3 years ago
Patch 3.3

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Free Agent - NA

i main maeve but dont play some of these flank but i have played a LOT of paladins so this is my opinion


the best,


Androxus Androxus

great, andro yep not happy about it but yeah.


Evie Evie
Maeve Maeve
Vora Vora

very good, evie she is just good great mobility , maeve also good mobility and very good dps , vora is weak but strong weird.


Zhin Zhin

good,zhin i think is getting nerfed but he is good to great.


Koga Koga

average,koga is kinda a rip off of zhin and maeve but he is ok to average.


Lex Lex
Talus Talus
Buck Buck

ok,lex is just not great, talus cant do a lot of dps, same as talus for buck.


Skye Skye

bad, skye if you can play her she is great but its skye and she is not very good.


very bad,


Moji Moji

almost the worst, moji got nerfed lol.


the worst,

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