4 years ago
Patch 2.4

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Free Agent - NA

Ranked in order of champions who do not require as many resources to be impactful. Supports will not be included (barring catalyst Pip) because they require space-making teammates.

Resources including: External healing, non-personal shields, etc. DR = Damage Reduction, CD = Cooldown



Maeve Maeve
Pip Pip
Evie Evie
Buck Buck

Maeve: Mobility, DR, built-in healing, and sustain cards? No fall-off damage? Maeve is effective on practically all maps and ranges. Personally, I think Maeve is able to get away too easily.

Pip: Backline damage with insane 1v1 power thanks to potion/moxie and a fast charging ult.

Evie: Unique mobility/escape and high sustain makes Evie last incredibly long without needing healing from a support. She does have to get closer to her targets though than Pip and Maeve.

Bulk Up Buck: Budget Frontline that holds his value early game. Running both heal DR (on a 5 sec CD) and jump DR makes this boy basically unkillable without cauterize 2 or 3.

Bouncehouse Buck: This boy can burst you in under a second or two. He's likely running 30% DR on his jump and when he gets that juicy kill, Buck will bounce... unless he gets memed on by Cassie.


Barik Barik
Raum Raum
Moji Moji
Talus Talus
Koga Koga

Barik: Shielding and Sustain Cards. Still needs resources to contest point effectively but gets a lot of mileage with what he's packing.

Raum: DR and Soul Orbs for days. Still needs resources to push his survivability and potency further though.

Moji: Magic Barrier and Toot Toot Clouds. Moji doesn't quite have the mobility like SS but she still has good escape options.

Talus: Has a free escape tool plus a reset on his punch if you're running Inner Strength. His main issue is that his heal is on a relatively high CD and his DR cards are not as potent as Maeve, Raum, or Buck's.

Koga: CC cleansing dashes plus heals. You can also chain the dashes for extended invulnerability plus healing. His ultimate is a decent escape option. Currently, Koga has a hard time not being noticed due to his ridiculously loud feet. Additionally, he has inconsistent damage which sometimes forces him to have longer 1v1s.


Ash Ash
Khan Khan
Ruckus Ruckus
Vivian Vivian
Fernando Fernando

Ash: Lifesteal Card, Shield Reset Card (that is criminally underrated), invulnerable ult, and 90% DR on dash, Ash can get in (and out if not stopped by CC) for free a lot.

Khan: Truly the definition of minimizing damage taken and maximizing effectiveness, Khan can neutralize a lot with his shout and his personal shield is excellent early-mid game against low wrecker. 'Nuff said.

Ruckus: Life of a Ruckus can be summarized by: Master Riding, Dive, Rocket Barrage, Get a Kill, Shields up, Die or Get Away.

Vivian: Sits in backline, pours out the damage, reveals certain areas, and has a semi-decent shield that is really only good at preventing headshots.

Nando: Formidable. He has other decent sustain cards I guess.


Androxus Androxus
Zhin Zhin

Androxus: Androxus can be that solo carry who kills everyone. He just needs to hit his shots, avoid damage with mobility, hit his reversal to proc dash reset, and occasionally heal out of combat/peek his healer.

Zhin: Smolder isn't meta but Zhin has the potential to snowball with it if he runs the billow CD card and gets the killing blows. Zhin also has three escape abilities. Two of them granting invulnerability and the last one on a low CD.






Unranked Champions
42 Champions
Skye Skye
Cassie Cassie
Grohk Grohk
Kinessa Kinessa
Grover Grover
Ying Ying
Drogoz Drogoz
Bomb King Bomb King
Viktor Viktor
Makoa Makoa
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Tyra Tyra
Torvald Torvald
Inara Inara
Lex Lex
Seris Seris
Willo Willo
Lian Lian
Jenos Jenos
Strix Strix
Terminus Terminus
Furia Furia
Dredge Dredge
Imani Imani
Atlas Atlas
Io Io
Tiberius Tiberius
Corvus Corvus
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx