 7.5% per second

this means that:

after 1 second of using poison bolts you've dealt 165 damage with it and 1300 damage with your weapon, after another 0.5 seconds you would've dealt 82 damage with poison bolts and 650 with your weapon leaving that squishy with 3 HP (the next time poison bolts will trigger is 0.1 seconds away so he'll die without needing to shoot him anymore), so poison bolts on a squishy only reduce your TTK by 0.2 seconds and you're wasting it on them (better used either against a tank or someone with 2450 HP)

Debilitate's math was not calculated due to it being only viable as Anti Raum and you would not pick Skye in to flank alone no matter what, you're a damage dealing off support.

not that I like raum or anything -_- but Skye running Deb is not something I would do for any reason whatsoever, I'm melt Raum with 30% and use him as an ult battery instead.




Sha Lin Sha Lin
Dredge Dredge
Buck Buck
Khan Khan
Ruckus Ruckus
Grover Grover
Io Io
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Furia Furia
Corvus Corvus


Sha: You might want to remove 0.5 seconds here if you consider the fight to have started at the moment Sha unleashes his first arrow from stealth if that is your way of doing it.

Sha Lin Sand trap = 2.5 seconds (draw time is 1 second and there is a 0.5 second post fire animation for the second shot)

Sha Lin 3 arrows non Recurve = 3.6 seconds (3s for 2 fully charged and 0.6 for the post fire and amping the 3rd one to 200)

Sha Lin Recurve = 3.1 seconds (2.5 for the first 2 fully charged and 0.6 for post fire and camping to 200)

Sha Rapid fire 4 hits = 1.44 seconds (animation start unknown to me, this might be lower)



3 LMB hits OR 3 hurl harpoons = 2.1 seconds

Broadside hitting an AFK player = 2.3 seconds

abyss spike harpoon hit + mine explosion + 1 shot = 2.7 seconds (spike needs time before exploding)

Deft hand 3 reload+2 shots = 1.98 seconds starting from the reload animation or 1.2 seconds counting from the reload shot hitting them


Buck Bounce house TTK = 2 seconds (Bounce 600 + net 200 + 2 shots)

Buck no talent all head shots TTK = 2 seconds (net for 200 in between) same if using Ensnare

Ensnare no headshots= 3 seconds


Khan Vortex: 2.34 seconds for 9 bullets and the stun will kill them on hit (3.34 if you start with the stun)

Khan Storm: 12 bullets + grab to kill = 1.872 (if you start with the grab it's 2.872)

Headshots not calculated.


Ruckus: 1.8 seconds if you are diving that squishy, he dies as soon as you use the stack of missile launcher.


Grover: related to distance, at min distance it takes you around 6.3 seconds

without Ferocity at max distance it's 2.5 seconds.

with ferocity at max distance it's 1.8 seconds.


Io: TTK = 3 or 2.4 seconds.

(Luna stun for 300 damage and 1 second stun, then the Luna combo for 150 - 150 - 350 over 2 seconds), you can shoot 3 times for 1200 in 1.8 seconds, you need 2.4 seconds minimum if Luna's stun was available, or 3 if the stun was not.


Maldamba: Your enemy standing in the gourd will only remove 0.55 seconds.

TTK weapon only: 3.3 seconds

Stun spam wekono DH3 = approx 1.98 seconds

If you start counting after a stun hits without wekono's wrath = 2.75 seconds

If you start counting after a stun hits +wekono's wrath = 2.2 seconds

If you start counting after a stun + Gourd + 3 shots = 1.65 seconds



Assuming full wrath = 2.5 seconds

Beam hit removes 0.5 seconds



32 body shots = 2.24 seconds

21 head shots = 1.74 seconds


Maeve Maeve
Zhin Zhin
Evie Evie
Imani Imani
Pip Pip
Willo Willo
Grohk Grohk
Seris Seris
Ying Ying
Jenos Jenos

CB Maeve : 2 seconds ( 4 daggers and waste your pounce to finish them)

No talent Maeve : 3 seconds (2400 damage)

Street justice Maeve : 2 seconds and pounce....


Zhin: 2.5 seconds (2 to land 1500 combo and .5 to insta counter and whirl for 1k).

might be slower than that.


Evie: 3 seconds unless animation cancelling removes a tad bit out of it.



Frost bolt : 3.2 seconds

Pyre ball (no instant shot) : 2.6 seconds

Inferno Cannon : 1.8 seconds

Ult : 1.3 seconds.


Pip without Catalyst : 4 seconds (using the flask or not does not affect this TTK)

Pip Catalylst : TTK 3 seconds (start with the flask).


Willo: regardless of the talent, can be as low as 2.25 seconds, if you're using only the in hand weapon it takes 3.75 seconds, seedlings on a stationary target deals 2k without Scorn or 3750 with scorn.


Soul collector Seris max stacks only : 2.4 seconds (8 orbs and rend)


Ying : a shatter explosion removes 500 damage = 0.7 seconds off the numbers

Ying without FL: 3.5 seconds.

Ying with FL: 2.8 seconds.



non Binary TTK = 2.73 seconds

Binary TTK = 2.8 seconds

(keep in mind that binary adds a bit of range by slightly reducing falloff but the numbers are point blank range)

(Also binary only uses 7 shots while non binary uses 21)



Ash Ash
Raum Raum
Terminus Terminus
Torvald Torvald
Atlas Atlas
Barik Barik
Inara Inara
Fernando Fernando
Makoa Makoa

Ash : 4 seconds + dash hit, 6 without dash hit, Kinetic burst does not affect the numbers.

Barik: 4 seconds (2 hits from 1 turret deal the rest, you deal 2k), or 3 seconds for 3 head shots

Makoa : 4 seconds, using pluck does not change this TTK since the enemy will survive the (100 hook + 962 pluck shot + 550 shot + 550 shot = 2162 in a bit more than 3 seconds), however, if you use the measly 150 from shell spin they die in 3.2 seconds.

Raum: 3.25 seconds (56 bullets) no spin up taken into consideration.

Terminus : 3.7 seconds unless he had 4 charges, if he did, it's 1.5 seconds (1 axe used).

Atlas: 2.8 seconds for 2 perfectly timed fully charged headshots, or 3 seconds if spraying while hitting every shot.

Torvald : 3.25 seconds (13 shots) without nullify, or 4 seconds if you use 8 shots and then nullify.

Inara : 3.76 seconds without Warders Field, 2.5 if the enemy is inside it.

Fernando Scorch : 3.65 seconds.

Unranked Champions
13 Champions
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx