4 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - EU

Nothing to say, everything is wrote in the champions descriptions


Corvus Corvus
Jenos Jenos

Pockets in this meta are just a MUST have in almost every composition.


Strix Strix
Kinessa Kinessa
Vivian Vivian
Androxus Androxus
Inara Inara

Very Very good picks, 70% of the times banned.
Snipers are just a free win if not countered, strix dps is super high, he doesn't have a real mobility but can become invisible, Kinessa damage is still high, can oneshot <2100 hp champions (with Eagle Eye or Steady Aim) and her teleport is a pretty good escape mobility
Vivian has a lot of resistence and output damage and pretty easy. literally a tank with a machine gun.
Androxus is the best flank at the moment. Nice mobility and High damage (Cursed Revolver talent)
Inara resistence cannot be compared to any other champion, her dps is high compared to the other tanks


Terminus Terminus
Ash Ash
Atlas Atlas
Cassie Cassie
Zhin Zhin
Viktor Viktor
Io Io

Very good picks, often banned. Raccomanded first pick
Terminus after the Khans nerf is a very point tank, viable in a lot of situation
Ash still pretty good, costant damage, dr, a good shield, and an ultimate that an let you win the fight at the first 10 seconds in some maps.
Atlas after the buffs is very stressfull to deal against, a lot of damage, an "unbreakable" shield and FINALLY an ultimate that can be used in the middle of the fights.
Cassie is the most flexible Damage, can be picked in 90% of the situations and her burst is enough to win every 1v1

Zhin is... braindead.. Super easy shoots to hit, a lot of damage, a lot of escapes and if played with Guilliottine he can get a freekill.
Viktor after the nerf is still very good, over 1500 dps (without headshots) + the granade burst

Io get nerfed and now cannot use Luna like a 1v5 tank on the point but her heal with the damage raduction are still "op"


Fernando Fernando
Ruckus Ruckus
Evie Evie
Sha Lin Sha Lin
Buck Buck
Lian Lian
Mal'Damba Mal'Damba
Imani Imani
Talus Talus

Good picks, usually banned. Not raccomanded to first pick.

Nando got pretty good buffs and if played with Aegis can spam a 5500hp shield every 4s.
Ruckus is a very good off tank, can punish every bad positioned enemy
Sha is pretty good, can 1v1 and every enemy flank.
Buck after the nerf is still pretty tanky but not immortal anymore

Mal'Damba has a pretty good Kit, a modest damage, cc, and a lot of heals, probably the best pick if you want to run a double tank with backline composition.
Imani (Fire stand) is a very valid pick, 1k damage + a silent, piercing, long range beam that deal a complessive of 3600 damage.
Talus after the nerf is still a very valid pick, can safely take 1 or 2 kills thanks to his high dps in Overcharge.


Raum Raum
Tiberius Tiberius
Willo Willo
Bomb King Bomb King
Makoa Makoa
Tyra Tyra
Grover Grover
Ying Ying
Furia Furia
Dredge Dredge

Weaker than the S- champs but still good picks. Not to first picks

Raum if not countered if just a free win. However if counterd by some cc champions (like grover) is still a valid pick to confuse the enemies and assault the backline.

Tiberius has a lot of sustain and dps while in stance, his sword (with or without the talent) has a nice burst +50% slow
Willo and Bk are very good blasters damage, usually you play willo in close maps or if the enemy team doens't have strong hitscans. Bk's damage is changed from 900 to 850 but he is still a good pick.

Makoa can make a lot of space with is ultimate and if played with Half Shell, his hook can get a freekill to every bad positioned enemy. The buff on Leviathan is pretty good too.

Tyra is still tanky, the damage with the highest hp + dr, a nice output damage and a 700 burst projectile without fall off damage.

Grover Ying and Furia are good picks, grover can help with is cc/damage, ying has a lot of healing + a very good ultimate and furia helps a lot with her damage and her ultimate can be a win condition during the fights.

Dredge can make a lot of space and istantly burst every enemy in his firing line if not played in close maps (like ice mines) can be a valid pick if played with Hurl thanks to his self healing


Moji Moji
Drogoz Drogoz
Barik Barik
Maeve Maeve

Occasional picks. Never to first pick

Moji after the nerf cannot win a 1v5 alone, she lost her super sustain/self healing but still has a good burst damage

Drogoz is a good pick but too situational because hard countered by almost every hitscan or high mobility champion

Barik is one of the weakest tanks in this patch but in the right matchup he can hold the point pretty well thanks to his sustain and damage.

Maeve is a very high skill/mobility champion, can be easily countered by the S / S- champs but in the right matchup can be a pain to deal against.


Khan Khan
Seris Seris
Lex Lex

Khan after the nerf cannot deal agains the other off-tanks. Still decent if plated with Storm Of Bullets.
Seris is only an Heal Bot and the only way to swith the heal on another "side" is to wait 2s.
Seris is A- if you want to play her with Soul Collector.

Lex doens't have a real mobility, his slide skill can be stopped easily and cannot be activated in midair. However his damage output is pretty good, still has the highest lifesteal/self healing in the game and after his buff Lex can choose easily a better retribution target.


Torvald Torvald
Koga Koga

Usually you don't pick these champions because they are just "weak".

Torvald if decent if he has a very aggressive champion to shield, speed boost and rechange ammo. (Zhin and Andro are probably the best options)

Koga is avarage in everything and his Claws variable is not worth at all.


Grohk Grohk
Pip Pip

Grohk is only a super situational champion, playable only against passive teams with deployables to farm. Still not good at healing.

Pip is not a good pick, nice mobility, nice self sustain but not consistend damage, also headshot this champion is very easy.


Skye Skye

Just... no... Useless in almost every situation or draft. Moderate damage, low mobilitate.
Playable as support flank but good only against tanks if runned with Debilitate talent.

Please... just choose another champion

Unranked Champions
13 Champions
Vora Vora
Yagorath Yagorath
Octavia Octavia
Vatu Vatu
Rei Rei
Saati Saati
Azaan Azaan
Betty la Bomba Betty la Bomba
Lillith Lillith
Caspian Caspian
Kasumi Kasumi
Nyx Nyx